10.000 Meter Wavesthe striking means
the wise design
the powerful arm
the bottom line
the muzzle for
the raucous crowd
I've heard enough
to leave no doubt
Acid TripYou take us home
That's your own fault
You grant us space
That's your own fault
What can you say that we don't know already?
You watch us breed
That's your own fault
With great hooray
AdvanceLife-exhaling sleep
Petrified in marblelized composure
As I drown in her calm breathing
I start to live beyond her notions
Faking balance - under wings of
Bright-inspiring dark
That is never to be brightened
Another QueenSystems slaved to secrets
Wisdom unsuspecting quest
Silence holy old friend of mine
Timid tries to race me down
Another episode of wild complaints
Closes chapters of childish struggle inside
Pale naked as now thoughts cannot deny
Avatarsthese gentle demons
enchant your head
don‘t make you weary
don‘t make you sad
don‘t ever blame you
for rushing on
into the pitfall
the failing dawn
BatteriesCome to where oblivion counts you in
Come to where your time is not running out
Come to where regrets are deemed as sin
Come to where no question are allowed
Pack your bags and quit
The luxuries of life
That never seem to fit
Come on, dance with me, till' the end of the world... yeah.
Come on, dance with me, till' the end of the world... yeah.
Still remember your smiling face, in the big crowd.
Laughing and shouting...
Waving your hands...
BetaInstantly you're taming the monster
you're breaking the iron rule
so you can enjoy your life
Mercy me my soul is unconscious
my eyes full of liquid
a flood of betraying glare
Between The Shadow And MeI cannot see your smile
In any crowd I look
I cannot call your name
From here
I fall for your deceives
As if you were my friend
As if your shapeless words
BlessedI am so obsessed
with all your sacred gifts
your beauty surely is
designed to save my soul
and rescue from the grey
my air, my sound, my substance
my fate, my path, my inner
BrainwashedMust I remind you of your choice
And the quality of smugness
Is our joy a friend of fear
Do we need a password here
Double-check my storylines
There might be a sign of weakness
Only fools repeat themselves
Only fools repeat themselves
Bring Me FlowersBring me flowers in the night
lay your cheek down by my side
leave my lovers full of need
and my brothers full of greed
hush now slowly come inside
feel your neck glow it’s alright
See me sunk here in too deep
Burning Out(don't throw in the towel) (x2)
(they cannot knock you out) (x2)
(they cannot)
You're burning out to shock your company
What a well thought-out masquerade
Charles De Gaullegreat promises are made
great promises of victory
weed out the old jumble
we've won before we'll win again
why does it not cause happiness?
why isn‘t all smothered in peace?
what kind of fraud is left to try out?
Child of EntertainmentHurry up and sum the charge
The moment's arrived to reap the fruit of change
To drive out all the good old days
The variety show you still draw hope from
You white-wash all in self-control
But your eyes are giving you away
If it's reason against wine
ColderTrace me down by the dawn-breaking hills
Where no thought is ever wasted
These tormented souls will never prevail
Never prevail never prevail never prevail
Trace me down by these uncertain fields
As the days are getting colder
Endless circles on the ice
Comfort ZoneGet me the wingsuit
I'm gonna base jump from my ivory tower
This may invade your comfort zone
To cause some distraction
A little firestorm in this darkening hour
This may invade your comfort zone
Confusion in confusion out you know my methods
ContradictiveAs he stood and tried in vain
To find justification
This cannot bloom in me for longer
With old desires getting stronger
Another man was passing by
And for a glimpse in strangely seemed
As if they're known to one another
Counterloopout of cracks
under door gaps
out of joints
they come crawling
over truth
and its versions
over change
Crop Of IllusionsThe yuppie is leaned against
the bar with the highest repute
and everyone is beckoning
him over to the grinning terrains
He tangoes to major chords
yelling intelligent quotes
about shocking french movies
