1000 miles apartI wonder when this poison seed made a root and grew a weed
I wonder when I taught my feet not to walk down certain streets
I want to feel what I believe: that we are all the same
It’s not our houses, it’s our hearts 1000 miles apart
You stay there, and I'll stay here, into our corners we disappear
And we don’t ever have to talk, 'cause you like hiphop and I like rock
But sometimes thoughts hurt just as bad as striking cheeks with hands
A Better WayI'm not alone, I really believe
You never go, You never leave
Here and now, You always stay
Â??I love youâ?? could not be said a better way
It's everything You've promised
There's no greater love than this
All at WarI'm learning to stand
The more that I fall down
It's the law of inversion
And it's all turned around
And I'm staggered by
The clash inside my soul
So purposed for good
Coming Back HomeТекст песни:
After the longest exile
Trying to fake it on my own
I'm aching for my home.
I've been astray for much too long
And knowing I've done you so much wrong,
Just makes me feel that much more alone.
Don't Miss NowThe life you chose
There's never a list for it
Of cons and pros
You find what you love
And you commit
And you're looking so far down
The road so well
Great Are YouHow I love Your works
My God, my King
How I love Your works
My God, my King
Your Name rings on the plains
Like a not so distant train
And love and history are near
Hope Is RisingIve lost all my earthly optimism
That its all gonna be alright
That the good will win this fight
Somewhere between youth and disappointment
The dream became dispare
The love became a lie
Just now I've reached the end of my line
How Many KingsFollow the star to a place unexpected
Would you believe after all we’ve projected
A child in a manger
Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawl
Just a child
Is this who we’ve waited for?
Let Me Rediscover YouYour spirit hovers over my waters
Your love burns longer than the sun
The skies of thunder echo you wonder
Your praises can't be over - sung
The whole Universe is witness
To only a part of what you've done
So let me rediscover you
Live for YouI'm moved by this grace
Again and again
Your love so complete
How can I explain
I want to live for You
Oh, I want to live for You
With wonder and beauty and
Living the DreamThere's a guy, he's thinking 'bout high school.
He's stuck reminiscing of the wonders of the glory days.
There's a girl, day after her wedding.
She doesn't feel any different than before in many ways.
"Such is life" you wisper passively,
Where did my dream go?
My Last AmenFrom the corner of my eye
There's a tear I'm trying to cry
But the feeling can't be found
Like a note thrills in a song
When I play it again, it's gone
'Cause it was never in the sound
So BlueShallow capacity is bearing all I see and I know
It's disease, it's loss
It's death knocking at my door
I click these thoughts to something else, something more
And I'm so blue, so blue
Detached harmonies, all the airways scream dissonance
StirYou belong here, everyone's invited
You can't fail here, 'cause we can't fail united
It's safe to be yourself here
And it's time to go beyond here
We've got life to give,
So why don't we do what we we're saved for
Come along, why don't we stir?
The MoreNo need to hear your voice
Or see your face
To know that you are with me
No need to kiss your lips
Or hold your hand
To know that you can feel me
I know that you can feel me
When I look to the stars
What It's LikeIn my life all the strife is getting in the way
Frankly I did not plan on getting hurt today
From your chair in the clouds
Benevolent are Your ways
While the beggar bleeds, the children play
Everyone wants to know why
Isn't it always the question?
How do You know my condition?