Disco RomancingI'll give you whatcha want just holla
Every boy goes to Roma
But no need to botha
But-but no need to botha
Cause I got what they got, but hotta
Come on boy, step in closa
Hey I think I like ya
Hey-hey I think I like ya
HypnoticI can hear it when you call my name
And you whisper million miles away,
Like a shooting rocket in the sky,
If we touch, I feel that I can fly.
Listen to
How loud my heart is beating just for you,
And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,
I need an angelIt`s hard time for me,this time,
There`s No blood in my veins,it`s gone,
Lost myself ,losing you,
I can`t brathe without you,I swear,
There`s no air..
See the rain falling down,in vein,
Hear my crying out,in pain,
Langa Mine1. Mi`ai zambit o clipa si m`ai fermecat
Si de`atunci am inceput sa scriu povestea
Am simtit ceva in piept pentru prima data
Ai facut inima mea sa bata
Refren :
Esti langa mine, in fiecare noapte
Mereu langa mine
Midnight SunFeeling kinda loca wanna dance
all night
And maybe, maybe I’ll get you, baby
I’ve seen you once before and you’re just my type
Think I’ll get lucky, oh, baby, baby
Come on, call me bonita
Don’t be shy, I promise to please ya
pana la steleImi place mult ce se intampla...cu noi
Cand viata capata un sens cand...cand suntem amandoi
Tu ca un rasarit de soare, ai aparut
Am stiut ca tu esti totul, am stiut
As vrea sa spun cat de mult te iubesc,
Ai reusit sa ma faci sa visez
Astazi plutim intre cer si pamant... cer si pamant
Perna MeaEu iti dau perna mea, sa dormi tu pe ea
Sa ai vise pufoase, in nopti furtunoase
Eu iti dau perna mea, sa dormi tu pe ea
Doar tu scrii poeme pe buzele mele
Cand dansam
Iti dau un sarut si mi-l dai tu mai incolo
Te rog sa arunci masca lui Zorro
Oricat de aproape te-as simti,
Parca nu-i de-ajuns
Ma tin departe vorbele
Pe care mi le-ai spus...
Noapte de noapte ,iubirea ne leaga
Acum ne desparte o lume intreaga
Spune-mi daca dragostea va rezista..?
Te AdorDoua jumatati, doua zile ,
Doua nopti , doua inimi care bat
Eu cu tine
Vise care ard in tacerea noptii
Caut locul unde sa te ascund pana maine
R: Stele mint pe cer
Vezi cum ne lumineaza
The Balkan Girls The Balkan girls they like to party
Like nobody, like nobody
It’s time for me to unwind
I’m gonna start my weekend with a tonic and lime
My girls take me for a ride
Ready to party and looking so fine
WaitingTik tik Tok
Tik tik Tok
Hey boy,what happened to your heart?
Is getting dark and i can not see you
Hey boy,why did you have to fall
Taking down your soul
And leave me lost in sorrow
Hey boy tell me where's your heart