20th Century TowersWe'll correct collegiate mistakes,
A shower of formal ideals,
Completely soused, The hearts on our sleeves,
As they drowned we could hear them screaming,
405I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center,
And stated that it's never ever been better than this.
I hung my favorite shirt on the floorbaord, wrinkled up from pulling pushing tasting.
You keep twisting the truth that keeps me thrown askew.
A Diamond And A TetherPity, take pity on me
Because I'm not the man that I should be
I'm always turning to run
From the people I should not be afraid of
And darling, you should know
That I have fantasies about being alone
It's like love is a lesson
That I can't learn
A Lack Of ColorAnd when i see you
I really see you upside down
But my brain knows better
It picks you up and turns you around
Turns you around, turns you around
If you feel discouraged
That there's a lack of color here
A movie script endingwhenever I come back, the air on railroad is making the same sounds.
and the shop fronts on holly are dirty words (asterisks in for the vowels).
we peered through the windows: new bottoms on barstools but the people remain the same, with prices inflating.
as if saved from the gallows.
there's a bellow of buzzers and the people stop working and they're all so excited.
passing through unconscious states.
Bad ReputationI know I got a bad reputation
And it isn't just talk talk talk
If I could only give you everything
You know I haven't got
I couldn't have one conversation
If it wasn't for the lies lies lies
And still I wanna tell you everything
Bend to SquaresGravitated towards a taste
For foreign films and modern plays
But that machine could only
Bend to squares five to six times
Before your fingers came unwired...
Weights down so that you could move forwards
bixby canyon bridgeI descended a dusty gravel ridge
Beneath the Bixby Canyon Bridge
Until I eventually arrived
At the place where your soul had died
And barefoot in the shallow creek
I grabbed some stones from underneath
And waited for you to speak to me
Black SunThere is whiskey in the water
And there is death upon the vine
There is fear in the eyes of your father
And there is "Yours" and there is "Mine"
There is a desert veiled in pavement
And there's a city of seven hills
And all our debris flows to the ocean
To meet again, I hope it will
Blacking out the frictionI don't mind the weather
I've got scarves and caps and sweaters
I've got long johns under slacks for blustery days.
I think that it's brainless to assume that making changes to your window's view will give a new perspective.
Brothers on a Hotel BedYou may tire of me as our December sun is setting because I'm not who I used to be
No longer easy on the eyes but these wrinkles masterfully disguise
The youthful boy below who turned your way and saw
Something he was not looking for: both a beginning and an end
But now he lives inside someone he does not recognize
When he catches his reflection on accident
On the back of a motor bike
CathCath, she stands with a well intentioned-man
But she can’t relax with his hand on the small of her back
And as the flashbulbs burst she holds a smile
Like someone would hold a crying child
And soon everybody will ask what became of you
When your heart was dying fast and you didn’t know what to do
Cath...Cath, she stands
With a well intentioned man
But she can't relax
With his hand on the small of her back
And as the flash bulbs burst
She holds a smile
Like someone would hold
A crying child
Codes and KeysWe won't get far
Flying in circles inside a jar
Because the air we breathe
Is thinning with the words that we speak
That we speak, you and me
You and me, you and me
That we speak, you and me
Company callsI'll take the best of your bad moods and dress them up to make a better you, 'cause all the company calls amount to one paycheck. i'd squeeze a heart through my fingertip but i type too slow to make expressions stick. and it's like TV with a microchip.
Set your sights to sink the partyline, 'cause it's so tired. set your sights! destroy this mock-shrine, 'cause it's so tired.
Let's cut our losses at both ends and aim your car away from all our friends, leaving the dishes stacked in the sink.
I'd keep a distance 'cause the complications cloud it all, and mail a postcard sending grettings from the eastern bloc. synapse to synapse: possoibilities will thin or fade. your wedding figurines: i'd melt so i could drink them in.
Company Calls EpilogueSynapse to Synapse: the possibility's thin.
I'm dressed up for free drinks
and family greetings on your wedding
your wedding
your wedding date.
The figures in plastic
on the wedding cake
that I took
Crooked TeethIt was one hundred degrees, as we sat beneath a willow tree,
Who's tears didn't care, they just hung in the air, and refused to fall, to fall.
And I knew I'd made horrible call,
And now the state line felt like the Berlin wall,
And there was no doubt about which side I was on.
Cause I built you a home in my heart,
Death of an Interior DecoratorYou were the mother of three girls so sweet
Who stormed through your turnstile
And climbed to the street
But after conception your body lay cold
And withered through autumn and you found yourself old
Can you tell me why you have been so sad?
