Rumours About AngelsI will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie
21 Grams Of NothingYou left to find a stranger
to ask him for advice
Whatever he might tell you
look deep into his eyes
You beg this man for answers
You swear to him an oath
that no-one else will find out
the secrets spoken here
A Dark EmbraceSometimes it feels like
I always keep falling
into the void
and into the blue
I wish i knew why
it all stays the same
whatever I do
A Fool To BlameAutumn leaves are falling
A kingdom left behind
Aimless steps in silence
My crutches fall
I crawl along this path
A stare - possessed
I cannot remain conscious
A sinner's instinctsI called you sinner's
I was wrong
Inaccurate intention
Should have said you're sorry
Might have reduced the conflict
But tough, admit it's said
AlloneThis artificial comfort
A shiver down my spine
What is that declaration
that you carry on you skin
I take you by your clammy hand
Come see the scene of the crime!
AmokI put so much faith into you
I trusted everybody except myself
Tales of your behaviour
Like paper in a book
You try to be my saviour
How come you can not see the truth?
An Empty HouseIs this the final end?
Is this last frontier?
Are we the reminder
that there was someone here?
An empty house is yours to keep
An empty house to fall asleep
An empty house is yours to keep
And Silence Still RemainsEyes in silence
Eyes in the dark
A life in patience
To survive and surrender
Whatever I feel
Whatever I see is just
A sign of hope
A reflection of my memories
At The Border OF My NationAt The Border OF My Nation
The sky ranges the past
Enclosed in ancient walls
Captured in memories
A kingdom to survive
Immortal silence gathers illusions inside
I see the desert sand
BabylonItґs kind of strange how
You put the blame away from you.
I understand now
We were in danger of ourselves!
What is our flesh for,
If not to feel our mortal shell!
What is our soul for,
If not to know we never die!
BastardRegret... that's all it is!
But what for?
What is the purpose...
And yet you always look back
You go to all these familiar places
You see familiar faces
Forgive and forget
Bird without wingsThis bird so crippled - little bird
Just wants to learn to fly - Longing for the sky
Tell me fellow - sufferer - Tear apart my fate
Who broke them and why - Just another try
Tar-stained feathers - broken wings
Preachers rise your hands - Like shattered pride
Now life can be damn boring - Hunted, wanted
With your eyes raised to the sky-dancing-wild
Blind in darknessI will plaster all you mortals
With my dominating guts
I will torment revelations -
I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation
While the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh,
Eradicate your dormant lie
BorderlandТрек "Borderland" появился на бонусном CD журнала "The Gothic Grimoire". На данный момент журнал не издается и трек нигде больше не выпускался.
Horizon of the depth
as the fog surrounds my being
takes control and slaves my moves
Motionless I stare in emtyness
as bodies fall and disappear in darkness
of my borderland
CannibalsYour charming voice is calling me
And step by step you set me free.
My urge too strong, my body week.
The curse in mind for which I seek.
These walls were built to last
Memoriese were always born here
Decades of youth and centuries of silence
Charma SleeperStrangers ask for souvenirs
Give pride to those without my fears
Rejected child finds peace in mind
Remember you are one of my kind
Don't call, don't call
The Charma Sleeper
Don't say, don't say
ChemicalsLost in words of anticipation
Lost in words of revelations
23 and 5 resulting
Equally absorbed their sigh
And I need my chemicals
I need your chemicals
Choir HotelI heard of a man who can see through the heart
A fountain of truth as a stranger reveals
A sarcastic smile proves his true disrespect
His hands so tranquil and his eyes a deep well
To fall for your words - as profound as they are -
seems somehow absurd. How foolish to fall for
but sympathy is not what I feel for you
ChrysalisRead my lips and speak out loud
My fingertips are more than proud
To touch your skin, to feel your face
I'm drowning in your sweet embrace
Emptyness and Incompleteness
Endlessness and in-defeat-less
has never been this little
Cold DeceitCrucified in my mortal chamber
Begging eyes deceive my strength
Stumbling feet into horizons
Tear - stained cheeks taint my soul
In cold deceit
In captive secrecy still waiting
For the truth that I can't find
A stranger's words in cryptic silence
ColorblindWould you care for color if you were blind?
