Calamus Will Animate[Intro]
Calamus, taken to the pen to relive
Every identity we replicate
Without will they live again within our intimate collective
All the dead we bring into it
A burrow
Of human
Deathless Ringingwhat was once born of this earth..
now returns not of this earth...
breath less
bodies arise compelled by a grim unworldly force
making host fresh blood to return to their domain
Fathom Infinite DepthThere is a pit I may have dug within one single frozen
In it lurks a haunting endless multitude of vile
We now are linked,I have become it's counter-part,
Its mindless pawn.
Relentlessly racing encircling curse.
Blistering, this unrelenting becoming to excavate
Ghosts of Silent Tongue The root of the human animal sprout,
From the eroded soil, of all things past.
Left to carry, free of breath and blood,
Fixed on our benevolent past.
THere is no escape, from the powers,
Fed by, primordial aggression,
Which beats so effortlessly,
Human MurmurationI was the first to discover what hid in those red windows.
The one I found there tried hard to survive.
A child riddled with teeth sprouting randomly
All over his body (except in his rotting mouth)
Was taken by us, to our lab.
Us meaning myself, as well as the assistants I had.
Instructing me of a mission through
Join Us BeyondI awake on the shore.
The entity that greets me upon this plane
Appears as many changing forms.
Flushing constant waves of shape,
None of which I have ever seen.
"To unite, we breed with all species indiscriminately,
live or dead, from any universe.
Lucid Collective SomnambulationSweating blood from open pores in fear of these
nocturnal visits.
Many tongue chatter incessant, deep into my sleeping
Instructing me while I dream from worlds beyond and
Their voices, a kaleidoscope of colours I can't
Rapid Elemental DissolveDie dreaming.
The visions of beings came to me while asleep,
With the implicit wisdom of the powers to awaken dream.
These creatures of many I am not dreaming of,
For my dream is as real as I can realize.
These sightings soon become increasingly cognitive,
Remote Tumour SeekerHalf the brain renames itself "Remote Tumor Seeker"
After it viewed the timeless drip.
Manipulating hemispheric dominance.
Educated by injecting neo neural integrators
Proved to work in making half the brain comply.
After activating vision it began the seeker killing.
Scream FeedingThere is an urban dungeon encased in brick.
Within it lies a tunnel into the horror of a man's
multiple lives.
This mans opposing paths collide.
Birthing a mutant mass that hides in the red pulsing
glowing windows.
One will form a life of moral principle, love and
Seven Crowns and the Oblivion Chain In an age of dark and boundless riddle
An artifact of reflective glass was discovered
And brought to a King of eld, encroaching irreversible
During a laborious search for any and all demented
Bearing any unknown wonder or remedy for timely death,
Above or below the broad aberrant land that which he
Spontaneous GenerationPhantom limbs arrive,
Binding to me through the artifact infecting flesh.
The glass spawns life,
Amazed as I mutate.
My mind transforms the skin that surrounds me
In grotesque embrace.
What was once locked has now been reopened.