"Time never dwells" - reminded our seamed faces.
The air is imbued with burnt souls beyond the horizon.
We seek for a new world and send our ships to the space.
Two hours to the dawn. Breathe.
Stars attract us and we build new skyscrapers.
And we lose our humanity while trying to touch the sun.
For YouMake me forget the path to your grave
Make me sweetly fall asleep forever
You will never discover the truth in my eyes
I’ll never explore real love
Breaking the heart into small peaces
I will give you that fear and pain
HopeI was watching for you through the space and the ages,
I threw apart seconds while dissolving the sugar of my hope in the bowl.
The hope is the only thing that remains.
And your reflection in my head.
No, I am not in pain, that’s just a fear.
I’m afraid our meet will never happen.
Often meetings bring only parting
When your song endsWith the cold flame of my candle I try to dispel the darkness
To find the trail through the wilds of sins of humanity.
I hear your voice and your song keeps me move on,
like a breath of fresh air it gives me the right to live.
When your song ends the dawn will open my eyes,
When your song ends the rain will clean out my soul,
When your song ends I will be able to breathe,
Your Life My DeathAshy light will illuminate to me the face.
When my heart will cease to knock.
In a rhythm of a rain which waits.
When from your eyes tear will fall.
Your life my death.
But you are silent to you all the same.
One more death will be dissolved in night.
And clean a rain all traces.
Без ТебяБез тебя этот дождь никогда не заплачет.
Уходящее солнце замрёт навсегда.
И то что, когда-то могло быть прекрасным
Засыплет на вечность сырая земля.
Осень пройдёт, и наступит зима,
Я знаю что смерть заберет меня,
Но прежде в мученьях я буду страдать.
разливая по венам усталостьРазливая по венам усталость,
Ветер скажет мне тихо "Прощай".
И в безумие дней погружаясь,
Я спалю этот проклятый рай.
Я устал от иллюзии счастья,
От фальшивых улыбок людей.
А глаза мои скованы страхом
И злобою личный идей.