Would you listen to my words if you could only see my lips move?
You search these faces for a smile, but you can't see them with your eyes
Come to me,
Feel with me,
see with me,
this world has changed.......
Come to me...Feel with meWould you care for color if you were blind?
Would you listen to my words if you could only see my lips move?
You search these faces for a smile, but you can't see them with your eyes
Come to me
Feel with me
See with me
This world has changed
CongratulationsMy words may seem cruel
At times i regret ...
When my tongue is in rage
I tend to forget
but life remains the same
but life remains the same
What have we become?
DarkerI'm bursting all your bubbles
I'm cold while you deceive
I don't care 'bout your troubles
I pray to get some sleep
Define the state of matter
Declare your eyes the war
You should have known it better
Sacred therapy
Secrecy on hand
Divine luxury
A liberty demand
A means to an end
Dead Letter"I have no words that I could say to you to make you understand
Everything is lost
Everything is mine now
All the beauty, gone
- All the faith...
It's watching over you, my friend
And you, you fear nothing
DeviationAnd the place was burning
Where once my cradle stood
Memories still yearning
For what my childhood took
In peaceful shelter I may rest
Just instincts of salvation
O`deviate from the within
But hate I may not feel
Die Gassen Der StadtWenn sich alles verdunkelt vor dem leblosen Grau
und Gewalten verenden, weil die Zeit sie erstickt
Wenn die Worte verkümmern vor dem traurigen Blick
und kein Lachen erklingt durch die Gassen der Stadt
In den Tränen des Himmels Deine Hoffnung ertrinkt
weil die Sehnsucht verblasst und die Kargheit begehrt
Wenn das Lichtspiel des Lebens keine Schatten mehr wirft
Die My PhobiaNever come back to me
I’d never come back to you
I counted day by day
Pathetic not to see
You win and lose the same
When on your feet again
DissolutionWhat can I say?
What can I do?
Why can't I face this world?
In which I must endure
Intimate compulsion
"Legitimate", you say
But nothing ever prospers
DramaYou come from far away
looking for a place to stay.
No matter where you go
they say that you can't stay.
You can't decide what's wrong or right,
frustration overcomes the pride.
You only want some sleep,
Drop DeadDrop dead-permanently gorgeous
In the mood to lose control
Go leave me as my best friend, (but please)
stay out of sight
I hunger for the next one-tonight
Are you cleaned in your soul?
E. -Dead- MotionLong, lost faces jump off fences
Taste the fall on bloody lips
Sit up, bend down
Connect the masses
Grounded, reduced to soil
But still it's up to you!
But still it's up to you!
End Of FlowersDiary Of Dreams:End Of Flowers
Monuments of grace
Discharge my credits
The future is my past
Take a risk - survive
Endless NightsIn silence you scream
at the voice in my head
Relive every dream
that you meant to forget
So tempted at night
to open my eyes
How divine is the dark
Ex-IleEx-ile exploited - Humiliation cost
Now sit - sucker - and beg for mercy
I saved your life a million times
Why serve if you can rule yourself
So sceptical of my existence
My mutation - gently gliding
switched to normal
Not locatable
Is there truth to this?
False AFFection, False CreationViscious words and false belief
Chains around my wrists
A sad sensation
The craving for life is gone
Intoxicate me in the trot of life
A yelling laugh decays my dream
A laugh to fear my deed
False Affection, False Creation IIIVicious words and false belief
Chains around my wrists
A sad sensation
The craving for life is gone
Intoxicate me in the trot of life
A yelling laugh decays my dream
A laugh to fear my deed
Fateful DecoyYou're laving these secret wounds
Ты промываешь эти тайные раны,
To seal all your senses
Чтобы запечатать все свои чувства.
