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  • Текст песни трек - бомба

    Исполнитель: трек
    Название песни: бомба
    Дата добавления: 31.08.2018 | 09:15:07
    Просмотров: 31
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    Здесь расположен текст песни трек - бомба, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Not to touch the earth
    Not to see the sun
    Nothing left to do, but
    Run, run, run
    Let's run
    Let's run

    House upon the hill
    Moon is lying still
    Shadows of the trees
    Witnessing the wild breeze
    C'mon baby run with me
    Let's run

    Run with me
    Run with me
    Run with me
    Let's run

    The mansion is warm, at the top of the hill
    Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
    Red are the arms of luxuriant chairs
    And you won't know a thing till you get inside

    Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
    The engine runs on glue and tar
    Come on along, not goin' very far
    To the East to meet the Czar

    Run with me
    Run with me
    Run with me
    Let's run


    Some outlaws lived by the side of a lake
    The minister's daughter's in love with the snake
    Who lives in a well by the side of the road
    Wake up, girl, we're almost home

    Ya, c'mon!

    We should see the gates by mornin'
    We should be inside the evenin'

    Sun, sun, sun
    Burn, burn, burn
    Soon, soon, soon
    Moon, moon, moon
    I will get you

    I am the Lizard King
    I can do anything

    Не прикасайся к земле*

    Не прикасаться к земле,
    Не видеть Солнца...
    Что же нам ещё остаётся? -
    Бежать! Беги, беги,

    Дом на вершине холма...
    Луна неподвижна.
    Ветер шумит в ветвях деревьев,
    Шевелятся тени.
    Ну же, крошка - убежим отсюда!

    Беги за мной...
    Беги за мной...
    Беги за мной!

    А на вершине холма - особняк...
    В богато убранных комнатах - уютно и тепло,
    Кресла обиты красным бархатом -
    Такого нигде больше не увидишь...

    А в автомобиле - тело убитого президента,
    Шумит мотор - он работает на клее и смоле.
    За мной! - Не задерживайся! -
    Вперед, на восток, встретить Царя**.

    Беги за мной...
    Беги за мной...
    Беги за мной!


    У озера скрываются преступники...
    Министрова дочь полюбила змею,
    Что обитала возле родника у дороги.
    ...Очнись, девочка - мы почти дома.

    О да!

    К рассвету мы будем уже у ворот...
    Вечером мы уже окажемся внутри.

    Солнце, солнце, солнце...
    Горит, горит, горит...
    Быстрей, быстрей, быстрей...
    Луна, луна, луна...
    Ты станешь моей

    ...Я - Король Ящериц.
    Я способен на всё.

    * Название песни позаимствовано из книги Дж. Фрэзера "Aftermath: A Supplement To the Golden Bough" (приложение к знаменитой "Золотой ветви", исследовавшей обряды и традиции разных народов): так называлась одна из её глав, посвящённая всевозможным ритуальным запретам. "Прикасаться к земле" и "смотреть на Солнце" запрещалось женщинам из некоторых племён во время менструаций.

    ** Вероятно, библейская аллюзия: евангельские волхвы шли на восток поклониться новорождённому Христу. Интересно, что Моррисон использует здесь русское слово "царь" (Czar).
    Not to touch the earth
    Not to see the sun
    Nothing left to do but
    Run, run, run
    Let's run
    Let's run

    House upon the hill
    Moon is lying still
    Shadows of the trees
    Witnessing the wild breeze
    C'mon baby run with me
    Let's run

    Run with me
    Run with me
    Run with me
    Let's run

    The mansion is warm
    Rich are the rooms and the comforts there
    Red arms of luxuriant chairs
    You get inside

    Dead president's corpse in the driver's car
    The engine runs on glue and tar
    Come on along, not goin 'very far
    To the East to meet the Czar

    Run with me
    Run with me
    Run with me
    Let's run


    Some outlaws lived by the lake
    Who lives in a road
    Wake up, girl, we're almost home

    Ya, c'mon!

    We should see the gates by mornin '
    We should be inside the evenin '

    Sun, sun, sun
    Burn burn burn
    Soon soon
    Moon, moon, moon
    I will get you

    I am the lizard king
    I can do anything

    Do not touch the ground *

    Do not touch the ground
    Do not see the sun ...
    What do we still have? -
    Run! Run Run,
    Ran ...

    House on top of a hill ...
    The moon is motionless.
    The wind rustles in the branches of trees,
    Shadows move.
    Come on, baby - let's get out of here!
    Ran ...

    Run after me...
    Run after me...
    Run after me!

    And on the top of the hill is a mansion ...
    In the richly decorated rooms - cozy and warm,
    Armchairs upholstered in red velvet -
    This will not see anywhere else ...

    And in the car - the body of the murdered president,
    The engine is noisy - it works on glue and resin.
    Follow me! - Do not be late! -
    Go east to meet the King **.

    Run after me...
    Run after me...
    Run after me!


    Criminals are hiding by the lake ...
    The ministers' daughter loved the snake,
    What dwelled near the spring by the road.
    ... Wake up, girl - we are almost at home.

    Oh yeah!

    By dawn we will be at the gate ...
    In the evening we will be inside.

    The sun, the sun, the sun ...
    Burning, burning, burning ...
    Faster, faster, faster ...
    Moon, moon, moon ...
    You will be mine

    ... I am the King of Lizards.
    I am capable of anything.

    * The title of the song is borrowed from the book by J. Frazer "Aftermath: A Supplement To the Golden Bough" (Supplement to the famous & quot; Golden Branch & quot; that investigated the rites and traditions of different nations): this was the name of one of its chapters, dedicated to all sorts of ritual bans. & quot; Touch Earth & quot; and & quot; look at the Sun & quot; It was forbidden to women from certain tribes during menstruation.

    ** Probably a biblical allusion: the Gospel Magi went east to worship the newborn Christ. It is interesting that Morrison uses the Russian word here & quot; king & quot; (Czar).


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