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  • Текст песни Сьюзан Бойл - I Dreamed a Dream

    Исполнитель: Сьюзан Бойл
    Название песни: I Dreamed a Dream
    Дата добавления: 04.06.2014 | 04:07:13
    Просмотров: 16
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Сьюзан Бойл - I Dreamed a Dream, перевод и видео.
    There was a time when men were kind
    When their voices were soft
    And their words inviting
    There was a time when love was blind
    And the world was a song
    And the song was exciting
    There was a time
    Then it all went wrong

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by
    When hope was high
    And life worth living
    I dreamed that love would never die
    I dreamed that God would be forgiving
    Then I was young and unafraid
    And dreams were made and used and wasted
    There was no ransom to be paid
    No song unsung, no wine untasted

    But the tigers come at night
    With their voices soft as thunder
    As they tear your hope apart
    And they turn your dream to shame

    He slept a summer by my side
    He filled my days with endless wonder
    He took my childhood in his stride
    But he was gone when autumn came

    And still I dream he'll come to me
    That we will live the years together
    But there are dreams that cannot be
    And there are storms we cannot weather

    I had a dream my life would be
    So different from this hell I'm living
    So different now from what it seemed
    Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

    А вот и перевод песни, которую пела Сюзан Бойл:

    Да, были времена, когда добры мужчины были,
    Их голоса были мягки, и их слова как приглашения звучали.
    Тогда любовь была слепа и мир был песней,
    А песня та была столь увлекательна...
    Да, были времена, лишь после всё пошло не так.

    Мне снился сон о времени прошедшем,
    Когда надежда так была сильна, а жизнь - ценна.
    Любовь мне снилась, что вовек не умирает,
    И Бог мне снился, Бог что всех прощает.
    И я была так молода тогда и не боялась.
    А сны что были, - те ушли напрасно.
    Но не осталось неоплаченного долга,
    Неспетой песни и незаглаженной вины.

    И тигры ночью той в мой славный дом пришли
    Я помню голоса их - бархатный тот гром.
    И выкрали они твою надежду
    И превратили в стыд твой сон.

    Он летом спал на стороне моей,
    И дни заполнил бесконечным чудом.
    Но детство он унес души твоей
    И растворился он с осенним смогом.

    Пока я сплю, приходит он ко мне
    И снится: вместе мы живем годами,
    Но те мечты - остались лишь во сне,
    Как штормы те, что не унять нам с вами.

    И снилось мне, что жизнь моя,
    Похожая на ад, где я живу,
    Вдруг резко поменяется... увы...
    Но жизнь убила сон мой наяву.
    There was a time when men were kind
    When their voices were soft
    And their words inviting
    There was a time when love was blind
    And the world was a song
    And the song was exciting
    There was a time
    Then it all went wrong

    I dreamed a dream in time gone by
    When hope was high
    And life worth living
    I dreamed that love would never die
    I dreamed that God would be forgiving
    Then I was young and unafraid
    And dreams were made and used and wasted
    There was no ransom to be paid
    No song unsung, no wine untasted

    But the tigers come at night
    With their voices soft as thunder
    As they tear your hope apart
    And they turn your dream to shame

    He slept a summer by my side
    He filled my days with endless wonder
    He took my childhood in his stride
    But he was gone when autumn came

    And still I dream he'll come to me
    That we will live the years together
    But there are dreams that cannot be
    And there are storms we cannot weather

    I had a dream my life would be
    So different from this hell I'm living
    So different now from what it seemed
    Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.

    And here is the translation of the song , sung by Susan Boyle :

    Yes, there were times when men were kind ,
    Their voices were soft and their words sounded like an invitation .
    Then love was blind and the world was a song
    And that song was so exciting ...
    Yes , there were times , only after it all went wrong .

    I had a dream about last time ,
    When hope was so strong , and life - is valuable .
    I dreamed of love that shall never die ,
    And I dreamed of God , that God forgives all .
    And I was so young then and was not afraid .
    And the dreams that were - those were gone in vain.
    But remained unpaid debt
    Unsung songs and nezaglazhennoy guilt.

    And the Tigers that night in my nice home came
    I remember their voices - that velvet thunder .
    And they stole your hope
    And shame turned into your dream .

    He slept on the summer side of my ,
    And days filled with endless wonder.
    But childhood he took your soul
    And he disappeared with the fall of smog .

    While I sleep, he comes to me
    And the dream : we live together for years,
    But those dreams - there were only a dream ,
    Storms as those that do not appease us with you.

    And I dreamed that my life ,
    Similar to hell, where I live ,
    Suddenly will change ... alas ...
    But life has killed the dream my reality.


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