You lost your empathy
Ты утратила сочувствие,
All efforts forsaken
Все попытки оставлены.
Flood Of TearsMother see, that all my life
I planted flowers to survive
And as they faded I stopped to speak
I painted flowers
and nobody knows why.....
No awakening, no lullaby
I only felt the need to try
GiftraumDiary Of Dreams - Giftraum
Dies ist ein Giftraum
Dies ist ein Giftraum
Dies ist ein Giftraum
Wenn ich in deine Obhut sinke
Schenke edle Träume mir
Grau Im LichtIch lass mich los
Lass mich untergehen
Lass mich schweigend
Zu dir in die Tiefe sehen
Dein Name fehlt mir
In meinen Worten
Dein Atem schweigt
Haus der StilleAlles kreiselt um mich rum.
Ich liege Deiner Welt zu Füßen.
Gedankenware unverkäuflich.
Die Zeit des Augenblicks ist um.
Wag nicht dem Wort zu widersprechen,
das mutig Taten Dir verspricht.
Widerstand ist heilig.
Holier Than Thou ApproachТы почувствовал прощение,
Которое он прислал через эту страну?
Чувствуешь достоинство в них?
Но ведь так же ты видел в них боль.
Или он наполнил тебя тщеславием?
Болезни, войны, разбитая гордость,
И государства облекаются в чёрное.
HomeSickWe doubt with all our heart
And regret the things we did
Everything is said and done
We pretend to be alone
Can we avoid the next step we do
Can we feel without even trying
Can we whisper when we scream
IkarusWem kann ich glauben
Wer nimmt mir das Licht
Wem kann ich vertrauen
Wer bricht mein Genick
Wer stärkt mir den Rücken
und wer sticht hinein
Wer dichtet nur Lügen
ImmerdarEs ist noch Zeit genug, damit ich für mich kämpfe
Es ist noch Hoffnung da, um all dies zu begreifen
Und wer weiß schon, vielleicht wirst du bald bei mir sein
Und wer weiß schon, vielleicht wird es für immer sein
Ich weiß nicht mehr warum wir wurden wie wir sind
Vergiss mein nicht wenn du verloren gehst im Wind
Killers5 chambers, 5 saviours, 5 walls, 5 traitors
Observing my inhuman environment
Nothing here to become attached to
Makes it easy to let go…
A plague on you! No placebo left for you
What is sanity?
All the rebels in the world can bring me down
All the psychos in the world can bring me down
All the rebels in the world can bring me down
All the psychos in the world can bring me down
King Of NowhereYou find yourself in the benefit of the doubt
The prospect of a change both a blessing and a curse
These are the consequences that you might have to bear
To make it all come true it's just one step to take
On days like this, you feel your desires
I know that you care and you see what this world is about to unfold
Kingdom Of GreedYou waited here in vain
You cannot forgive yourself
And the wonders of a lifetime
in each and everyone's face
Like a ship close to the shore
Like an anchor in the deep
Like the calm before the storm
KrankMit Blut an den Händen
Der Schuld nicht bewusst
Zu stark die Lethargie
Dem Himmel sei Dank
Was hat uns getrieben
Wer sieht uns, wie wir sind
Halt still den Moment
The dynasty of our disease
Kingdom come, has reached me
The liberty ?
Can't find enough
LebenslangEin Schatten liegt im Meer
Hat keinen Sinn für dein Gesicht
Du drehst dich mit dem Wind
und auch der Regen spürt dich nicht
In Rausch der Lethargie
verwischt Dein graues Farbenmeer
Du ziehst Gedanken durch die Luft
LegendsCall viper's son
Fear the suns of my horizons
Sequential movements in reverse
Paradise denies its treasure
A higher dose regains the silence
"Ambiguous", the wiseman said
Virgin-white my pale disguise
MaliceI dread panic within your tight embrace
I ban the violence from my feeble frame
Choose your weapon and go to war instead!
