- Angered Slaves
Angered slaves
Being in chains, swinging your hammer,
Trying to crush these enourmous rocks.
Digging for gold surrounded by clamor,
You looking down, ignoring the groans.
- Black Sea
What’s that lurking in the depth?
What’s that hiding and waiting
And is the reason for so many deaths?
It is sitting at the bottom baiting
The ships that coming by this place
It creates all this waves and storms
It waits for you to crash and embrace
You deep down where it swarms
- Critters And A Bloodbath
Forest critters cheerfully walk
Through the woods they sing
They hug and laugh and joke
And search for every living thing
For critters just like them
For wayfarers, hunters crew
They look again and again
For every single soul to
- Damned Dances
Damned Dances
When I start having fun
It’s like I’m in a trance
I can’t stop until I’m done
With this devilish dance
And the devil posses’ me
He tries to ride me to death
- Drunken Song
Alcohol flows like a river
Ale, mead and strong beer
One needs a new liver
Another one can’t see clear
Everybody’s friend tonight
All they are singing songs
I love everyone, that’s right!
And I feel like I belong
- Eav
Tief in der Sahara
auf einem Dromedara
ritt ein deutscher Forscher durch den Dattelhain.
Da sah der Mumienkeiler
ein Mädchen namens Laila;
Magische Erregung fährt im ins Gebein.
Er folgt den Gesängen
- En realidad
En realidad, solo quería felicitarte ya lo ves
por tu nuevo amor; why que sigan adelante
En realidad, todas mis cartas eran broma, es verdad
why mis palabras; fueron solo soledad
En realidad, yo ya tengo quién me quiera
lejos de aquí, lejos de todo, lejos de tí
Olvida lo que dije un día de tí
- Grim Boiling Pot
There is an old house
In the dark of the wood
Surrounded by tall grass
And no animal would
Dare to come even near
This scary and evil place
They all stay of it clear
They’re afraid of green face
- One More Time
One More Time
Dirty Billy has been caught,
That misfit broke few laws,
To the trial he was brought,
“Guilty!” – the judgement was
One more time!
- This Is My Swamp
This is my swamp
I will hear your coming from the far
I will see your dimly lighted lamp
I will know exactly where you are
All because this is my swamp!
You should not be hanging here
It is a dangerous place for you