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  • Текст песни Blink stay 182 - stay to gether for keads

    Исполнитель: Blink stay 182
    Название песни: stay to gether for keads
    Дата добавления: 17.06.2014 | 04:05:41
    Просмотров: 10
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Blink stay 182 - stay to gether for keads, перевод и видео.
    It's hard to wake up, when the
    Shades have been pulled shut
    This house is haunted,
    It's so pathetic,
    It makes no sense at all
    I'm ripe with things to say,
    The words rot and fall away
    A stupid poem could fix this home,
    I'd read it every day
    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine, so
    When you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night,
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right

    The anger hurts my ears,
    Been running strong for seven years
    Rather then fix the problem,
    They never solve them,
    It makes no sense at all
    I see them everyday,
    We get along so why can't they?
    If this is what he wants,
    And its what she wants,
    Then why's there so much pain?

    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine,
    So when you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night,
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right

    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine,
    So when you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right
    It's not right
    It's not right
    It's not right

    трудно просыпаться, когда
    тени закрыли этот дом,
    в котором всегда мрачно.
    Это так грустно,
    в этом нет никакого смысла.
    я вижу их каждый день,
    слова созрели в моей душе,
    но они тают и уходят.
    эта глупая поэма может рассказать об этом доме,
    я бы ее читал каждый день.

    и вот он, наступил твой праздник,
    надеюсь, ты радуешься этому.
    ты выбросила все, что связано со мной
    из своей жизни.
    когда ты будешь умирать,
    вспомнишь ли ты эту ночь?
    20 лет потеряны,
    это неправильно.

    злость режет мне слух
    ее было очень много за все эти 7 лет
    они могут только обозначить проблему,
    но никогда ее не решат.
    в этом нет никакого смысла.
    я вижу их каждый день,
    мы дружим, но почему они не могут так же?
    если это то, что ему нужно
    и то, что ей нужно,
    тогда к чему столько боли?

    и вот он, наступил твой праздник,
    надеюсь, ты радуешься этому.
    ты выбросила все, что связано со мной
    из своей жизни.
    когда ты будешь умирать,
    вспомнишь ли ты эту ночь?
    20 лет потеряны,
    это неправильно.

    и вот он, наступил твой праздник,
    надеюсь, ты радуешься этому.
    ты выбросила все, что связано со мной
    из своей жизни.
    когда ты будешь умирать,
    вспомнишь ли ты эту ночь?
    20 лет потеряны,
    это неправильно.
    это неправильно.
    это неправильно.
    это неправильно.
    It's hard to wake up, when the
    Shades have been pulled shut
    This house is haunted,
    It's so pathetic,
    It makes no sense at all
    I'm ripe with things to say,
    The words rot and fall away
    A stupid poem could fix this home,
    I'd read it every day
    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine, so
    When you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night,
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right

    The anger hurts my ears,
    Been running strong for seven years
    Rather then fix the problem,
    They never solve them,
    It makes no sense at all
    I see them everyday,
    We get along so why can't they?
    If this is what he wants,
    And its what she wants,
    Then why's there so much pain?

    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine,
    So when you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night,
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right

    So here's your holiday,
    Hope you enjoy it this time,
    You gave it all away
    It was mine,
    So when you're dead and gone,
    Will you remember this night
    Twenty years now lost,
    It's not right
    It's not right
    It's not right
    It's not right

    hard to wake up when
    shadow darkened this house
    which is always gloomy.
    It's so sad ,
    This makes no sense.
    I see them every day,
    words are ripe in my soul ,
    but they melt and go.
    this silly poem can tell about this house
    I'd read it every day.

    and here it is, come your holiday
    I hope you enjoy it .
    you threw everything connected with me
    of his life.
    when thou shalt die,
    Do you remember that night ?
    20 years lost
    it is wrong.

    anger hurts my ears
    it was very much for all these 7 years
    they can only identify the problem ,
    but had never been to decide .
    This makes no sense.
    I see them every day,
    we are friends , but why can not they do the same?
    if that is what he wants
    and what she needs
    then why so much pain ?

    and here it is, come your holiday
    I hope you enjoy it .
    you threw everything connected with me
    of his life.
    when thou shalt die,
    Do you remember that night ?
    20 years lost
    it is wrong.

    and here it is, come your holiday
    I hope you enjoy it .
    you threw everything connected with me
    of his life.
    when thou shalt die,
    Do you remember that night ?
    20 years lost
    it is wrong.
    it is wrong.
    it is wrong.
    it is wrong.


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