блу джинсBlue jeans, white shirt,
Walked into the room, you know you made my eyes burn.
It was like, James Dean, for sure,
You're so fresh to death and sick as ca-cancer.
You were sorta punk rock,
I grew up on hip hop,
But you fit me better
Than my favourite sweater.
квин оф дизастерWhat you do to me is indescribable,
Got me sparkling just like an emerald.
Set my soul on fire, make me wild
Like the deep blue sea.
No other boy ever made me feel beautiful,
When I'm in your arms, feels like I have it all.
Is it your tattoos or golden grill
Найди меня в бледном сияньи луныLANA DEL REY
Understand this
I'm not looking for true love tonight
If you wanna be my little baby you can
Meet me in the pale moonlight
I've been workin' everyday 8 to 9 and
Счет На Сотню ДолларовLANA DEL REY
(Twenty of 'em wrapped up tight in silk)
Hundred dollar bill, hundred dollar bill,
Nothing more gorgeous than a hundred dollar bill.
янг энд бьютифулI've seen the world, done it all,
Had my cake now,
Diamonds, brilliant
And Bel Air now.
Hot summer nights, mid July,
When you and I were forever wild,
The crazy days, the city lights,
The way you'd play with me like a child.