CubedDefine your cube
And all you need in it
The items in your hoard
The dreams you can't afford
Define your cube your long-term strategy
The actors your prepare
To join you in your solitaire
Your borderline
Dark Pitchi understand you
can safely say that
the bitter pills you
choose to swallow
maybe you‘re hyperbolizing
maybe we're fighting the same fight
thoughts you don‘t recover from
Das MeerSehnsuchtsschwer am Boden
händeringend vor dem Sturm
Gedanken stumm vor Blindheit
Ziehen die Wolken vorbei
Das Läuten in der Ferne
Wie ein leiser Gruß der Sterne
Birgt Erinnerung an Ewigkeit
Dear brotherI am your doubt
your constant sin
the swollen shape
of your regrets
you make your way
to where I am
as you remain
Defconnow pull yourself together
pour a drink, light a cigarette
and tell me about the weather
and how the sky turns violet
every time we collide-and how it all gets messed
every time we collide-before the suns comes up at you
like a forbidden light-another lame excuses
Definition powerWe hold the course to glory and fame
We are the shining inversion too pathetic, wondering
You're on the wrong track, we're on the right
If you don't change your horizon you will surely suffocate
You used to say you wanted to
You used to say you needed so bad
You used to say you wanted to
DeviceStay with me on all my ways
Fill my life with summer days
Never fear saving hands
Catch to kill milky trance
Mindless game consequent
Interfere comprehend
DrownedDrowned in endless confusion
As i feel their sinister looks
Distant voices scream with laughter
Gazing through the vaporous film
Visions unfold my inner defeat
Striving against the magnetic field
Pounding noise expels the colours
E MinorFinally contented soul
Now did you lacerate me long enough
While all enticing secrets
Were slowly whispering 'unearthly love'
The words I have the spells I know
Were not enough to make you happy
To make you smile again
Erase MeIf the worlds can't be combined
If the words checkmate the mind
I will join the sleeper
In my gullible repose
And the demon lurks in doubt
And the brilliance blackenes out
And my cuts go deeper
Exit The GreyWhen they argue endlessly
to conceal that nothing's done
When I know my faith will falter
without touching anyone
when I fail to understand
the news they're reading out
when the rats are taking over
the unsinkable
Exploitationhave you been here for a reason?
have you been here in our favour?
have you left more than a fake?
i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea i'm roaming the sea
drag me in the storm
sell my soul to strangers
Forgotten" In diesen Tagen rasender Betrunkenheit und verbrecherischer Melancholie
sind einige Verse entstanden.
Zwischen Trübsinn und Trunkenheit verloren,
fehlt mir Kraft und Lust, meine Lage zu verändern,
die sich täglich unheilvoller gestaltet.
Bleibt nur mehr der Wunsch,
ein Gewitter möchte hereinbrechen und mich reinigen oder … zerstören.
Friends we Used to Knowin emergency
I fire my thoughts at you
responding or not maybe
reacting or not you'll be
turn around now
she's killing with looks at ease
defending or not maybe
Gasolineyou gasoline i turpentine
burn from within
run till you shine
you gasoline i turpentine
one world explodes
two worlds entwine
Gone Gone GoneAfter opening your head
We see What's been moving you
Your untiring tries to hold
To your unfaithomable ideas
What you couldn't render hearable
Until all of your unfinished songs were
Gone gone gone
Helmets DownBrother are you safe where you are?
Beyond the exit signs beneath the trap doors
The youthful dream is always sent to sleep
Behind a wall in a cold white room
Brother there is nothing left to fear
No entwined opacity no regretting
All that we've been all we could have been
HLAThey say your ailing doves get caught
They say her peace will make you weak
They now obtain your words by fraud
And modulate them as they speak
Beyond her walls I shatter mine
Towards her charming lies I crawl
Her heart got sore as she found mine
Home To MillionsYour wait - forever attitude
Makes you a member of the club
Obscene, naked as a worm
Dressed like a president
Are you alive?
Where is your limit?