Anchor me in a sea of silence
Harbor me in my restless mind
Mankind is suffering a severe instability
My friend you know, I swear, this was never written
We are not alone, but we are left by ourselves
We thirst for water, we hunger for a bite to eat
Matching LivesYes i find rest when i feel your breath
Cleaning my dirty pores
When i sense the wind in my hair
I find rest when my eyes swallow beauty
when my body - gently disappears - in the sea of life
Oh what a pleasure,
Mein-EidHat Deine Welt dich nicht ertragen?
Wendest ab Dich von Dir selbst
Du hast nie viel von Dir gehalten
Das ist kein Mensch, der in Dir lebt
Verwisch' die Spuren Deiner Wege
Zerstör' die Brücken hinter Dir
Verbrenn' anstatt zu hinterlassen
Mensch FeindBrother...
Now who are we, in this sterile sea?
Diving into floods of emotion
We end right here, see black and white
Finding answers? We wasted a lifetime
Methusalem[Anti Methusalem Syndrome]
I plastered all these walls with color
I drank your tears watered with wine
Contented with this taste of anger
Regarding this was mine
I tested all in vague proportions
Mind Over MatterMind over Matter
A torch in your darkness will guide you the way
while dozens of others pretend to be free
Obscure limitations put the boundaries at stake
I know there is more than we can see.
This is my aggravation
Moments Of BloomI tried to see/feel/be/heal it
The way you said
I tried to see your eyes on me
And everything else seems irrelevant
I dare to feel now, I know what I have lost
I dare to leave now, no matter what it costs
And still I do no movements
I'm glued here to the spot
MomentumAbandoned in exile
A veil to conceal
What on eath could be worse than
not to know what you feel
A piece of me still holding on
to what is lost
and gone
Monsters And DemonsI know that I don`t know
what you think that I should.
I`m writing my bible
so you know what I could.
Could you be the one
to abandon my spirits?
Get rid of my blindness
I need to see clearly...
Mythology Of ViolenceYour strange mythology of violence
An ancient sacrilege to me
You breathe the decadence of darkness
You find Atlantis in your sleep
Your desires are strange to me
Take a weapon in your hand
Nekrolog 43Einst war schillernd stets Dein Glanz
Brachtest Licht der Welt aus Schatten
Wo der Himmel auf die Erde trifft
bleibt kein Horizont zum Atmen
Der Erde Blut vereint
mit dem Donnern der Giganten
Wir atmen tief das Leben ein
No-body Left To Blame[Adrian Hates]
Until you put your spell on me
I did not know - who you are!
A little incantation now
You hypnotize the crowd
According to you
Now This Is HumanNever trust this world
Never trust, rely on someone else
Deeper down, where all my anger burns
Far beyond the surface
you know you need revenge
Tonight, we watch the world pass by
Tonight, we watch the sky
OblivionDiary Of Dreams:Oblivion
Immortal hatred longing
For what I've done to you
A shattered dream of greed
Confess of a faded bloom
Reminded day by day
Out Of My Worldfight, fight
You only care for blinded tears
To penetrate with heresies
You lack of deep integrity
Your cold embrace
Finds me amused
PainkillerPainkiller (a place of silence) by Adrian Hates (Diary Of Dreams, Panik Manifesto)
Tell me who is next?
And who was the last one?
No word to disturb this endless beauty
a single thought will prove me wrong!
A single thought will prove me wrong
PanikRadical impulse
invading present thinking.
Dead end dreams
sore throat from all these lies.
Liberty, dignity
one nasty ego.
We thought we had a choice
panik manifesto.
People WatcherJust like a hundred thousand snakes
You crawl around my legs
Without pride, a beggar for respect
How could you lose your self-respect?
