Breaking Bad все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
You got crazy legs, you got amazin' head
You got rings on your fingers and your hair's hot red
You got the width of my tongue name on the sun
I clutch you close to my breast
Cause you're the only one, who uses school to pleasure
You make me act real gone, you make me troll along
I had to ravish your capsule, suck you dry
- Requiem for a Dream
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- Run Away
Run Away (My Melody)
We’ve fallen in love, yeah
It feels like we did something wrong
We’re not playing a game, no
Know that this is for real I’m pretty sure
The time we spent not coming back
- This is my product
What the hell, is this?
What? This, this, this is my product 2x
I made you my bitch
When we started all this
Its cost of business
That's what this is
Stand up the heat