You sleep in her palace all the time
Horizonshistory is not repeating
at least not in the life we're leading
the empty house that we call freedom
guard the fence i am retreating
stop the interests from competing
trying hard to not succeeding
carry on the big deleting
Howland RoadYes to brides and yes to grooms
We all deserve champagne and caviar
Freeze your motions realizing
Trembling here does not affect you
Run for cover run for shelter
Their demands are way too sober
Trembling here does not affect you
Zittern hier betrifft dich nicht
Hydro DrugsI came to stop the waves with all my might
The sea is bound to keep my warm tonight
Dissolved into her tears I fill my head
With all the underwater words she said
Embittered skies bejeweled with stars invite
The sea is bound to take my home tonight
In magnetizing shades surreal her gloom
I Wait For YouI like your time I like your thinking
And drowning in your weird obsessions
I kiss your feet as you are walking by
And feel your potion on my lips
The sundance and your eyes
Invincibly combined
Still wondering what to pray for
Ignite Indestructible days interchangable ways
Take out the life the life the life
Delete the upcoming signs repeat the endless rewinds
Into the night the night the night
Listen just to yourself chase for love and not wealth
Until you're blind you're blind you're blind
Come right out of the dark ignite the light with a spark
This is your time your time your time
Iislandi'm the black of the night sky
you don't bother me at all
you don't bother me at all
stretch me tall
to feel terrified
with your back against the wall
staring down the endless hall
Kain's AdviceIt's the feeling I won't anchor here
No rest impatient flood
A coward's flight is turned to stolling walk
Or even pure attack
Still death is our rescue
But not this one never this one
As apparing this end may be
Kein MordUeber deinen wolken hinter tueren
Ueber deinen worten unter tieren
Ueber deinem mut auf allen vieren
Ueber deinem mut auf allen vieren
Zwischen deinen tueren hinter gedanken
Zwischen deinen fragen unter schichten
Zwischen deinen fingern in sekunden
Kiss Of Knowledgetell me - where I may belong
yell at me - tell me what went wrong
consume me - swallow me whole
tell me - that it didnt hurt
its not the truth until we start believing
hate me - make me feel adored
Last MinuteNothing but sound
Nothing but slumber
Nothing but frenzy
Nothing but rush
Nothing but fever
Nothing but seconds
Leaving Hollywood Emptiness dead-smooth and choking the air
I'm leaving Hollywood if you don't care
Lost in the twillight of self-consciousness
Trying to picture the smile you might wear
Where are the plastic doves ready to kill
The Inspiration I try to fulfill
Cry for my sister on Valentines's Day
LightHere you are with your story
And noone wants to hear
Here you are with your fiction
And noone wants to see
Except for you
Lord Of The LiesStop talking with your mouth full of needles
There's no greater there's no higher understanding
Stop talking with your mouth full of needles
There's no greater there's no higher understanding
Up one minute down the next
Party harder come to rest
Your voice is made of laughing gas
LSWinsane - the sleeping love
tell noone - how i lie to you
insane - the sleeping love
reduced - to thoughts alone
floating down your skin
floating down your skin
Maison du TigreBehind the filthy walls of smoke
They might be waiting to dispel
Any shred of memory
From your daily lurking hell
Mother nature lost her child
There's no earth beneath my feet
All the times I've played it wild
maquerades and facesWill you bear my everlasting sorrow
will you suppress my indifference
holy nail in my coffin
holy queen of my illusions
Feeling pale like the moon above me
here I am nude and immortal
leave a tear on my pillow
Masquerades and FacesWill you bear my everlasting sorrow
Will you suppress my indifference
Holy nail in my coffin,
Holy queen of illusions
Feeling pale like the moon above me
Here I am, nude and immortal
Leave a tear on my pillow,
No TearsI won't stand in your way
I'm not part of this
go on get absorbed
I'm not part of this
black hole triggering
at the back of your head
something is pouring out
at the back of your head
OffI belong to more comfortable days
While disease always finds its ways
My skies will not clear up
I'm doomed to stay in my maze
Don't be concerned... the power is off...
Orbitaliait's time to leave
your shell disintegrates
outdated certainties
you've seen it all
from birth to dying day
you've misbehaved
PaleSpeechless and fearful
Suffocated by air
Escape from your grasping
I couldn't stay there
One single day longer
Now that I had
Exposed what your facades
Patchworkyou don‘t say
there‘s something about you
do it to me
you’re doing it to me
you want to play
add something enhance me
do it to me
keep doing it to me
PhotoThe dream flew down
Down from heaven's patience
To hope with us for miracles
Exorcise our strong beliefs
Give motives to our murders
And steal with us our miracles
PolaroidsWe're marching on like there is nothing wrong
Gazing ahead from nighttime into day
Conceding how we've never set foot on
The path we share – this is it!
Whatever i felt back then i want to feel it again
The empire strikes back wherever it can
Keep your hands off our happy routine
Protected WorldThe water watching me
But I am watching back
The notes are writing me
The words are speaking me
The time is spending me
At least in my protected world
Prozac Junkiesdifferent light different meaning
not imagined not unreal
don't quit the friendship I'll agree
prozac junkies like you
prozac junkies like me
no control no reservation
auto pilots by themselves
Reality ShowWhat happened to the ocean view
You claimed to be your property?
The nights you had it crystal clear
The touch of air and sky?
You only talk about feelings without having them
You only talk about feelings without having them
Record dealHave these words ever had a meaning
Trying to trick me into going on?
