- Angel That Conducted
Wait again any answers
Don`t leave scars
Cause I forgot to call them, brother
Come near to truth for seconds, need no more
Now not demanding constant care
Only one can stand with us
Reliable and similar
Too late to find, I walk alone
- Black Cobra
Why is it so hard?
Losing a glimpse of hope
Abortion or infertility
Claws of hours move an emptiness
Disturbing the ashes of my love
Non-existence seen in their faces
Beyond my space, within my life
The tunes of loneliness I whisper
- Inanimate Diary
Every word that affects the spirit
Becomes a spear that hits those who said it
Especially those words
Uneasy moment. So afraid to write to you
My lifeless letters
The burden of my last days
- Lullaby to Our Grudges
Black shadow flies before
My eyes, so skillful
And doors don`t need any keys
There comes a silence and
Understanding of each step
On my way
Because our faith is stronger.
- No Will
I disappear every day
From the earth
Away from your heart
Finally, I feel the taste of our dry lips
To break them! Never think of it again
Outwardly, it would be easier
Than it was then to be child
- One More Carnation
Don`t mention me
My voice, my direction
Inspiring internal demons, go on,
Only a word - disappear, catch me, go on
Change time and places and then follow you
You will never feel all alone
Senses, chains
- The Semblance of Eternal Mist
Open your eyes in the white december
Do you feel this little warmer?
Our own heart is melting at the same time
There is no guest here.still
But something is still trying to excite
To infuse to our lifeless bodies the semblance
Of life, another day will bring me the truth
This became scared, then became silly