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  • Текст песни Лёша Джей - Ride To The Right

    Исполнитель: Лёша Джей
    Название песни: Ride To The Right
    Дата добавления: 16.06.2024 | 19:18:03
    Просмотров: 7
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Лёша Джей - Ride To The Right, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.

    Левое плечо вперед, полный ход.
    Нам направо, пусть даже это в обход. Хэ
    Круглый год - суета ворот,
    А дел не становится меньше, их не впроворот.

    Под жопой старый-добрый конь.
    Если затеял делюгу, то не проворонь.
    Чую вонь - меня обсуждают за спиной,
    Базарь че хочешь, пиздабол, но близких не тронь.

    Не знаю каков там порядок твой,
    Но те кто вырос в Адыгеи за своих горой.
    Со мной две девочки, они огонь,
    Я их бронь.

    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.

    Во избежание проблем
    Я не сторонник мутных сделок и левых схем,
    В моей голове достаточно правильных тем
    Варит 247

    Пока Гузман пачкает свои холсты, я,
    Пока Роналду в ящике крутит финты, я,
    Пока когда-то берут за жопу менты,
    Я готовлю на районе хит, батя у плиты.

    Отлежусь в горячей ванне,
    Ведь не всегда все по плану, посмотрим что будет завтра,
    На какую суматоху повезут меня сани.
    I'm need your money, I'll take your money, bitch.

    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    Im gonna ride to the right deal.
    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We're gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.

    Left shoulder forward, full stroke.
    We should turn right, even if it’s a detour. He
    All year round - the bustle of the gates,
    But things don’t get smaller, they don’t turn around.

    Under the ass is a good old horse.
    If you're in trouble, don't be late.
    I smell the stench - they're talking about me behind my back,
    Bazaar whatever you want, you're a pussy, but don't touch your loved ones.

    I don’t know what your order is there,
    But those who grew up in Adygea are behind their mountains.
    There are two girls with me, they are fire,
    I made their reservation.

    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We're gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.

    To avoid problems
    I am not a supporter of shady deals and left-wing schemes,
    There are enough right topics in my head
    Brews 247

    While Guzman stains his canvases, I,
    While Ronaldo is playing tricks in the box, I,
    While once upon a time the cops take you by the ass,
    I'm cooking a hit in the area, my dad is at the stove.

    I'll take a soak in the hot bath,
    After all, not everything always goes according to plan, we'll see what happens tomorrow,
    What a turmoil the sleigh will take me to.
    I'm need your money, I'll take your money, bitch.

    My south side crew never rides to the left,
    We're gonna ride to the right.
    My point of view - in life you need to be deft.
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.

    ride to the right,
    ride to the right deal.
    ride to the right,
    I'm gonna ride to the right deal.


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