In English (interpretation by author): The photon arrived like a comet on site. How fast it is flying! At the speed of bright light! All photons at resting like zeros are round, Your wonderful light in this motion was found. "As is" I have tried to reflect you by pencil. I hope and believe that my trick was successful…
In Russian alphabetical order: Васильева Елена Александровна / Elena A. Vasilyeva Васильева Любовь Ивановна / Lyubov I. Vasilyeva Воскресенская Анфиса Константиновна / Anfisa K. Voskresenskaya Воскресенская Мария Анатольевна / Maria A. Voskresenskaya Жванецкий Михаил Михайлович (1934-2020) / Mikhail M. Zhvanetsky Казанская Наталия Юрьевна; Бакулин Вадим Валерьевич / Natalia Y. Kazanskaya; Vadim V. Bakulin Преженников Михаил и Мишина Елена / Mikhail Prezhennikov and Elena Mishina Сидоркин Сергей Николаевич / Sergey N. Sidorkin Сметанин Сергей Егорович / Sergey Y. Smetanin Chani Gorkin (USA) Кошка "Шпонка” (2004-2018) / Cat "Shponka" In English (interpretation by Author): The Photon Arrived Like a Comet on Site. How Fast It is Flying! At the Speed of Bright Light! All Photons At Resting Like Zeros Are Round, Your Wonderful Light in this Motion Was Found. "As" I have tried to reflect you by Pencil. I Hope and Believe that My Trick Was Successful ...
In Russian alphabetical Order: Vasilieva Elena Alexandrovna A. Vasilyeva Vasilyeva Lyubov Ivanovna / Lyubov I. Vasilyeva Voskresenskaya Anfisa Konstantinovna / Anfisa K. Voskressenskaya Voskresenskaya Maria Anatolyevna / Maria A. Voskressenskaya Zhvanetsky Mikhail Mikhailovich (1934-2020) / Mikhail M. Zhwanetsky Kazan Natalia Yuryevna; Bakulin Vadim Valerievich / Natalia Y. Kazanskaya; Vadim V. Bakulin Prezhennikov Mikhail and Mishina Elena / Mikhail Prezhennikov and Elena Mishina Sidorkin Sergey Nikolaevich / Sergey N. Sidorkin Smetanin Sergey Egorovich / Sergey Y. Smetanin Chani Gorkin (USA) Cat "Open" (2004-2018) / Cat "Shponka"