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  • Текст песни Darling Violette - Smaller God

    Исполнитель: Darling Violette
    Название песни: Smaller God
    Дата добавления: 06.08.2015 | 18:43:59
    Просмотров: 16
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Darling Violette - Smaller God, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    In the violent silence
    Of a dream within a dream
    You fill my soul with beauty
    You're my shiny man machine
    I'm sinking in the roses
    Falling down to fade away
    The velvet blade of apathy
    Makes the crush so bittersweet

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    Your presence is the morning
    Your absence is the night
    I'm searching your dark hallways
    And I'm trying to find your light
    I'm swimming your sad oceans
    I'm drowning in your sea
    This will all be over soon
    And we'll learn to live again

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    In the evening stars I see your eyes
    I hear you speak to me
    I miss you now so much it aches
    So broken so afraid

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    В насильственном молчании,
    Где сновиденье переходит в сновиденье -
    Ты наполняешь мою душу красотой
    Ты мой блестящий человеческий механик.
    Я утопаю в розах -
    Падаю, чтобы исчезнуть,
    Бархат лезвия апатии
    Делает это падение таким горько-сладким

    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…
    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…

    Твоё присутствие – свет,
    Твоё отсутствие – тьма.
    Я изучаю твои тёмные коридоры,
    И я пытаюсь найти твой свет.
    Я плаваю в твоём океане грусти,
    Я тону в твоём море.
    Всё это скоро закончиться
    И мы будем учиться жить заново.

    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…
    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…

    В вечерних звёздах я вижу твои глаза,
    Я слышу, как ты говоришь со мной.
    Я очень скучаю по тебе сейчас, и это так больно,
    Я так разбита и напугана…

    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…
    И я, я чуть не умерла прошлой ночью,
    Но я услышала голос низшего бога…
    In the violent silence
    Of a dream within a dream
    You fill my soul with beauty
    You're my shiny man machine
    I'm sinking in the roses
    Falling down to fade away
    The velvet blade of apathy
    Makes the crush so bittersweet

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    Your presence is the morning
    Your absence is the night
    I'm searching your dark hallways
    And I'm trying to find your light
    I'm swimming your sad oceans
    I'm drowning in your sea
    This will all be over soon
    And we'll learn to live again

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    In the evening stars I see your eyes
    I hear you speak to me
    I miss you now so much it aches
    So broken so afraid

    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god
    And I, I could have died last night
    But I heard the voice of a smaller god

    The enforced silence,
    Where dreams turns into a dream -
    You fill my soul with beauty
    You are my shining human mechanic.
    I'm drowning in roses -
    To fall, to disappear,
    Velvet blade apathy
    Does this fall so bittersweet

    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...
    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...

    Your presence - light
    Your lack of it - darkness.
    I learn thy dark corridors,
    And I'm trying to find your light.
    I swim in your ocean of sadness,
    I'm drowning in your sea.
    All this will soon end
    And we will learn to live again.

    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...
    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...

    In the evening the stars I see your eyes,
    I hear you talking to me.
    I really miss you now and it hurts so much,
    I'm so broken and frightened ...

    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...
    And I, I almost died last night,
    But I heard the voice of a lower god ...


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