Gangnam StyleIn the daytime this girl
She's warm and pretty and nice
She's the classy girl drinking a double latte on ice
A girl who starts to heat the club up whenever the night arrives
A girl whos got that kind of spice
And you might know this guy
He's so smooth and super awesome
Hug ScreamSometimes you've gotta do
Something you don't wanna do
It penatrates, it terrifies
Straight down deep into you
But you can't run and hide
Or curl up and cry
No you can't let that thing be in charge of how you live your life
Well I've searched for years and years for just one thing
Mother Pheasant PluckerWell a pheasant is a bird
And they need to be plucked
After being slaughtered
And before they're put on trucks
And you probably
Don't think much of me
Just a lonely pheasant plucker at the pheasant factory
T-Shirt and JeansOne, two, one, two, three, four
I remember when I was a young man
My mama took me to the store
And I was scared out of my mind
As I stared at that dressing room door
I was like: "What if the pants are
too bright, too dark, too baggie, too light
The Universe is WeirdWell, a quark can never exist by itself in isolation
Something very odd happens when you try to separate them
The energy it takes to break up those two best friends
is just enough to create two more to join back up with them
And a photon has no mass and thus it travels at light speed
If you could imagine going that fast and if you try I think you might be
You'd be emitted and absorbed both in the exact same instant