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  • Текст песни Мэрилин Монро - Бриллианты - лучшие друзья девушек

    Исполнитель: Мэрилин Монро
    Название песни: Бриллианты - лучшие друзья девушек
    Дата добавления: 23.04.2015 | 05:32:31
    Просмотров: 106
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Мэрилин Монро - Бриллианты - лучшие друзья девушек, перевод и видео.
    Песня: Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

    The French are glad to die for love
    They delight in fighting duels
    But I prefer a man who lives
    And gives
    Expensive jewels

    A kiss on the hand may be quite Continental
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    A kiss may be grand
    But it won't pay the rental
    On your humble flat
    Or help you at the automat

    Men grow cold
    As girls grow old
    And we all lose our charms in the end
    But square-cut or pear-shaped
    These rocks don't lose their shape
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    Tiffany's. . . Cartier. . .
    Black frost. . .
    Pearl 'bossed. . .
    Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it!

    There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer
    Thinks you're awful nice
    But get that ice
    Or else no dice

    He's your guy when stocks are high
    But beware when they start to descend
    Cos that's when those louses
    Go back to their spouses
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    I've heard of affairs which are strictly Platonic
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    And I think affairs that you
    Must keep Masonic
    Are better bets
    If little pets get big baguettes

    Time rolls on, and youth is gone
    And you can't straighten up when you bend
    But stiff back, or stiff knees
    You stand straight at Tiffany's

    Diamonds, diamonds. . .
    I don't mean rhinestones
    Diamonds. . .
    Are a girl's best. . . best friend

    Французы рождены, чтоб умереть за любовь,
    Они получают удовольствие от дуэлей.
    Но я предпочитаю мужчину, который
    Дарит дорогие драгоценности.

    Поцеуй руки — это очень по-европейски,
    Но бриллианты — лучшие друзья девушки.
    Поцелуй — это круто, но им не расплатишься за
    Маленькую квартиру или у автомата.
    Мужчины охладевают, когда девушки стареют
    И теряют все свое обаяние,
    Но прямоугольные или грушевидные
    Бриллианты не теряют свою форму,
    Бриллианты — лучшие друзья девушки.

    Тиффани! Картье! Блэк Стар, Фрост, Горам,
    Говори со мной, Гарри Уинстон, расскажи мне все о них

    Случись так, что девушке нужен адвокат -
    Бриллианты — лучшие друзья девушки.
    Случись так, что неуступчивый начальник
    Думает, что ты чертовски хороша,
    То возьми его алмазы, иначе будешь неудачницей.
    Он твой парень, пока цены акций высоки,
    Но берегись, когда они упадут,
    Ведь тогды эти гады убегут к своим женам,
    Бриллианты — лучшие друзья девушки.

    Я слышала о чисто платонических отношениях,
    Но бриллианты — лучшие друзья девушки.
    Но думаю, что недолговременные отношения -
    Лучший выбор, если у покровителя появляются проблемы.
    Время уходит, и молодость прошла,
    И сложно выпрямиться, если наклонишься.
    Но расправь спину и разогни колени -
    Ты стоишь прямо перед Тиффани.

    Бриллианты! Бриллианты!
    Я не имею в виду подделки,
    Но бриллианты — самые лучшие друзья девушки.
    Song: Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

    The French are glad to die for love
    They delight in fighting duels
    But I prefer a man who lives
    And gives
    Expensive jewels

    A kiss on the hand may be quite Continental
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    A kiss may be grand
    But it will not pay the rental
    On your humble flat
    Or help you at the automat

    Men grow cold
    As girls grow old
    And we all lose our charms in the end
    But square-cut or pear-shaped
    These rocks do not lose their shape
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    Tiffany's. . . Cartier. . .
    Black frost. . .
    Pearl 'bossed. . .
    Talk to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about it!

    There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer
    Thinks you're awful nice
    But get that ice
    Or else no dice

    He's your guy when stocks are high
    But beware when they start to descend
    Cos that's when those louses
    Go back to their spouses
    Diamonds are a girl's best friend

    I've heard of affairs which are strictly Platonic
    But diamonds are a girl's best friend
    And I think affairs that you
    Must keep Masonic
    Are better bets
    If little pets get big baguettes

    Time rolls on, and youth is gone
    And you can not straighten up when you bend
    But stiff back, or stiff knees
    You stand straight at Tiffany's

    Diamonds, diamonds. . .
    I do not mean rhinestones
    Diamonds. . .
    Are a girl's best. . . best friend

    French born to die for love,
    They enjoy duels.
    But I prefer a man who
    Gives expensive jewels.

    Potseuy hands - a very European,
    But diamonds - a girl's best friend.
    Kiss - it's cool, but they do not pay off for
    Small apartment or in the machine.
    Men grow cold as girls grow old
    And lose all its charm,
    But rectangular or pear-shaped
    Diamonds do not lose their shape,
    Diamonds - girl's best friend.

    Tiffany! Cartier! Black Star, Frost, Gorham,
    Speak to me, Harry Winston, tell me all about them

    It so happened that the girl needs a lawyer -
    Diamonds - girl's best friend.
    It so happened that unyielding Head
    Thinks you're pretty darn good,
    Then take his diamonds, otherwise you'll failure.
    He's your guy while stock prices are high,
    But beware when they fall,
    After all, if these bastards will flee to their wives,
    Diamonds - girl's best friend.

    I've heard of a purely platonic relationship,
    But diamonds - a girl's best friend.
    But I think that the short-lived relationship -
    Best choice if the patron has problems.
    Time is running out, and youth is gone,
    It is difficult to stand up straight, if the slope.
    But Spread your back and bend the knees -
    You're standing right in front of Tiffany.

    Diamonds! Diamonds!
    I do not mean the fake,
    But diamonds - Best girl friends.


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