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  • Текст песни Элвин и Бурундуки - Реп для танца на минуте Славы

    Исполнитель: Элвин и Бурундуки
    Название песни: Реп для танца на минуте Славы
    Дата добавления: 16.08.2014 | 17:34:49
    Просмотров: 43
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Элвин и Бурундуки - Реп для танца на минуте Славы, перевод и видео.
    Where is the moment we need it the most
    You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
    They tell me your blue sky's fade to grey
    They tell me your passion's gone away
    And I don't need no carryin' on

    You stand in the line just ahead of the law
    You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
    You tell me your life's been way off line
    You're falling to pieces everytime
    And I don't need no carryin' on

    Cause you had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you don't know
    You tell me don't lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    The camera don't lie
    You're coming back down and you really don't mind
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day

    Well you need a blue sky holiday
    The point is they laugh at what you say
    And I don't need no carryin' on

    You had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you don't know
    You tell me don't lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    The camera don't lie
    You're coming back down and you really don't mind
    You had a bad day

    (Oh.. Holiday..)

    Sometimes the system goes on the blink
    And the whole thing it turns out wrong
    You might not make it back and you know
    That you could be well oh that strong
    And I'm not wrong

    So where is the passion when you need it the most
    Oh you and I
    You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

    Cause you had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you don't know
    You tell me don't lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    You've seen what you like
    And how does it feel for one more time
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day


    Где этот момент, который сейчас нам так нужен?
    Ты разбрасываешь ногами листья, и магия исчезает.
    Голубое небо над тобой затянуло тучами,
    Твоя страсть прошла,
    А мне и не нужно продолжения.

    Протиснувшись в начало очереди, ты немного погодя
    Проходишь мимо с деланной улыбкой и чашкой кофе.
    Ты говоришь, что жизнь не удалась.
    Ты каждый раз распадаешься на части,
    А мне и не нужно продолжения.

    У тебя был трудный день.
    Ты разбираешь его на части.
    Ты поёшь грустную песню, чтобы хоть что-то поправить.
    Ты говоришь, что не знаешь,
    Ты говоришь мне: «Не лги».
    Ты надеваешь улыбку и идёшь прогуляться.
    У тебя был трудный день –
    Камера не врёт.
    Ты приходишь в себя и уже не отрицаешь,
    Что у тебя был трудный день,
    У тебя был трудный день.

    Тебе нужен отдых под синим небом.
    Дело в том, что другие смеются над тем, что ты говоришь,
    И мне не нужно продолжения.

    У тебя был трудный день.
    Ты разбираешь его на части.
    Ты поёшь грустную песню, чтобы хоть что-то поправить.
    Ты говоришь, что не знаешь,
    Ты говоришь мне: «Не лги».
    Ты надеваешь улыбку и идёшь прогуляться.
    У тебя был трудный день –
    Камера не врёт.
    Ты приходишь в себя и уже не отрицаешь,
    Что у тебя был трудный день.

    Иногда система начинает давать сбой,
    И тогда оказывается, что всё неправильно.
    Возможно, ты не вернёшь всё обратно, но ты знаешь,
    Что ты могла бы быть такой сильной!
    Думаю, я прав.

    Так, где же эта страсть, когда она нужна тебе больше всего?
    О, ты и я.
    Ты разбрасываешь ногами листья, и магия исчезает.

    У тебя был трудный день.
    Ты разбираешь его на части.
    Ты поёшь грустную песню, чтобы хоть что-то поправить.
    Ты говоришь, что не знаешь,
    Ты говоришь мне: «Не лги».
    Ты надеваешь улыбку и идёшь прогуляться.
    У тебя был трудный день.
    Ты видела то, что хотела видеть.
    Каково это – пережить это снова?
    У тебя был трудный день.
    У тебя был трудный день.
    У тебя был трудный день.
    У тебя был трудный день.
    Where is the moment we need it the most
    You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
    They tell me your blue sky's fade to grey
    They tell me your passion's gone away
    And I do not need no carryin 'on

    You stand in the line just ahead of the law
    You're faking a smile with the coffee you go
    You tell me your life's been way off line
    You're falling to pieces everytime
    And I do not need no carryin 'on

    Cause you had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you do not know
    You tell me do not lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    The camera do not lie
    You're coming back down and you really do not mind
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day

    Well you need a blue sky holiday
    The point is they laugh at what you say
    And I do not need no carryin 'on

    You had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you do not know
    You tell me do not lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    The camera do not lie
    You're coming back down and you really do not mind
    You had a bad day

    (Oh .. Holiday ..)

    Sometimes the system goes on the blink
    And the whole thing it turns out wrong
    You might not make it back and you know
    That you could be well oh that strong
    And I'm not wrong

    So where is the passion when you need it the most
    Oh you and I
    You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

    Cause you had a bad day
    You're taking one down
    You sing a sad song just to turn it around
    You say you do not know
    You tell me do not lie
    You work at a smile and you go for a ride
    You had a bad day
    You've seen what you like
    And how does it feel for one more time
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day
    You had a bad day


    Where is the point that now we need him?
    You scatter the leaves underfoot , and the magic disappears.
    Blue sky above you overcast ,
    Your passion is gone,
    And I do not need to continue .

    Squeezing of the queue , you're a little later
    Pass by a forced smile and a cup of coffee .
    You say that life is a failure .
    Every time you fall apart ,
    And I do not need to continue .

    You've had a hard day .
    You disassemble it into parts .
    You sing a sad song , so at least something to fix .
    You say you do not know
    You tell me : "Do not lie ."
    You put on a smile and you go for a walk.
    You've had a hard day -
    The camera does not lie .
    You come in yourself and do not deny ,
    You had a hard day ,
    You've had a hard day .

    You need to rest under the blue sky .
    The fact that others laugh at what you say,
    And I do not need to continue.

    You've had a hard day .
    You disassemble it into parts .
    You sing a sad song , so at least something to fix .
    You say you do not know
    You tell me : "Do not lie ."
    You put on a smile and you go for a walk.
    You've had a hard day -
    The camera does not lie .
    You come in yourself and do not deny ,
    You had a hard day .

    Sometimes, the system begins to fail ,
    And then it turns out that everything is wrong.
    Maybe you will not return everything back , but you know ,
    That you could be so strong !
    I think I'm right.

    So , where does this passion when you need her the most?
    Oh, you and me.
    You scatter the leaves underfoot , and the magic disappears.

    You've had a hard day .
    You disassemble it into parts .
    You sing a sad song , so at least something to fix .
    You say you do not know
    You tell me : "Do not lie ."
    You put on a smile and you go for a walk.
    You've had a hard day .
    You saw what I wanted to see.
    What is it - go through this again ?
    You've had a hard day .
    You've had a hard day .
    You've had a hard day .
    You've had a hard day .


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