He took a lover on a faraway beach
Debate exposes doubtThe workadays were propping the bar quietly erasing the week and i was in a cornerbooth thinking
(pretending to read) about the impossiblity of one to love unconditionally and the words that we drive into the ground...
Their repetition starts to thin their meaning.
Then everything got frighteningly still as they entered and intersected the floor and i tried to choke my stare at the perfection that others would kill for.
Different names for the same thingAlone on a train aimless in wonder
An outdated map crumbled in my pocket
But I didn't care where I was going
They're all different names for the same place.
The coast just appeared when the sea drown the summer
I've no words to share with anyone
The boundaries of language are quietly cursed
Doors Unlocked and OpenIsolations, dotted lines
Seas of concrete, wild eyes
Streaking colors, blurred to one
Always moving, blinding sun
Blinding sun
Coldest comfort, safety glass
Seasons turning, dying grass
California, gilded crowns
Earth AngelEarth angel, earth angel
Will you be mine ?
My darling dear, love you all the time
I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you
Earth angel, earth angel
The one I adore
Love you forever, and ever more
Expo '86Sometimes i think this cycle never ends
We slide from top to bottom and we turn and climb again
And it seems by the time that i have figured what it's worth
The squeaking of our skin against the steel has gotten worse.
But if i move my place in line i'll lose.
And i have waited, the anticipation's got me glued.
for what reasonThis won't be the last you'll hear from me: it's just the start. i hope that he keeps you up for weeks like you did to me. i will hold a candle up to you to singe your skin. brace yourself: i'm bent with bitterness.
When your apologies fail to ring true, (you're) so slick with that sarcastic slew or phrases like 'i thought you knew', while keeping me in hot pursuit.
Tracing the plot finds skin touching skin (abscence follows).
Grapevine firesWhen the wind picked up
And the fire spread
And the grapevines seemed left for dead
And the northern sky, like the end of day
The end of days
A wake up call to a rancid room
Sounded like an alarm of impending doom
HindsightThree wasted years, standing still
As you opened up, 18 miles wide
On this country drive
I can't keep up
'cause you're so far gone
And it's all too much hindsight
Three wasted years, wasting time
As the hunger pains grow inside
Home Is a FireSleep, sleep with the lights on
Shutter and shades drawn
There's too many windows
Noise, cars on the freeway
Tempting a clean break
There's nowhere left to go
Watching the room tweak
Through cracks in the concrete
I need you so much closerthe atlantic was born today and i'll tell you how:
the clouds above opened up and let it out.
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
when the water filled every hole.
and thousands upon thousands made an ocean,
making islands where no island should go.
oh no.
I was a kaleidoscopeI put on my overcoat and walked into winter - my teeth chattered rhythms
And they were grouped in twos or threes, like a morse code message was sent from me to me. cars on slippery slopes, they're stuck...
People pushing through their mittens as i was beginning to feel it soaking through my shoes, getting colder with every step i took to your apartment, dear.
And i was a kaleidoscope... the snow on my lenses distorting the image of what was only one of you and i didn't know which one to address as all your lips moved.
I Was Once A Loyal LoverWell I have learned so very little
When these bones are old and brittle
I wait to talk when I should listen
The crowd mistakes with false revisions
All my friends are forward-thinking
Getting hitched and quitting drinking
And I can feel them pulling away
I Will Follow You Into the DarЛюбовь моя, однажды ты умрешь
Но я буду с тобой
Я пойду за тобой во тьму.
Ни слепящего света, ни тоннеля к вратам рая
Только наши крепко сцепленные руки
В ожидании хотя бы намека на проблеск света
Если Рай и Ад решат,
I Will Follow You Into The DarkLove of mine some day you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark
No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark
I will posses your heartHow I wish you could see
The potential,
The potential of you and me,
It's like a book elegantly bound,
But in a language
That you can't read just yet.
I Will Possess Your Heart(c) Navid Enjoi
How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me.
It's like a book elegantly bound,
but in a language you can't read just yet.
You gotta spend some time love.
Information Travels FasterI intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible mess
You wanted me to write you letters, but i'd rather lose your address
And forget that we'd ever met and what did or did not occur.
Sitting in the station, it's all a blur
Of dancehall hips, pretentious quips.
A boxers, bob and weave.
