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66 раз бредVisions sweep away the tears and knots,
That bound our paper souls,
Beyond strange love we shall go,
Where silly midnight flowers bloom
In her kaliedescopik eyes,
wild as lilacs dripping in wine,
Bathe in the silence of her tomb,
In her hand a silver spoon,
Круче чем ИзяI am the electric Messiah, the AC DC God
I am the electric Messiah, the AC DC God
I am the electric Messiah, the AC DC God
I am the electric Messiah, the AC DC God
Шмекс на колесикахOoo b-baby,
Sex On Wheelz.
Ooo b-baby,
Sex On Wheelz!
I'll turn you on like a tiger baby.
Hard body, Motor City.
Love life!