Arakin 1 Unit 13 все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Text 1 - A Student's Day, p.178A students day
1. What is there in this picture? There is a bedroom in it. Is it still dark in the room? No, it is already light.
What time is it now? The clock has just struck seven. Who(m) do you see in this picture? We see Mary in it. Is
she still asleep? No, she is not. She is already up, she has opened the window and turned on the radio. She is
doing her morning exercises to the music. What is she going to do next? She is going to have a wash.
2. It is a quarter past seven. Mary is in the bathroom. She has just taken a cold shower, dried herself on the
towel and cleaned her teeth. Now she is doing her hair before the looking-glass. What is she going to do next?
She is going to dress.
Text 2 - Dialogue, p. 181Dialogue
E d w a r d : Hello, Mary!
M a r y : Hello, Eddy. It's so nice to see you. Come in, please. (Edward comes in, takes off his coat and
hangs it on the hook.)
E d w a r d : Look here, Mary, there's a concert this evening at the club. You are sure to like it. What about
going there together?
M a r y : Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I'm making a new dress. I want to wear it at our party and I haven't finished it