And here's the kicker of this whole shebang
Jealousy Rides With MeJealousy rides with me
such a faithful companion no one could be
and he sits on my shoulder
and whispers the things that make me so bitter its sick
jealousy rides with me
in wake or in slumber I can't get relief
from the pictures he paints of the passion in heat
and though I try I can't stop listening
Kicked Ini wish the nights were warm again this month
we could stay up all night
occupy the porch on the front
of the house where we might
always forget to replace the bulb in the glass
rectangular vase
the light on the street flickers on throught the trees
and i can see your face
Lightnessthere's a tear in the fabric of your favorite dress
and I'm sneaking glances.
looking for the patterns in static
they start to make sense the longer I'm at it.
ivory lines lead
oo wha-ho, oo wha-ho
Little bribesThe Eiffel Tower built to smaller scale
The freshest oxygen I’d ever inhale
I tapped a bottle against the safety rail
Killing time
And you were like a walking compliment
Tall in stature and exceptionally read
In dummy glasses and a cardigan
Little Wanderer
You sent a photo out your window of Tokyo
Told me you were doing fine
You said the cherry blossoms were blooming
And that I was on your mind
But I couldn’t make you out through the glitches
It’s how it always seems to go
So we say our goodbyes over messenger
Love SongWhenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
Marching Bands Of ManhattanIf I could open my arms
And span the length of the isle of Manhattan,
I'd bring it to where you are
Making a lake of the East River and Hudson
And if I could open my mouth
Wide enough for a marching band to march out of
They would make your name sing
And bend through alleys and bounce off other buildings.
Meet Me On The EquinoxMeet me on the Equinox
Meet me half way
When the sun is perched at it's highest peek
In the middle of the day
Let me give my love to you
Let me take your hand
As we walk in the dimming light
My mirror speaksWith every sun that sets I am feeling more
Like a stranger on a foreign shore
With an eroding beach disappearing from underneath
And when my mirror speaks it never minces words
Because these eyes don't shine half as bright
As they used to do and they haven't for quite a while
No Room in Frame[Куплет 1]
Я не знаю с чего начать,
Не могу вспомнить огромное количество деталей.
Я вышел из моды
В гуле машин на шоссе №5 1 ранним утром.
А сейчас я направляюсь
В Коалингу 2 через долину.
No SunlightWhen I was young
Lying in the grass
I felt so safe
In a warming bath
Of sunlight, of sunlight
Vast open sky
Could do no harm
Like an embrace
Passenger SeatI roll the window down
and then begin to breathe ... in
the darkest country road
and the strong scent of evergreen
from the passenger seat as
you are driving me home
Then looking upwards
PhotoboothI remember when the days were long
and the nights when the living room was on the lawn.
Constant quarreling the childish fits
and our clothes in a pile on the ottoman.
All the slander and double speak were only foolish attempts
to show you did not mean,
anything but the blatant proof was your lips touching mine in the photobooth.
Pity and FearI have such envy
For the stranger lying next to me
Who awakes in the night
And slips out into the pre-dawn light
With no words
A clean escape
No promises or messes made
And chalks it all up
Portable TelevisionBored of old television, shrouded in snow
In a raggedy van on the side of the road
The night it had frozen through my little bones
So you took me in your arms, you squeezed out the cold
And oh, ooh, oh, ooh, oh, ooh
Upstate New York, autumn, brightly colored leaves
President of WhatI saw the scene unfold on a rainy Sunday
Creases indicating folds that kept four walls from caving in
I took a little more of what I take for granted
And filled my plate with fear that gears would turn
Scientist StudiesWhat ghosts exist behind thses attic walls?
There's got to be a simpler explanation,
'cause i scrimped and i saved just to find that they've been splicing my inventions.
Cold skin and bones and this latitude... we ain't payin' until the heat comes through.
So you slept in a stocking cap and wool scarf.
Promises of payment were upon your shoulders constantly,
But don't forget to entertain 'cause this is your first defense.
A four-year offense to the devoted type.
Sleep SpentI can't expel the truth
it's much more than I thought I could do
and with time my worth will stain
and split your heart from my name...
so drive away your mouth from my ears
and waste a day so I can think clearly
and what's left to wait for here
sleep tightSleep tight, we'll drive all night
Turn pikes across state lines...
Hand claps are fading fast, but you still can believe it's passing
These night are fading fast, so you made ?? until midnight
Six hundred miles will be soon cut two inches from
Just rest and play that tape we got from them in Detroit
Some BoysSome boys are filling
Some boys are filling the hole
They're making a killing at the top of the billing
It's their role and that's all that they know
But some boys don't listen
Some boys don't listen at all
They don't ask for permission
Someday You Will Be LovedI once knew a girl in the years of my youth
With eyes like the summer of beauty and truth
But in the morning I fled; left a note and it read
Someday you will be loved
I can not pretend that I felt any regret
Cause each broken heart will eventually mend
As the blood runs red down the needle and thread
Song for Kelly HuckabyPhotographs of the best time you had,
windows smugded by the speed.
