All Like The BonesLies are smeared across my face
They say it's common place
But you see through me
And I see through you
I'm shot full of holes
And so are you
Run away, or stay
All The Distant Shipsit passed through me into you
used our blood as the glue
their hands pulled me into the earth
where I laid until they figured my worth
then they moved on to you
said that we would have to do
the words fell from my mouth
Bright MouthsI see you in my head at night
Your eyes are vacant
And your mouth is bright
And all you say are things that I don't want to hear
So I smash my hands against my broken ears
We are the thoughts that you were warned about
We are the shadows in your basement
Dotted LinesMy heart won't break, it's locked in a safe
There is no key, ok, ok
The windowpanes can't stop the rain
The wind outside, it sounds like trains
We're so well read
We've filled our heads with all that knowledge left for dead
But we're still cracked, we can't relax
'Cause all we've learned is nothing lasts
Eat Shit And Diewe sat on the edge of the world and tossed things off
said nothing and had no need to
our bloody hand prints smeared the refuge
and I don't think I knew at the time
that we'd be gone before I knew your name
but it didn't matter much in the end
'cause it all burned down
Elegant DisastersI'm the crutch
I'm the words on the back of your tongue
I'm the intermittent headaches
I'm the dirt running deep beneath your fingernails that can't be scrubbed
I'm the part you kept hidden
I'm the stain on your name
I'm the opposite of conscience
I'm the needle in your side, I'm regret, I'm the dread, I'm the shame
Farewellout in the fields the skies crack and peel
while off in the distance the buildings collide
and down in the grass is a sea of broken glass
and skeletons of lives that I used to label mine.
and I've lost my tongue and I've lost all my friends
and I can't remember if I give a damn
FeathersSo the heart stolen songs
And the sirens sing along from out at sea
And we close our eyes and turn to watch them leave
You are not to blame for what happens to me
So you know where I'm from
And you know just what I've done and what I've seen
And what I will become if I'm cut free
Good Morning, HypocriteSeems like the roads stretch out like veins, but there's no heart.
Nature's haircut is concrete now, and we played our part.
So we sing ...
I've lost my taste for modern things. They're not for me.
I want mundane: a quiet place, where time is free,
And I can sing ...
Good Ol' BoysDon't, don't walk out your door
Wait a minute, peel the paint
From the walls, they go home
Lay down in it and please wait
Wait, wait for the gun
Shoot the apple from my head
Tie a rope, do a comic
Build a tip around your bed
Grand Machine No. 12this damn machine, this damn machine, this broken head doesn't work
so they're selling it off again
These crooked legs, these twisted arms, these tired feet lost their worth
soon they'll dismantle them
but we're all just part of some giant grand machine
too big to really understand
but we'll do our jobs till we break down and fall
Humfootsteps echo through hallways
beneath the neon lighting, everyone looks sick
we sit on a rusty staircase
you write your name with lipstick on the rail near the wall
what do you think about me now, that I've fallen down?
watching the crowds on the sidewalks
a steady hum of nothing is all that fills the air
InsomniaThere’s a light bulb dangling from string
It’s slowly swaying up over my head now
As I jot down the words that’ll never be sung
And wait for my headache to numb
And the wind sounds as if the world’s sighing
And the moon’s just a torn fingernail
As the TV flickers and hums by the wall
And I wait for my eyesight to fade
Metal FingersStand and move and walk across the water.
Peel the cover from the city.
Watch its insides twitch and smoke and rotate endlessly.
Sinking. Moving deep beneath the water.
Lots of other worlds exist.
Soon enough we'll tear them open.
Soon enough we'll break them too.
MonstersIn through your window the sky will fall.
You'll trap the stars in jars and line them along your walls.
As the moonlight fills the veins beneath your skin,
You'll hear us knocking, oh, but you won't let us in.
Because you've got no friends,
And you've got no heartbeat.
Your insides are rotten now.
Monsters liveThis was the first of the two "live" videos that were planned. I got the idea from watching performances of David Bowie on the BBC (I think the sessions were from '72). I liked how he played live, slightly different versions of the songs. I figured it would be fun to do something similar, only in more interesting settings than just a stage. So we filmed and recorded the song at the same time, and any extra tracking (clapping, tambourine, accordion) was done the same way. So it's kinda like live multi-tracking.
This particular session took over 13 hours. We filmed this about three days after I nearly broke my leg filming for another one of the videos, and I still couldn't put any weight on that foot. So whenever we had technical difficulties (which was often), I had to hobble around all the lamps to set things straight again. Add to that, we hadn't really practiced the song together before that day, and I, as always, had trouble remembering my lyrics. It was exhausting and frustrating, and I think I set the healing of my ankle back a good week or two, but we were happy with how it came out in the end.
Mr. Gonetongue divided on them words
they stick out like molasses
like stains across the brain
and from that lock and key and tone of your voice
I can tell them secrets are the kind best left unsaid
can't connect the dots
Nightmare No. 5 Or 6Woke up cold and the room was dark
Just some light from the moon
Felt your breath on my neck and it made me homesick
I don't mind if it's all in my head
My mind was built for lies
And your laugh sounds like glass, and it cuts right
Through me
Dreaming is not a one way process
Safe and SoundYou took your hits with the bruises on the soles of your feet
Well who's to say if they're deserved? But you're turning reckless now
I heard you saying through your teeth, that you'll take them down first
But I saw you flinch, when the doctors got the claws in you
I saw your smile start to crack
It's not so funny when you're sunk and there ain't nothing you can do
And your options are all dead ends
Some Crap About The Futureyou spread your rusty fingers across the ledge
you get your grip and peer down over the edge
you watch the city move and breathe and migrate
you're not apart of it; you're broken now, like us
I turn and brush the birds from off my shoulders
and cross side-walks with an earful of white noise
Ten Thousand LinesWe paint the future from this bedroom.
With lots of progress; cold and heartless.
And nothing lives, just twitches and moves.
It's all synthetic, but it's all we've got.
Thousands of wires spread through the halls.
Thousands of eyes live in our walls.
And now they can see just what we've done (oh no)
The Ocean Floorit's hard to get a solid breath down here
my lungs are burning
the pressure is as thick as my fear
but it's worth what I'm learning.
'cause down in these depths I can see
our history unfurling
come, I'll show you what we've lost
We Were Never Built To lastyou're on your own now
we're tired of lending hands
our new agenda, it cuts you from all our plans.
so get in line, boy
and keep that mouth of yours closed
don't need opinions
just work them hands to bones
Wearing Influences On Our Sleeveless T-shirtsWhen you fought
You sunk like a stone
But that's not why you came here
And that's not while we'll go
You were sold
And you were bought
And you were blamed
When it's black(You don't know where I've been)
Don't get me caught up in the middle, gotta live right
(You don't know what I've seen)
I've seen you strung up like a scarecrow in the moonlight
(You don't know what I know)
Oh lord, they took my name
They've got my name
Now I'm gone
White NoiseIn the white noise of everything,
I heard voices still trying to sing.
Who were they? What'd they say?
What was lost? Was it worth all the fuss of it?
I don't know, maybe so.
We stole the light from there eyes.
While it was still just a spark.