Be Not So FearfulBill Fay cover / The Walking Dead OST
Be not so nervous
Be not so frail
Someone watches you
You won't fail
Better Than MostBetter than most at feeling your pain,
Walking wounded through the stars tonight, we wander the plains,
Pointing pistols at the dawn.
Never looked into your eyes this long, with a dollars worth of distance run,
Courtesy of the broken and holy one.
On the TableOn the table, the deal that kept the courts at arms length,
Stealing our thoughts with the force of their non-sequiturs - amateurs.
On the table, the view behind the legs of dancers,
Windows of chance there, lost on the trail of dissent - innocent.
Do re mi, innocent.
On the table, the deal between the thieves and exits,
Common and breathless, shrugging at what they've become - number one.
ProphetsI was a silent partner I found
Myself with the rabble that stood on a mound
Hipshot thinking but not out loud
There are too many prophets here
On the upper side of the sound of the dark
I took it in silence I took it to heart
I carried it quietly over the wall
The TroubadourYou walk the broken stones alone,
Sunlight calculates its form,
Some quick shadow you didn’t want,
Ideas spinning in your arms.
Could it be we won
And all the various wraps of promise have been verged
The troubadour is here, you heard,