A thousand yearsA thousand years
A thousand years, a thousand more,
A thousand times a million doors to eternity
I may have lived a thousand lives, a
thousand times
Desert rose ром.I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in pain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of fire
These dreams are tied to a horse that will
never tire
Englishman in New YorkI don't drink coffee I take tea my dear
I like my toast done on the side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I'm an Englishman in New York
See me walking down Fifth Avenue
A walking cane here at my side
I take it everywhere I walk
FragileIf blood will flow when flesh and steel are one,
Drying in the colour of the evening sun.
Tomorrowґs rain will wash the stains away,
But something in our minds will always stay.
Perhaps this final act was meant to clinch a lifetimeґs argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could.
For all those born beneath an angry star,
Lest we forget how fragile we are.
InsideВнутри двери запечатаны от любви,
Внутри мое сердце спит.
Внутри пальцы моей перчатки,
Внутри кости моей правой руки.
Внутри холоднее, чем звезды,
Внутри плачут собаки.
Внутри цирк ветра,
Внутри часы наполнены песком.
It's Probably MeЕсли ночь обернется холодом и звезды посмотрят вниз
И ты обнимешь себя на холодной, холодной земле
Ты проснешься утром в чужой куртке
И никого рядом не увидешь
Ты спросишь себя кто присматривает за мной
Мой единственный друг, кто это может быть
Это сложно сказать
Мне это неудобно сказать, но возможно это я
Lullaby For An Anxious ChildHush child,
Let your mommy sleep into the night until we rise
Hush child,
Let me soothe the shining tears that gather in your eyes
Hush child,
I won't leave I'll stay with you to cross this Bridge of Sighs
Hush child,
Mad About YouA stone's throw from Jerusalem
I walked a lonely mile in the moonlight
And though a million stars were shining
My heart was lost on a distant planet
That whirls around the April moon
Whirling in an arc of sadness
I'm lost without you, I'm lost without you
Though all my kingdoms turn to sand
Shape of my heartHe dealt the cards, as in meditation.
And those with whom he plays, and did not suspect
What he does not play to win
And not because of vanity.
He plays to unravel
The sacred geometry of chance
Hidden law likely outcome,
But this is - not an easy task.
SorryWhat have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there
What have I do to make you want me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it's all over
Stolen CarLate at night in summer heat. Expensive car, empty street
There's a wire in my jacket. This is my trade
It only takes a moment, don't be afraid
I can hotwire an ignition like some kind of star
I'm just a poor boy in a rich man's car
So I whisper to the engine, flick on the lights
And we drive into the night
The Windmills of your mindОборот,
Еще один виток спирали,
Еще один поворот колеса,
Бесконечно, непрестанно
Раскручивающаяся катушка,
Снежный ком, несущийся с горы
Или воздушный шар на празднике,
Карусель, которая кружится
Until OST Кейт и ЛеоIf I caught the world in a bottle
And everything was still beneath the moon
Without your love would it shine for me?
If I was smart as Aristotle
And understood the rings around the moon
What would it all matter if you loved me?
Here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
хохол среди москалейПроснувся з ранку та й вареник з'їв
на хлiб шмат сала положив....
у снi я бачив шир українських полiв..
я хохол мiж клятих москалiв
ооо... iноземець я, бєдний iноземець я,
хохол, мiж клятих москалiв...