Leaving home with our bags from Iron Street,
as morning turned into California,
Soul Meets BodyI want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what its like to be new
Cause in my head there’s a greyhound station
Where I send my thoughts to far off destinations
So they may have a chance of finding a place
Spring break brokeWe left from the south, increasing the altitude.
Then drove through to play to the college crowd.
But they didn't show and we played on a big rock stage
making big rock wages and
we took what was left from the cooler and split
It was a spring break so you should have known that it wasn't loaded
That our drummer was posing
Stable songTime for the final bow
Rows of deserted houses
All our stable mates are highway bound
Give us our measly sum
Getting the air inside my lungs is heavenly
We're starting out
with nothing but crippling doubt.
We'll rest easy justified
Stay Young, Go DancingLife is sweet in the belly of the beast
In the belly of the beast
And with her song in your heart, it can never bring you down
It can never bring you down
Lost in a maze of a thousand rainy days
Of a thousand rainy days
But when I heard her voice, oh it led me to the end
Steadier footingIt's gotten late and now i want to be alone
All of our friends were here, they all have gone home
And here i sit on the front porch watching the drunks stumble forth into the night
"you gave me a heart attack; i did not see you there. i thought you had disappeared so early away from here."
Styrofoam platesthere's a saltwater film on the jar of your ashes: I threw them to sea but a gust blew them backwards and the sting in my eyes
that you then inflicted was par for the course just as when you were living.
it's no stretch to say you were not quite a father but a donor of seeds to a poor single mother that would raise us alone, we'd never see the money that went down your throat
through the hole in your belly.
thirteen years old in the suburbs of denver
standing in line for Thanksgiving dinner at the catholic chuch. the servers wore crosses
Summer SkinSqueaky swings and tall grass
The longest shadows ever cast
The water's warm and children swim
And we frolicked about in our summer skin
I don't recall a single care
Just greenery and humid air
Then Labor day came and went
Talking Bird(One, two, three, four)
Oh, my talking bird
Though you know so few words
They're on infinite repeat
Like your brain can't keep up with your beak
And you're kept in an open cage
Talking Like TurnstilesSometimes I talk like a turnstile
When I have had too much to drink
A tangled tongue like English Ivy
Just like a film dubbed out of sync
The phone is ringing in the guest room
A muffled voice on the machine
It`s either someone I don`t wanna talk to
That love is watching someone dieAnd it came to me then that every plan
Is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU
That reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breaths as I said to myself
that I’d already taken too much today
As each descending peak of the LCD
Took you a little farther away from me
The employment pagesWe spread out and occupy the cracks in the urban streets. idle now: i rearrange the furniture as you sleep.
It's so appropriate: the way we amplify the sound, and then the neighbors drop by and they ask (us) to turn it down again...
We spread out and everyone is frightfully more aware. so impressed: the cocktail polotics and obscure details.
And it was true that i was truly failing. but you were gone and i wass home calling around but nothing was found worthwhile.
The Face That Launched 1000 ShitsAnd I'm standing up in my practice room
I'm all alone
Speaker's almost blown
And my new Gibson amp
Oh what the hell....
Things are not so different in my vocal master
You are the face that launched one thousand ships
The Ghosts Of Beverly DriveIf only you'd have known me before the accident
For with that grand collision came a grave consequence
Receptors overloaded, they burst and disconnect
'Til there was little feeling please work with what is left
Oh I need not be flattered that you've never been here before
So there's no need to mention that you've no firsts anymore
But if you let me be your skyline I'll let you be the wave
The Ice Is Getting ThinnerWe're not the same, dear
As we used to be
The seasons have changed
And so have we
And there was little we could say
And even less that we could do
To stop the ice from getting thinner
Under me and you
the new yearSo this is the new year.
And i don't feel any different.
The clanking of crystal
Explosions off in the distance (in the distance).
So this is the new year
And I have no resolutions
For self assigned penance
The Sound of SettlingI've got a hunger
Twisting my stomach into knots
That my tongue was tied off
My brain's repeating
"if you've got an impulse let it out"
But they never make it past my mouth.
This Charming ManOn Two bicycles
On a hillside desolate
Could nature make a man of me yet?
