Cotton Eyed JoeDo you remember Long time ago
Daddy worked a man called Cotton Eyed Joe
Daddy worked a man called Cotton Eyed Joe
I could have been married long time ago
If it hadn't 'a been for Cotton Eyed Joe
If it hadn't 'a been for Cotton Eyed Joe
Take Me Back To TulsaWhere's that gal with the red dress on? Some folks called her Dinah
Stole my heart away from me, way down in Louisiana
Take me back to Tulsa, I'm too young to marry
Take me back to Tulsa, I'm too young to marry
Aw, here comes Mr. Sprinkler, now
Aw, that's right, yes, yes
Come on, now
Take us back to Tulsa, man
Texas BluesAw, yeah
That's them old Texas Blues
Come in here, Lee, tell us all about it, boy
I heard a lonely coyote a-howling for his mate (yes)
I took the blues and packed my shoes
And left the Lone Star state (oh no)
I thought if I could ride away I would lose the blues
Thorn In My HeartAh, la, la, la, yes, yes!
Alright, Thomas, let's hear you sing
A thorn was left in my heart by a rose
Of fragrance and beauty divine (oh, tell me)
A thorn was left in my heart by a rose
A rose that I thought was all mine