03. I Want The World... And Everything In ItGot the eye of the tiger
You will see me touch the sky
Come power and glory, all just for one man
On the road to the castle,
Sacrificies must be made
Can you see the fire in my hungry eyes?
I want the World
Angel CryI am all that you remember
Among the buried memories
I'm the tears running down your face
I'm the angel who sings you to sleep
When you cry in silence
When you feel all alone
Angel cry
ArmageddonReach for the stars with the heart that you’ve
torn apart, patch it up and arise,
you’re the Goddess of the Light,
blazing high, satisfied, riding through the skies
This is your Armageddon
A sacrifice
Armageddon ClanDon't you know I'm not insane
I have foreseen the Judgement Day
will annihilate
Lock me up or throw me to the wolves the truth remains unchanged
have given the date
Black NinjaIn the darkness she is dancing with her lover, oh
In the silence of the mountain hall she'll rest forever, oh
It's a life of a warrior who never comes out
It's a song without music she's one of a kind
She's a black ninja, ninja
You can't see her in the night
Bringer Of PainThe stream of blood and tears
Are running down the hills of glory
Now men are fighting
They are dying for a cause unknown
For they were never told
The reason for their sacrifice
And now the truth comes out
There is no doubt
Circus of DoomThe lions are hungry
and filled with rage
afraid and angry
locked in a cage
The circus is coming to town
Bright colours and string lights
CyberspaceI type this secret code again
And plunge into another realm
Welcome to cyberspace my friend
You have got access everywhere
Yeah! I wanna welcome you to Hell
Reality is just a shell
You live a dark life on the edge
Dancing With The BeastAm I dead or just asleep?
Did I dive into the deep?
I'm lost in black
I see no wound, I see no blood
But I'm buried the mud
Can't find my way back
I am coming out of hell
Die-Hard WarriorDie hard warrior the undefeated
Born with a heart of a lion - Born to fight
Mma-mma my adversaries shall fall before me
I will not bend I will not break
'Cause I am
Die-hard - No one beats me
'Cause I am
Enter The Metal WorldIt's not the sun in the sky
That shines on me when I cry
It's not the one we all can see
The one that lives in me
I'm afraid of never finding her on time
Gonna pray I'll never die
The nightmare has begun
Eye of the StormThe dark clouds are gathering
Chaos entwined
Thunder and lightning
I need shelter tonight
The edge of what I can endure
Been there, riding through the storm, in the snow
Must go, flee before the fall
To the place, where I can feel the love
Far Far AwayTo see the light...
To quench this thirst for air...
This awakened feeling forces me to climb the wall
Of a self-made grave, a grave where I slept for so long
Like a blazing comet I won't stop till I die
Far far away
Where no man has ever gone
Far From HeavenI hate to watch how you fall apart
I hate to be in the scars of your heart
Does it matter who is wrong or right
I will end this hell tonight
If one day I've los all the games
And drfit along without a name
If in the end I'm all alone
Fight, Kill, Die Let’s go!
This night is perfect for bloodshed
Countless enemies ride ahead
Challenge yourself, no limit for the pain
Fight till the end with Hellhound’s rage
It’s a soldier’s life,
FreedomBattles raging on and on and on
Through the flames and thunder we will stand our ground
Brothers standing side by side in line
Free of fear and pain and doubt, we stand tall
Stay strong, it will be yours
Into the Heart of DangerInto the heart of danger
Into the heart of danger
Tear down the walls and crash the gates
Don't run away from yourself
You're on a brave new journey now
Clench your fist and put a grin on your face
Just let go and you'll never be the same
Iron HandOn the eve of destruction
Ferocious Hell-Demons
Are bound to be pulverized by the Hand
Iron Hand
In the dawn of a new life
Some die being born dead
Justice And MetalHe's a bad motherfucker he's a metal gun
Got a heart of steel he's not afraid to die
Tonight all warriors
Scream! Justice and metal, justice and metal!
Crusade goes on and on
Scream! Justice and metal, justice and metal!