We see the signs and yes we learn from them
And still we never understand
Our hopes should not be yet alive
PhantasmagoriaAnd I meander in mortal lanes of festering
But still my childish instincts bloom
Screaming out my soul to the rhythm of the pendulum
Droplets of despair - apparition distorted
My lifeless pulse still rushing on
Pumping to the pendulum
Play GodWhat is this penetration?
If not some pre-salvation?
What is a mental attitude?
Why is my fever not in mood?
It's me combining numbers
It's me just playing God
It's me who's making rules here
Poison BreedAll the noise I heard outside
and all my senses were never right
I hesitate and watch you breathe
What we need now is so much more than sleep
Your frightened look out to the dark
I heard some voices they must be here
And when I fight to stay awake
Portrait of a CynicI know for sure
You left me here
I came for shelter
My last conviction
I'll fight for sure
You found me stranded
My hand in yours
PrisonERIOU this.
in-cest!, my kingdom is krank
PrisonER mesh, slash my flesh
This is my privacy, God,
within a childish disguise
If I AM-OK surprise!
Dead end dreams end
now and here
Reality Of MineQuestions don't spare with thoughts
Give birth to a new world
Curiosity dies in echoes
Till your thirst is quenched
Mortal remains
Motionless silence
I bear this war
Reign Of Chaos"I am alone, hiding.
I am scared; I can hear someone's heartbeat.
It's coming closer.
Is somebody out there?
My friends of slaughter
Noble brothers
Remedy ChildYou are the chosen one
Maybe not the only one
You say you hold your breath
until you feel alive again
Your hair is grey, your childhood gone
You dance around and sing along
The tune you hear inside your head
RequiemLautlos sind all die Menschen
Es lebt sich leichter ohne Ziel
Ein Ringen ist jeder Tag aufs Neue
Und jeder Schritt zuviel
Verloren die Anmut deiner Nähe
Mein Leben schläft mit dir
Requiem 4.21Lautlos sind all die Menschen
Es lebt sich leichter ohne Ziel
Ein Ringen ist jeder Tag aufs Neue
und jeder Schritt zuviel
Verloren die Anmut deiner Nähe
Mein Leben schläft mit dir
RetaliationEnemies adorned by childish innocence
Dictators rule
Granted words you offer
I urge to spread wings of decay
Bridges fall to split the nation
Walls enrise for better days to please
Draining ditch - water from my eyes
Rumors about angelsFirst there was darkness, then came the strangers.
They were a race as old as time itself. They had mastered the ultimate technology, the ability to alter physical reality by will alone. They called this ability Cunning.
But they were dying, their civilization was in decline, and so they abandoned their world seeking a cure for their own mortality. Their endless journey brought them to a small blue world in the farthest corner of the galaxy.
Our world.
I will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts.
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much.
I will taste the detonation while the Geminis go wild.
Rumours About AngelsI will plaster all you mortals with my dominating guts
I will torment revelations - I did never ask for much
I will taste the detonation while the geminis go wild
I'll absorb the human sigh, eradicate your dormant lie
Does it suck your breasts for milk, golden honey, dressed in silk
Does it feel your patient care in your dreadful glassy stare
or does it feel your true emotions in its scars and bruises burn
Shattered DisguiseTo the sound of your laughter
To the sound of your cries
Decays within silence
In the depth of your eyes
Numb expectations in my shattering voice
Face to face with existence
Ashes of hope in my shivering hands
SheShe has the silence deep in her breasts embraced
She wears a perfume of a truly vicious taste,
She has the wisdom in her empathic eyes,
She knows the truth to all unspoken lies.
She says she'd sell her angel for a dream
She says that she is not who she might seem
She says that she has lost her self-esteem
She And Her DarknessМое сердце весит минимум тонну,
Ноги целой армии колотят по голове.
Может, однажды я очнусь, чтобы обнаружить,
Что вся моя жизнь была всего лишь сном...
И может, мне будет лучше без тебя.
