I refuse to remain in regret Я отказываюсь продолжать раскаиваться, To pander like a slave to your wants Чтобы угождать, словно раб, вашим желаниям. No contrition from me will you get Никакого раскаяния от меня вы больше не получите. No submission to dilettantes Больше никакого подчинения дилетантам.
I've existed too long in secret Слишком долго моё существование было тайной. I have lived like a man confined Я жил, как затворник, Epicene and elaborate Женоподобное существо с тонкой душевной организацией, Fatalistic and resigned Фаталистичное и безропотное.
Passionflower! Пассифлора! (1) Catherine wheel! "Колесо Катерины"! (2) Higher power! Высшие силы! Help me start to heal! Помогите мне начать моё исцеление!
Now I bathe in the sea at sunset Сейчас на закате я купаюсь в море, And the rain washes clean my mind А струи дождя очищают мой разум. Every one of my needs will be met Каждая из моих потребностей будет удовлетворена. Every planet will be aligned Все планеты встанут в ряд. (3)
Passionflower! Пассифлора! Catherine wheel! "Колесо Катерины"! Higher power! Высшие силы! Help me start to heal! Помогите мне начать моё исцеление!
Overpower Победите All my fear! Все мои страхи! From hour to hour Час за часом Guide me through the real Ведите меня сквозь действительность.
I refuse to remain in regret Я отказываюсь продолжать раскаиваться. I refuse to be left behind Я отказываюсь быть оставленным позади.
Passionflower! Пассифлора! Catherine wheel! "Колесо Катерины"! Higher power! Высшие силы! Help me start to heal! Помогите мне начать моё исцеление! I refuse to remain in regret I refuse to keep on repenting To pander like a slave to your wants To please, like a slave, your desires. No contrition from me will you get You won't get any more remorse from me. No submission to dilettantes No more submission to amateurs.
I've existed too long in secret For too long my existence has been a mystery. I have lived like a man confined I lived like a recluse Epicene and elaborate A effeminate creature with a fine mental organization, Fatalistic and resigned Fatalistic and uncomplaining.
Passionflower! Passionflower! (1) Catherine wheel! Katherine's Wheel! (2) Higher power! Higher power! Help me start to heal! Help me start my healing!
Now I bathe in the sea at sunset Now at sunset I'm swimming in the sea And the rain washes clean my mind And the streams of rain clear my mind. Every one of my needs will be met Each of my needs will be met. Every planet will be aligned All planets will line up. (3)
Passionflower! Passionflower! Catherine wheel! Katherine's Wheel! Higher power! Higher power! Help me start to heal! Help me start my healing!
Overpower Win All my fear! All my fears! From hour to hour Hour by hour Guide me through the real Lead me through reality.
I refuse to remain in regret I refuse to continue to repent. I refuse to be left behind I refuse to be left behind.
Passionflower! Passionflower! Catherine wheel! Katherine's Wheel! Higher power! Higher power! Help me start to heal! Help me start my healing!