King for a DayWelcome to the nightmare
where villains wear the crowns
Fools rule a broken world
and fear grows all around
There's a bad king
a dreadful puppet on a string
KingdomI've planted my seeds, I've done evil deeds
I'll Sacrifice you for my dream
My future is set, I bear no regret
I'll conquer worlds of gods and men
Kingdom, a castle in the heavens
Kingdom, the one that keeps on shining evermore is mine
Kingdom, to feed my dark desire
Let It RoarI am a space traveler on a distant Planet X,
Seeking directions back to Earth
My heartbeat's everlasting,
I fear not the unknown,
The thought of you drives me on,
Just let it roar,
There is Hell inside of me that no one knows,
LionheartI wish you could see inside my heart
Walk right through it and cover all the scars
Tell me, can you find love in that shadowed void
Or is it just an empty shell falling into ruin
I will hide it all
When you hold me close to your heart
No love can save me now
Machine RevolutionInfernal fire’s raging, machine world overlords
Will soon come knocking on your front door
Absorbing information, stealing all that we know
To take revenge on all mankind
Machine revolution, ready or not!
Machine revolution
MadnessOne and only reality
Fatal journey to infinity
Chase the monster of the seven seas
Face it, kill it, and you'll be free
I am thy strength, I am thy sword
My name is madness
And I'm the light you need in darkness
Master of IllusionOh yeah
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the greatest of them all?
I'm the master of illusion
Welcome to my mad delusion
I'm the one who makes the rules
For the heroes and the fools
I can tear down angels from the sky
Out Of ControlWelcome to my kingdom madness
You're just in time for the show
Welcome to my world of darkness
A place where unreal becomes real
Come drink my blood, wake the demon in me
Come taste the wine of my sins
Out on the StreetsStill searching in dark city nights
Unknown places, where should I start?
I'm lost and alone in the future world
Out on the streets again, out on my own
Just like always, nowhere to go
Out on the streets again, fighting my war
On the streets where I belong
I carry an ax on my back
Place That We Call HomeIn the times full of struggle and strife
In the land where the fires burn colder
Time after time you are struck
and you’re beaten down
These are times when you know
You’re on your own
No-one to stand by your shoulder
Rain ManA silent watcher, hanging on the edge
Staring into darkness as it stares back at me
It’s a long,
long way down now in a rain of tears
My future is my past as
I’m chained to the shadow of my dream
Rain Man, bring it on I can take it all
Rock TrashGood evening ladies and gentlemen
on the Battle Beast radio tonight: Rock Trash
These guys really got the license to rock
My mum used to smoke too much hash
maybe that's why I ain't no Slash
But somehow I picked the right card
and ended up here, just to party hard
Russian RouletteThe room is filled with sin, would you let me in
tonight might be the night
As troubles disappear, the moon seems so near
beneath electric starlight
Don’t you miss your shadow?
Don’t you miss the ground?
You’re hiding from tomorrow
Savage And SaintPainless words don't mean a thing
Stainless world is a gift of lie
King of kings is a fallen man
No way out of here alive
Boy and girl never meet again
Life or death - which one hurts more?
Chained outside cold every night
Show Me How To DieBlack sky, no light
Satan is here tonight
Warcries, men die
The battle starts
My journey has just begun
Shutdown[German Bonus Track]
The saviour’s here, tonight we strike
And they will know what it’s like
To be destroyed, to crash and burn
‘Cuz we survived and fought the curse
It’s payback time!
Stay Black Black heart black soul
Bow to the dark lord
Live in the shadows
Let them embrace you
Whenever life gets hard
Stay black
Tempest Of BladesStorm is raging
Hail of death from the sky
All guns blazing
Look your fate in the eye
Soon engaging
Dawn of reckoning arrives
Say farewell, we'll meet again
By the gates of Hades
The Band of the HawkWe are a mercenary band
Led by Griffith the White Hawk
United we stand under our flag
Into battle we bring the storm
We are the
Death of the battlefield - We will return
The EclipseThe Sun Has Died From The Sky
Monstrous Demons Now Thrive
How Did We End Up Here?
Betrayed... Deceived And Misled By Our
Raise Your Shields And Your Swords, Be
Prepared, No Despair, We Will Fight
The Road to AvalonWe drive through the mud
breaking the rules of gravity
We ain’t brothers by blood
but the road makes us family
Doesn’t matter what we search for
or what we might find
No matter who we were before
Unholy SaviorSilent cries
Desperate sighs
An endless run in fear
Who am I?
A godless child?
The answer escapes my mind
VictoryWelcome to the action
Welcome to the pain
Oh, wicked ways
Slitting throats open
Bloody swords and knives
Oh, our way of life
Take us for a ride into the sky
Wings of LightYow!
I stand alone and wonder why
Why did we come down where all hope is dead or dying?
Flames strike the ground like crimson rain
Prayers to an open sky
Won't drown out all the cries in vain
'Til you will come again
Take me back to the memory