Ты оставила меня наедине со всеми моими мыслями.
Я мог бы написать тысячи слов или пройти миллионы миль,
She and her darkness Tribute
My heart weights minimum a ton
An army's feet pounding on my head
Maybe I'll wake up one day to notice
That all my life was just a dream...
And maybe I'll be better of without you
You left me here with all my thoughts
Sin SkinnerYour secret world is far away,
you don`t listen to what I say.
Give me permission to enter.
I`d like to understand,
let me hold your hand.
Let me be your sin skinner...
My liberty in isolation,
my fingertips in consolation.
Give me some time to calm down
Hold back your invocation
A fatal step. The wrong direction
Hide the face that shows compassion
Keep your voice down now
SinnflutIm Schlaf verrat ich dich
Es ist noch nicht zu spät
Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt
Wenn alles untergeht
Bei Nacht verfolg ich dich
Und flüster dein Gedicht
Ich schenk dir meine Sintflut nicht
Son Of A ThiefSo sick of being friendly
So sick of being nice
So sick of being thoughtful
You think i hate my kind
So sick of all the liars
So sick of all your words
So sick of all you cherish
Soul Stripper(Never go, never let me go)
(Soul stripper)
A walk, no destination
Backwards, never forwards
You sound like you,
but look like someone else
What is this world you come from?
Who taught you how to be that way?
SplinterCan you not feel the remorse (you make me hate myself)
Like a gathering windstorm (you make me hate myself)
It is time to let go (you make me hate myself)
What a tempting remedy (you make me hate myself)
It is time to let go (you make me hate myself)
You take a wishful look back
StimulationOthers cry for help
Just like it would change anything
v Lunatics find no conclusion
Bodies simply gliding
Figures draw wildest illusions
Drag me in their draft
My back so strong like thousand reptiles
My fingers reach for miles
Tales of the Silent CityI wonder how I got here
My feet are very sore sore
I must have walked for ages
I wish I know what for
Children with black eyes
Can't see through my disguise
I don't belong here
Tears Of LaughterWould be crying tears of laughter
If I could see me smile again
I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon
I still believe my eyes, but all I see is my blindness
I still reach for the stars, but all I touch is my horizon
I still believe my ears, but all I hear is lasting silence
The BattleHow rigid this beauty
Enlaced in a glance
of enormous confusion
In a spiral we dance
We abandon our comfort zone
to ride out the storm
We avoid the unavoidable
The ChainWhen you're slaved to your perception
When you're bound to your ideals
When you're blinded by deception
When you fail to solve the secrets
It is not enough to humiliate me
It is not enough to put me back in chains
It is not enough to manipulate me
The Colors Of GreyThis is my color
This is my legacy
Take what you need
and leave me behind
This is my offer
Take it or leave it
End of all games
The CursePlastic needles in my skin
Don't ask me what they're for
No clue, except for pain and shock
You tied me to the bed to mock
My eyelids kept wide open
So I can see all that you do
All this liquid in my eyes
The Darkest of All HoursI read the words you send me
Addicted to the joy
of someone's caring
I cannot help it but hunger still for more
How beautiful
to lean back
and smile out to the world
The GameIn the blink of an eye
when you fail to move
You face the pain within
Adrenaline will push you on
Have you seen my face before?
Have you dreamt of me?
Will you close your cloudy eyes?
The HuntedLet me in your world to dream
Leave me in this empty scene
What you need is what you don’t have
Let me out. Your cage is too small for us
Is this the time to feel motivated when you
Try to survive me
Is it the moment to feel liberated when you
The Luxury Of InsanityIn this very moment I embrace all I have
Nothing to urge for and nothing to lose
I endure the insane, survive every pain,
Bear every burden and feel no more shame for you
Again I walk faster, a goal on my mind
My heart is still raging, I shiver like mad
I focus again and stare into nowhere,
The PlagueHey, pretty face
you think that you can hide
behind this mask of yours.
