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  • Текст песни Мария Любезнова - Once in a while

    Исполнитель: Мария Любезнова
    Название песни: Once in a while
    Дата добавления: 07.12.2017 | 21:19:10
    Просмотров: 5
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Мария Любезнова - Once in a while, перевод и видео.
    Бывают такие утра, когда тебя словно душит что-то
    и такие дни, когда мечты рассыпаются на части
    бывают такие вечера, в которых дождь словно бы никогда не закончится
    и даже потом твоя жизнь не то, чем кажется на первый взгляд.

    Но время от времени,
    надо замедлить темп,
    даже если тебе хочется бежать пока не подкосяться ноги.
    Время от времени,
    Нужно просто выплакаться,
    и только потом попробовать еще раз.

    Может быть, случилось что-то не-то,
    или ушел тот, кого ты любишь,
    и ты опять поддалась слабости, с которой борешься так давно...
    может, ты здесь словно чужая.
    может ты просто одинока,
    или ничего хорошее в жизни не остается с тобой надолго...


    Жизнь меняется так быстро,
    и ты проклинаешь ее вслух,
    но когда слова важнее всего - просто молчишь.
    ты скована и связана,
    и хочешь освободиться,
    но сомнения только тянут тебя к земле.


    но время от времени,
    стоит выплакаться, чтобы потом снова улыбнуться
    со временем твои слезы выхохнут
    и все будет хорошо

    There are mornings like this,
    When you feel like you can’t breath,
    And the afternoons that somehow kill your dreams…
    There are evenings like this,
    Like the rain will never cease.
    And then your life is nothing like it seems…

    Every once in a while,
    You should let yourself slow down,
    Even if you want to run ‘till you no longer can…
    Every once in a while,
    You should let yourself to cry
    End only after should you try again…

    Maybe, something is wrong,
    Or the one you love is gone,
    Or the weakness that you fought once more had won…
    Maybe you don’t belong,
    Maybe you’re just so alone!
    Or nothing truly seems to stay for long…


    Life keeps turning around
    And you curse it out loud,
    But when it matters most you make no sound...
    You are chained and bound,
    And you want to make it out,
    But the heavy doubt just drags you to the ground...


    Every once in a while…
    You should cry so you can smile…
    Then, over time, all your tears will dry and you will be fine.
    There are such mornings when you seem to be strangled by something
    and such days when dreams fall apart
    there are such evenings in which the rain seems to never end
    and even then your life is not what it seems at first sight.

    But from time to time,
    you need to slow down the pace,
    even if you want to run until your legs get pinched.
    You just need to cry,
    and only then try again.

    Maybe something happened that somehow,
    or the one you love is gone,
    and you again succumbed to the weakness with which you have been fighting so long ago ...
    maybe you're like a stranger here.
    maybe you're just lonely,
    or anything good in life does not remain with you for a long time ...


    Life is changing so fast,
    and you curse her out loud,
    but when the words are most important - just keep quiet.
    you are constrained and bound,
    and want to be free,
    but doubts only pull you to the ground.


    but from time to time,
    it is worth crying, then to smile again
    Over time, your tears will vyohnut
    and all will be well

    There are mornings like this,
    When you feel like you can not breath,
    And the afternoons that somehow kill your dreams ...
    There are evenings like this,
    Like the rain will never cease.
    And then your life is nothing like it seems ...

    Every once in a while,
    You should let yourself slow down,
    Even if you want to run 'to you no longer can ...
    Every once in a while,
    You should let yourself to cry
    End only after should you try again ...

    Maybe, something is wrong,
    Or the one you love is gone,
    Or the weakness that you fought once more had won ...
    Maybe you do not belong,
    Maybe you're just so alone!
    Or nothing looks like a stay for long ...


    Life keeps turning around
    And you curse it out loud,
    But when it matters most you make no sound ...
    You are chained and bound,
    And you want to make it out,
    But the heavy doubt just drags you to the ground ...


    Every once in a while ...
    You should cry so you can smile ...
    Then, over time, all your tears will be dry and you will be fine.


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