Under this charming car
This charming man
Why ponder life's complexies
Tiny VesselsThis is the moment that you know
That you told her that you loved her but you don't
You touch her skin, and then you think
That she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me
Yeah, she is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me
I spent two weeks in Silverlake
The California sun cascading down my face
Title and RegistrationThe glove compartment is inaccurately named
And everybody knows it
So I'm proposing a swift orderly change
Because behind it's door
There's nothing to keep my fingers warm
And all I find are souvenirs from better times
Before the gleam of your taillights fading east
Title TrackLeft uninspired by the crust of railroad earth that touched the lead to the pages of yout manuscript.
I took my thumb off the concrete and saved up all my strength to hammer pillars for a picket fence.
It wasn't quiet what it seemed... a lack of pleasantries (my able body isn't what it used to be).
I must admist i was charmed by your advances... your advantage left me helplessly into you.
Transatlantic# The atlantic was born today and i'll tell you how...
# The clouds above opened up and let it out.
# I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
TransatlanticismКогда вода заполнила каждое отверстие.
И тысячи на тысячи сделали океан,
Создание островов, куда никакой остров не должен пойти.
О нет.
transatlantisismThe atlantic was born today
And I'll tell you how
The clouds above opened up
And let it out
I was standing on the surface of a perforated sphere
When the water filled every hole
And thousands upon thousands made an ocean
Underneath the SycamoreLying in a field of glass
Underneath the overpass
Mangled in the shards of a metal frame
Woken from the dream by my own name
Well I was such a wretched man
Searching everywhere for a homeland
And now we are under the same sun
Feel it through the leaves
Unobstructed ViewsThere's no eye in the sky
Just our love
No unobstructed view
No perfect truths
Just our love
Just our love
And there's no verse
No monument of words
WaitEvery town has a diner, where I'll meet you and your friends, too.
Things are just a bit nicer over some coffee.
You can tell me all about your day.
I don't know much about you, not that I want to.
Not that I want to.
Sometimes I can't escape from my room, so excuse me--I'll be just a little late.
You will wait for me.
We Laugh IndoorsWhen we laugh indoors, the blissful tones bounce off the walls and fall to the ground.
Peel the hardwood back to let them loose from decades trapped and listen so still.
This city is my home, construction noise all day long and gutter punks are bumming change.
So i breed thicker skin and let me lustrous coat fill in and i'll never admit that
We Looked Like GiantsGod bless the daylight, the sugary smell of springtime
Remembering when you were mine
In a still suburban town
When every thursday I'd brave those mountain passes
And you'd skip your early classes
And we'd learn how our bodies worked.
What Sarah SaidAnd it came to me then that every plan is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU that reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breathes as I said to myself that I'd already taken too much today
As each descending peak of the LCD took you a little farther away from me
Amongst the vending machines and year-old magazines in a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind that out memories depend on a faulty camera in our minds
But I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose than to have never lain beside at all
Why You'd Want to Live HereI'm in Los Angeles today...
It smells like an airport runway.
Jet fuel stenches in the cabin
And lights flickering at random.
You Are A TouristThis fire grows higher
This fire grows higher
This fire grows higher
This fire grows higher
When there's a burning in your heart
An endless yearning in your heart
Build it bigger than the sun
You've Haunted Me All My LifeYou've haunted me all my life
Through endless days and countless nights
There was a storm when I was just a kid
Stripped the last coat of innocence
You've haunted me all life
You're always out of reach when I'm in pursuit
Long-winded then suddenly mute
Your BruiseIt's a backwards attraction to your forward eyes
But you're so far-sighted that you can't place trust
In what or who you recognize
We sped the plymouth cross the banks of the mississippi river
Your Heart Is an Empty RoomBurn it down till the embers smoke on the ground
And start new when your heart is an empty room
With walls of the deepest blue
Home's face: how it ages when you're away
Spring blooms and you find the love that's true
But you don't know what now to do
'Cause the chase is all you know
Your Heart is the Empty RoomYour Heart Is an Empty Room (оригинал Death Cab For Cutie)
Burn it down
Till the embers smoke on the ground,
And start new
When your heart is an empty room
With walls
Of the deepest blue...
Your New Twin Size BedYou look so defeated lying there in your new twin size bed.
With a single pillow underneath your single head.
I guess you decided that that old queen holds more space than you would need.
Now it's in the alley behind your apartment with a sign that says it's free.
And I hope you have more luck with this than me.
You used to think that someone would come along.
Your New Twin Sized BedYou look so defeated lying there
In your new twin size bed,
With a single pillow
Underneath your single head,
I guess you decided
That that old queen
Holds more space than you would need,
Now it's in the alley