Abandon All HopeValor they instill to face certain death in conflict
Win the war through discipline, trained to follow orders
Dilettantes of war, torn apart
Send them all to be slaughtered, standard training set
Atrocious By NaturePursuit of a conflict
Respecting no one
The stance of the vicious
Malicious bout, condemnation, brutal beat down
Hostility, ferocious war, overwhelming
Trouncing every foe obtainable
Bathe In EntrailsI Can Still Remember, That Night In Paris France, Enslaved Upon The Darkness, That Boiling Acid Bath, Bathing In His Sick Tub, Flooding With Entrails, Unto This Fucking World, Horror Is Revealed, Eyes Are Melting, Vile And Horrifying, Sordid, Suffering, Horrid Eviscreation, Nerves Exploding, A Sicklu Revelation, I Watched Them Die...Skin Is Peeling, Dripping Of Their Faces, Veins Are Bursting, So Morbidly Deformed, Sawed And Severed, Nothing Left To Pray For, Rot Forever, I Felt The Growing Sickness Of Decomposing Organs Rotting Right Before Me, So Heavenly Dismantled, As I Watched Him, Unforgiving, Eyes Of Terror, Melting Humans, Spilling Over, Cleansing My Skin, With Your Organs, With Your Blood
Beaten Into SubmissionThe cold, dark wind,
Penetrates with pain
Across frozen fields
On the edge of the Ardennes
Born In SodomBorn, a human life into this world.
Dead, the sad result from disease.
A century of sacrifice is lost in greed.
In a time of massive wealth, where not one sees.
Chemical children are raised in the streets,
Their whoring mothers begging beside.
In prisons the riots are breeding resistance
Conceived Into EnslavementForeseen the future coming dismal, regret
Selfish disposition, paybacks in order promptly
Power, control the means of commerce, dictate
Restrict those who try to flourish, unaided nihilist
Predict, choose who suffers largely, downfall
Invade, no private profits tolerable, contain dissent
Sharing the wealth with those who rule you, divine
Restraint, the sermon lectured to you, frequent rhetoric
Descend Into DepravityForgetting promise made in the campaigns
Voting down the line repeating all the talking points
No desire to advance anything but stature
Keeping up the facade reaping all the benefits
Decadence, accepting bribes, to east to bank on the fraudulent
Painless inequity, swapping favors to increase your posture
Forgetting constitutes, only polls will make you pause stockpiling
Epidemic of HateDon't fucking turn away, cause I think we've got a problem here.
You gotta stay off my back, I can't take another day in this prison.
Locked inside of here, imprisoned in flesh for mental light-years.
Pushing all my buttons now, you're just another cold, worthless victim.
There's no time, don't hold me down.
You crossed the line, now you're fucked.
Life's a heavy price to pay,
but when you're dead, there's no complaining.
Eviscerated OffspringImmortal Gods Of Life, Cast Into Waves, Bleed For The Maker, Drowning In His Faith, No Ressurection, Crush The Lifeless Spawn, Preview Of Tomorrow, Dying Dead, Already Gone, Without Face Or Features, The Concede, The Forgotten Word, Theirs ToPreach, An Exaltation, Contract In Blood, My Life Is In Their Hands And I Have Given Up, Untold Through Time, Ansestors Of The Falsity Above, Like Ancient Candles Burning Air That We Adore, The Love, Has Depleted, The God, Now Unseated, I'm Declared The Devine...Mangled, Godless Beings, Severed From Their Life Tortured, Headless Angels, Falling From The Sky Demons, Raping Virgins, Their Atonement Denied Devine, Father Damning, Exoneration Declined...No! Penence For The Dead...Reborn, Redemed, Expelled From The Past A Cross Will Rise, Celestial Light Uncompromised A "Netherworld" We Shall Create Where Love Is Crushed And Ruled By Hate, Ascension To The Higher Plain, Such Astronomical Disdain Repentance For Life...Profane Existence...Sacreligious Ways...Reprobated Minds...You're Sacraficed! This Crucifix Chokes My Throat, On Dying Words I Spoke, I'm alone, To Myself Unknown, Born In Time, Undefined, In Their Eyes I'm Blind
Fate Of The CondemnedThe thrust of fascist war campaigns
Inspire my will to disobey
Adversary to the end
Wielding all the wrath of hell
Rattling your diminutive saber
Jeopardizing sovereignty
Power trip of the smallest power
