Distress of Ruin все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
Deadly NightshadeLaughter fills the air
While I’m wondering in the depths of my mind
Thinking of yesterday, dreaming of tomorrow
Journey rose-colored
Path filled with venomous thorns
I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness
As I place it on your finger
I commit my heart and soul to you
Harbinger Of RavageOne thousand lies carved to these walls
A riddle called life is soon to be solved
This humankind will never retrace the reason
This room, the space that haunts me
Whispers the cries that make me bleed
The eerie voices of rainy season
Destruction yearns for this place
Terminal AlterationIn the way of poison the leeches spread under his skin
Its now too late for vaccine, the defense has failed
In the way of pouring rain the seeds give their growth
The black clouds make their roots grow even stronger
On the top of that mountain you sense the vultures wreathing your guilt
The forgotten are here to ensure your collapse