As if there was a higher duty
I've tried to add imagination
I've tried to read between the muddled lines
Without the genes to grasp the humor
I owe you not a single secret
Said but TrueAnd if you offer everything you have
I still want more
Face and body lacking relevance
I still get bored
Cleft in frozen lakes I'm sailing on
Ancient scar
Try to reach me way too short your chains
SandsDon't believe the people
I say
Don't believe the people
Out there in the blue is the answer
Out there in the blue is the answer
Way beyond the cliff
Riding on the wind
Sensationmorning dawning
moments away
when I need a sensation
i just ask for vacation
and my little temptation to go
when i need a sensation
i just have suffocation
SmolikNo underage drinking beware of the dog
Watch your step mind the gap
Slippery surfaces unstable cliffs
Electric fences corrosive mines
Tornados and hurricanes high voltage wire
Laser radiation pesticides
Caution slow down caution slow down
But what about the unborn
Someone Diesam I talking? are you paying attention?
are these question to be asked
when someone dies?
am I describing a picture that's
slowly fading
and are we paling along these
fields of grey?
StaringYou're a great comedian
You're a sweet chameleon
Like a tree in winter
Just like a tree in winter
Oh don't stop staring
Don't stop staring
Stay UndecidedStay undecided it will bring you some time
Stay undecided it will bring you some time
Everywhere else vultures swoop down on your head
Everywhere else it's ok it's ok it's ok
Forget the knife in your back and those who make you feel
Like you put it there take the middle course
You don't belong to the party of living death or dying life
There is always a hole into the workflow
StereotypeThe scent of the wide world
In concrete and glass
Compels your amazement
Until you're numb
How long will you marvel
Before you sign in?
The gates are wide open
And here you come
StuckkatoI say you're the artist choose your colour range
You say you're the art I'll bow to your commands
You're wiping me out, you're wiping me out
With every stroke of your brush
With every layer
I'm getting less, less, less
I'm going up in smoke into endless white
Synthesize MeSynthesize Me
Make me your
Love and hate machine
And I can serve you better
Start the true
Emotion scheme
Till I’m no longer forced
To keep my vital functions
The Convenience Of Being AbsentI'm sorry that we didn't know how sick you were
Your world in brilliance did you cut yourself from there?
To change your wild perspectives somewhere along the road
To dream of oceans till your head wants to explode
What is your substance?
what are you made of?
The Expatriate(Send me off to a foreign land
Where I'm kept alive to be president)
Marooned and shipwrecked
In the backrooms for the previleged elite
Overwhelmed with pleasantries
Winning hearts with some
The Minimumfrom the inside
to the outside
it's a long way
and it seems quite
to the dullness
of the moment
and its equipoise
The Pulse Of Lifewe didn't start the war.
you may not think that!
you may not say that!
you may not think that!
you may not say that!
you may not think that!
you may not say that!
you may not think that!
The Rich Are All Pervertedthe rich are all perverted
what trip?
what trip am i on?
i lost the overview
i cannot break through
what trip?
what trip am i on?
Times GaloreAlive
Within another brain
Within another maze
A wonderful donation
I'll throw it away
Stone by stone
Sit down and cure
Truth And MovementMechanical regret
With automatic tears
Mutiny had never seemed so pointless.
I haven’t slept for ages.
A coma in transparent trance
With all my narcissistic little helpers.
If not with you,
Two Boatstwo boats struggle for balance
in a weightless field of trance
sway to stay protected
vanish never to return
I'm lost to the world
take me home don't take me home
VelocityEndless rows of boys and girls
Spreading the news it's better to let go
I'm involved in other lines
I guarantee there will be no excuse
Loyalty to lunacy
Turn into velocity and run
Romeo against the wall
Grant him no adrenaline at all
WhyYou put these thoughts in my brain
none of these thoughts are here to remain
life passes on and leaves you behind
caress you one last time erase you from my mind
I kept my faith with your hologram eyes
spriraling reflections distorted in lies
infinite loops with dreams on repeat
WinglessDefine your demon and be precise
Impending wars now sharpen your eyes
Regeneration from now to then
For time will limit itself again
My aim -disprove you- lacks irony
Your wisdom even extends to me
Are you nervous needless to say
World of IceSo much further than you know
Through a world of ice
I have carved my way to you
Pushed and pulled by these lies
These lies
These lies
So much further than you know
You and IceIceblue shadow
Gliding through the air like wind
Will you follow
Me when I can't find the way?
Am I wrong now
To hold on to your promised land?
Am I wrong now
ZsaAre you serious?
Do you think i'm such a smog-brained teflon-hearted easy target
Ever prone ever accepting?
Don't you know my zero soldier army
Taking ain and getting jittery?
Fire! Reload! Broadsides from the ghost ships!