Я заплакал как рябёнок Ровно вынут из пялёнок Помогитя...ой Помогитя...
Басата не торопися Как попало не женися Пропадётя...ой Пропадётя...
Если нету капиталу То пошупайте сначалу Что берётя ...ой Что берётя... Lucci knew I would have drowned What is so sore I married Boy ... oh bednay boy bednay
Before marriage, I was a healthy Complexion had scarlet How agurchik ... eh How agurchik
I was surrounded by yes matchmaker Three rubles offered Yaprodalsi..eh Yong prodalsi
Chёy something so I was surprised What's in the front room so he found himself So scared ... oh was scared
There bride sits Lysa Like a scalded rat All syadaya ... eh All syadaya ...
Yes no teeth lybka acidic Chtoyto circle ponavislo Like rags ... oh Like a rag ...
I cried like a ryabёnok Exactly removed from pyalёnok Pomogitya ... oh Pomogitya ...
Basati not in a hurry How horrible is not zhenisya Disappears ... oh Disappear ...
If there is no capital That poshupayte snachalu That takes ... oh That takes ...