Hey, prison cell
you can not keep me here
Silent waters are deep you know
The SaintI tried to prevent this.
How I wished that you were wrong
Bear with me a few more days.
You said you foresee things
This is for sure not a coincidence
This is not fate and it's not luck.
Maybe it is just meant to be...
The SecretHave you not seen how I hold on tight
Did you forget that I feel your blame forevermore
Did you give up now for nothing
I feel so fragile, so numb inside. My heart is sore
Why has the poison taken hold of me
It is no secret, the noise in me will never die
There is no antidote, I have no cure
The ValleyDeep down in this river
I’m sure I’d be free.
I know I would shiver
and surely could not see a thing.
But maybe all that matters not
I might even remember what I forgot.
The reason of it and of it all.
The WeddingYou follow the path that you meant to avoid
A matter of time till an echo unfolds
what the next step might bring
You take a look back while your heartbeat is raging
to the song you sing
When silence evolves into a deafening noise
When the blackening coat weaves a ceiling of darkness
The Whitching HourMy total reception
Of unknown disasters
My complete redemption
Define the state of war
A trip to my conscience
My pain made of slander
My guilt in denial
To Conquer The Angel's LaughTo conquer the angel's laugh
An urge implied
A captious offer in your hands
My hymne of praise denied
Disguising, fading scarlet of your belief
Drowning gently in commands
It's your defeat
Mephisto, my fallen angel
(...конец радуги)
которое, как я думаю, мы все страстно желаем испытать,
это чувство совершенства,
изящества в плавном движении.
Traum AConfront me one last time
to tell me all your lies
I wish I had the power
to make this anger go...
Lost something on the way
Something precicus, thought I'd stray...
Beneath my kingdom,so they say,
TraumtanzerDie Zeit steht still in diesem Raum
Doch merken's andere Menschen kaum
Es steht die Luft hier in der Schwebe
Als ob der Wind-h-auch nicht mehr lebe
Die Stille schmerzt in meinen Ohren
Ich wunscht ich hatt Dich nicht verloren.
UndividableIs the time and place
The day I knew would come
The very last embrace
United as we part
The loneliest of looks
A smile that I adore
I turn around to go
I fear this curse will never end
No need to fight, there’s nothing left to possibly defend
Sometimes at night I wake up pale from fright
When I feel your breath upon my face
Don’t let me be silent
UnwantedA nation of rebels fells the breath of brutal lungs
with guilty defendants and a judge with false ideals.
What ever you believe was invented for control
What on earth is faith for if not to blind out liberty?
We celebrate our fate
I'd never dare to cease from you
We lost what we had found
VerdictObserve the strategies of war
I know you needed so much more
This is mental, so sentimental
Any way is my way
Anything I cared for you destroyed,
any promise null and void
Can't you take my pain away. Tell me, can you?
VictimizedAnd have you seen
Through the curtain of my life?
Get down to the rescue –
For my shelter - mental incest
Archaic disciples
Offer their support
But who to fuck am I to dare to accept?
Viva la BestiaDivided we stand
United we fall
We drown with the rich
We drown with the poor
I dine with a beast
I drink with a devil
I sing with a demon
War On A MeadowAncient sights to slave his longings,
Lost and captive between two worlds.
Have you seen, have yoy seen this place before?
Have you seen, have yoy seen my fields of joy?
But within his eyes the beauty fading.
Sacrificed, sacrificed my life of lies,
Torn apart, torn apart to fade in cries.
Hiding in the conflict of confusion
WildI welcome you with open arms
As a receit for feelings
Floating sand through desert lands
Like a million stitches in my skin
No use to hide, no use to run
I sacrifice my body
I fear the snake's teeth, like a stranger's torch
Winter SoulsI would not dare to blame you
I wouldn't dare too much
I only ask for pity
So these faces feel your touch
Upon their skin...
My eyes see many faces
Many faces made of stone