AnnanoListen up, what I got
Figured out whether I won’t take it
Unless… yes, that’s what I thought
Figured as much
Well let me tell you that I adore you
You think you’re helpless without somebody
Receiving constant the doting onto from you
But listen to yourself
DynmGetting to the end of the sea of white you have spread
Grateful for the gift that serotonin sent
Looking up at rafters hoping for a sign
Looking ‘cross the aisle at your finish line
Look, I know… but I don’t know what I want
Cool, you look so cool
Can’t lay a finger on you but you need me
KatieBubblegum, that’s you on my tongue, yea
Bubblegum ‘til the morning comes
(Help me!)
But all of my friends say to me you’re the worst one
Darling, you’re the first, you get me
You took me by the eyes
Held them open, kept ‘em wide
MotaHey well sometimes some things are hard to say
And other times easy
Notice already you’re giving me that face
And I want it, but I figured at least
You could maybe say your name to me
“Mary Jane”
Okay if that’s the case, just hard to explain
ХайрХайр, чамайг надаас авсан хайр
Чамд бүхнийг өгсөн байна
Одоо итгэхгүй бүгд хайна
Ямар нэг зүйлийн утгыг
Би чинь чамд дэндүү дассан байна
Бүхнээ яриад бүр сурсан байна
Яаж энэ тойргоос би гарах вэ