BrutalIt has gone away
And I'm still here
Said it has gone away
And I'm still here
Now I can't do my thing
Without you near
DASH SNOWDon't let me down
Don't let me down
Baby, don't let me down
It's gonna be alright
Can't say it
You're gonna see alright
Everybody gon' play it
Girl, it's gonna be alright
MMIX26.07.13 Расскажу еще одну историю про музыку и велосипед и дождь.
я ехал петь венчание и начал слушать этот суперфильм REDEEMER с середины. и вот, в конце трека Papi гости отсчитывают последние секунды 2008, а на меня падают первые капли; а на этом треке меня просто накрывает дождем, промыкаю насквозь буквально за минуту.
а на ВСЕ ПСЫ ПОПАДАЮТ В РАЙ я рассекаю огромные потоки у обочины, и понимаю: да, вот так такие альбомы проникают в твою жизнь)
PapiBring out the best in me
Said you'd bring out the best in me
Yeah, yeah
I can never be that!
Cause you bring out the best in me
It's not about the things I did to you
Cause you bring out the best in me
It's not about the possibility for we!
the pedigreeFor me to get to know you better, yeah
There's something I should let you know
To me you just another lady
Gonna have to let me go
I realize that thing you gave me, yeah
Doesn't do the thing I need
So why do we try deny it baby?
I'll be gone before you sleep Yeah
TwoShame on her
She knows my name
Say she got some
For a nigga
So glad I came
Don't be running blame on her
It wasn't funny, no