Bloody CodeMosh
Criminals all ye beware
Or continue if ye dare
The bloody code has returned
So tidy up or you'll be burned
From here on out one law prevails
In one hand a hammer and the other nails
FlagburnerBurn your flags and burn your bridges
Anarchy always lurks at the fringes
You can be all you can be
Stand up tall, revolution's free
It's just a cloth, it's not ideals
Friend Like MeLittle one, you've probably got it all wrong.
So for the best effect
Let me reflect
The possibilities
Well, Queen Chrysalis has her pesky hive,
And Twilight Sparkle has her faithful friends.
But, baby, you can teach them how to thrive -
Glass of waterDiscord: A little glass of water please
A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze
Some tea with honey from the bees
Whenever you can brew it
Tracy (Spoken): Tricia…do you think you can…
Tricia (Spoken): Yeah, yeah…I bet he’s faking it though!
Labour is LostCan't believe this bullshit
Can't believe my eyes
Won't accept this garbage
Won't accept their lies
Backbones turn to jelly
Ideals melt to trash
Red transforms to blue
Noses brown from ass
SyndicalismLondon town
Slowly drowns
Crimson blood
Scarlet flood
Countless dead
Endless dread
River bleeds
Hatred breeds
В ответеОт культа личности к нейтралитету масс от
Социальной идентичности, пропасти между классами
Сплошной вторичности, баталий клановых и расовых
От изоляции к свободе, росту, к сепарации
Идеи ради, на-износ
В безвольном стаде во весь рост
Советы, партия, колхоз