We can always use a new war
Forced EliminationSocietal advancement, an agenda of control
Forcing the elimination of hereditary flaws
Licensed breeding protocol, man's course decided
Incarcerating violaters
Their spawn aborted, state required forfeit
Human perfection far beyond our grasp
Cut out random flaws, leaving glitches behind them
From Womb To WasteBurning urge to conceive like animals blind in heat
But they're human all the same copulation compulsion to breed
Just anatomy and instinct lust consumed
But the product is a human life
A malicious maternal seed spewed forth in precarious birth
From the womb into the trash
Precious, twisting life
Crawling on the filth of the dumpster floor
Grotesque ImpalementI Am Lost, Far From The Cross You Stand Before, Filled With Lust, We Are All Filled With Lust, We Want This Whore, Impale Your Flesh, Draped In Darkness, Your Guts Explode And Life Has Ceased Behind Your Eyes, Impalement, And Before, Live No More, Live No More, Overcome By Fever, Malevolent Disgrace, Wretching With Repulsion, Bleeding From The Eyes, Fester With Redemption, Your Blood Begins To Clot, Clogging The Corpulses In Your Mind, Ignoring The Pretention, Wallow In The Rot, Seven Lives Have Come And Gone, The First And The Last, And What Are We Even Here For? Some Twisted, Mindless Game? Or Is God Just Playign Tricks Upon My Brain? The Birth Of Death Begins, And With Your Life It Ends, My World Emmersed In Hate, Destroy What I Creat, Deficate, Choke On My Shit, Urinate, Drown In My Piss, Godless, Hater Of The World, Your Mind Dwells On The Absurd, As I Contemplate Your Horrible Demise, Blood Streams Down Your Face, Drained, Drained Of Life
Homicidal RetributionLost my faith in justice
Time does not heal this pain
Defiled my existence
Recurring nightmare
There's no consolation
The awful memories
Constant mind coercion
Instinctive vengeance
Institutions Of DeceitDisgraceful, the evil done by false prophets in God's name
Profit from intimidating poor, lost souls into the flock
Selling a grand facade, pompous posturing in vain
Reinforce spiritual weakness, insecurity
Forgotten essential, freedom of choice
All goodness is discarded, kindness affected
Right or wrong, coerce the congregation mob
Nocturnal CrucifixionBlinding My Eyes, The Light Of Indencency, Exalted Demise, Morbid Complexity, Walkting The Path, Demonic Heredity, Reaching The End, It Opens Before Me, Unyielding To The Astral Powers, I Forsee The Unknown, Eternally They Are Chanting, Immortaly They Are Spawning, As I Watch They Stare At Me, A Gace Of Pure Insanity, Immersed In Darkness So Completely, I Find Myself Alone, Drinking From Ancient Waters, I Become One With Them, Unholy Shrouds, Incantations Shower Me, Unveiling The Secrets To Truth, Why I Must Die, Preach And Prophosize, Believers Are Taught That THeir Soulds Are Forgiven, Await The False Afterbirth, Feeling The Pain Inside From Out, Reliving The Past Once Again, Lascivious Lust, I Want To Believe, Succomb To The Horrid Disease, Stagnant And Old The Prophecy Told, Undying The Books Decieve, Forgotten And Spent, Rotting Alone, Forever To Suffer And Grieve
One Shot, One KillProvocation undeclared, like cowards they advance, attacking the unarmed
Campaign of dishonor, calculated violence inflicted on civilians
Narrow-minded wrath, self-righteous anger, acting out intolerance
Damning themselves, accursed adversaries of God-given liberty
Terror, innocent life destroyed by
Cowards, committing crimes, injustice
Empty, nothing to hope for but death
Arriving far too late, forecasts ignored, inadequate response
Stained patience, high tension, broken faith, aid unreliable
Dirty and decrepit, rising hate, criminal fantasies
Pissing In The MainstreamThe media is a tool designed to mold us into slaves
Drugging us into an empty, apathetic daze.
The trick is that we think that everything is going fine
But the truth to our reality lies buried in the mind
I don't give a fuck about the Hollywood elite;
I don't really care if models can't fucking eat.
I don't give a fuck a fuck about which movie is on top.
Praise The LordOne by one, the young will fall,
Indoctrination process growing
Some too weak to fight at all,
Who controls their future?
God above, or God below,
Questions that no one can answer
Live the truth, or die to know,
Purification Through ViolenceDying Fetus - Purification Through Violence (1996)
Ремастированная версия дебютного альбома
Dying Fetus – Blunt Force Trauma 3:33
Dying Fetus – Beaten Into Submission 2:49
Dying Fetus – Skull Fucked 2:54
Dying Fetus – Permanently Disfigured 3:25
Dying Fetus – Raped On The Altar 3:55
Dying Fetus – Nothing Left To Pray For 3:55
Raped On The AltarDark, crimson tides of blood
Will flow like water into wine
I smell you fear,
Our lives coincide
Please respect, the presence of
The dead
For they weep, they are damned
Spite filled eyes, cold and black
Second SkinSearching, Wandering
Looking for the perfect specimen
Still pure, immature
Acknowledged sickness concealed, swaggering
Unseen, stalking
Ascertain the prey
Creeping quietly
Shepherd's CommandmentWe have the obligation, to direct your train of thought
Showing what is prudent
Just fulfilling the mandate going along with trendy disputes
You prove our task
A worthy undertaking, funneling your fury
Greed and corruption, things that are below you
Open minded fairness
Subjected To A BeatingThirteen years I was locked away
A life thrown under the wheel
As each day passed, I never looked back
Just a beat down with a mind intact
Counting days inside my head
Set the trap
Tearing Inside The WombA Rotting Crotch Severed And Brown With Veins Of Protruding Inhumane, Forced Inside Another Life, Never To "Rise" Again, Laughing At This Farce, A Coroner's Delight, Open The Body Revealing A Stump, Gasp At The Hideous Sight, She'll Rot Before Me, She Deserves This Death, She'll Rot So Beautifully, Crushed, I Take Her Life, It's So Delightful, But It's Her This Time, It's All So Fucking Delightful, Now She's Just A Vision Or The Gore I Have Come To Know And Love, I Seek, I Find, She Dies!!! Forced Inside This Bizarre Sexual Demise, Her Body Crawls With Flies, As She's Ripped In Half, The Scent Terribly Described, They're Never Left Alive, The Pleasure Of The Dead, Womb, The Goal I Have In Mind, To Feast On This Sublime, Internal Masterpiece, Tear Further Deep Inside, I've Got To Reach The Prize, Tearing Inside The Womb!!! As I Shovel Out This Mess, So Beautifully Created, Love And Peace Are One With Me, My Mind And Your Flesh Have Mated
The Blood Of PowerDie, don't revive, won't succumb
Conduit of anger, tools of the trade
Essential supply of patrol compulsory
Instruments of wrath, in need of the lifeblood
Never ending skirmish for resource control
When entry contested, instigate combat
Financial enticement right to access
Unadulterated HatredCold rage festers in my black earth, blind provoked by your hypocrisy
Boastful menace vain disrespect, violent conflict is unavoidable
Veins on fire with lust to kill, locked intention, mind of obliteration
I I can't wait to bathe in your blood, to destroy your ignorance
Someone goes down, too long endured, mindless tension it, must end now
Wretched Flesh ConsumptionFlesh Consumption!!! Tearing Apart, Creating My Art, Molding The Parts From This Lifeless Lump, Stretchign The Face, That's Where I Start, (Twisting And Turning I Slowly Devour Your Corpse), Mourning The Loss, I'm Distraught, Perpetual Fear In Your Severed Heart, To Erase It I Must Pull It Out, (And While I'm Swallowing I'm Cutting Away At Their Heads), Keep Your Alive While I Survive, By Sucking The Innards Sublime, A Foray Into Maliciousness, (Sending Your Body Into The Gore Nebula), Gore!!!...It Ends The Conscience Of My Destined Hell, Gore!!!...Wounds Terminate Wretched Hell
Your Blood Is My WineStare In My Eyes, The Window To Your Soul, A Vision Of The Prophecy At Hand, Entranced And Decieved, You Fall Onto Your Knees, Give To Me The Pleasure I Demand, I Just Go By Instinct, There Is No Thought Out Plan, A Search For Penetration, A Lust Dream Of The Damned, Your Body Now Forgotten, It's Safe Within My Hands, Your Flesh Is My Salvation, The Sanctity Of Man, We're All The Same, An Existenctialst's Nightmare, Creation, A Purpose Inane, Death, An End, Dimmensional Crossing, A Spirite, Evolved Profane, Fornicate, A Quest For Self Pleasure, Undenied I Rise, Afterlife, The Desperate Measure, Soveriegn Sacrafice, Ascension From The Dawn, Iconoclast Enthroned, Hope Is All But Gone, A Harbinger Alone, Dilute My Blood With Yours, Acquire To The Taste, Carrier Of What I Need, Your Blood Shall Be My Wine! Feel The Blood Run Through You And Into Me, A Fluid I Belong To, An Epicure, Streangth From The Induldgent, I Extricate, True Exaserbation, An Anathema, This Is The Start Of What's To Come, With The Dying Breath Of The Chosen One, We'll Turn Your Many Into None, From Hell Your God To Begotten Son, No Remorse For The Fallen, A Reason To Be Served, A Bloodbath Mate Recieved My Hate, Not A Victim Just My Whore, A Taste Your Mouth Cannot Fathom, On Excess It Will Appease
Your Treachery Will Die With YouAnxiety of treachery, wary of the interloper
Never from the circle, the kindred you've confided in
Always from a stranger, is what you would believe in?
Cold-blooded betrayal, something not easily forgotten
Envy was the poisonous effect, flowing through your veins
Of What you should not covet, cowardly disdain