08. Nothing Like Your LoveLove unchanging
God Your mercy never fades
And I'm surrounded
By Your compassion and Your grace
Your love
Brighter than the sun
More beautiful than words could ever say
A Million SunsYou stand eternal
The uncreated One
Who knows no end
The starry wonders
The vast expanses
Bound to Your command
Across the earthVERSE 1:
Across the earth
Your praises rise
We lift our voice
Call upon Your Name
You gave us hope
That never ends
In Christ alone
AdonaiI lift my voice
i lift my praise to you
i lift my hands
i lift my worship to you
and i love you more
than i can say
oh I love you more
All I Need Is Youleft my fear by the side of the road
hear you speak
and wont let go
fall to my knees as i lift my hands to pray
got every reason to be here again
fathers love draws me in
all my eyes wanna see is a glimpse of you
Another In The FireThere's a grace when the heart is under fire
Another way when the walls are closing in
And when I look at the space between
Where I used to be and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone
There was another in the fire
Standing next to me
Arms Open WideVERSE 1:
Take my life I lay it down
At the cross where I am found
All I have I give to You oh God
Take my hands and make them clean
Keep my heart in purity
Beautiful ExchangeYou were near, Though I was distant
Disillusioned I was lost and insecure
Still mercy fought, For my attention
You were waiting at the door, Then I let You in
Trading Your life, For my offenses
For my redemption, You carried all the blame
Can You HearDeck the halls, ring the bells
Christmas time is here
Mistletoe don't you know?
Christmas time is here again
Stockings are hung up high
By the fireside
Oh Christmas
Happy Christmas to all
Deeply in loveIn my life You've heard me say
I love you
How do I show you it's true
Hear my heart, it longs for more of you...
I've fallen deeply in love with you...
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by you
Desert SongСТИХ 1-й:
Это моя молитва в пустыне
Когда все, что есть внутри меня чувствует, сухой
Это моя молитва в мой голод, и нужду
Мой Бог-это Бог, который обеспечивает
СТИХ 2-й:
Это молитва моя в огне
Desperate People
You cross the great divide, You took our place
You offered up Your life, for we have failed
The veil was torn and love remained
You are holy Lord
Distraction costs us, how we seek Your face
EvermoreLost for words with all to say
Lord you take my breath away
Still my soul, my soul cries out
For you are holy
And as I look upon your name
Circumstances fade away
Now your glory steals my heart
From God Above- 2005 Marty Sampson / Hillsong Publishing
С Небес Пришёл Ты
150 BPM
F#m D|B E|F#m D|B\\ :||2x
From The Inside Out"From The Inside Out"
A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
Should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace
Everlasting, your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, your glory goes beyond all fame
Fuego De DiosPorque sé que vivo estás
Me diste la eternidad
Por siempre quiero alabar
Tu nombre oh Dios
Me compraste con la sangre que diste en la cruz
al morir crucificado por la humanidad
ahora vivo estás
GloryGreat is the Lord
God almighty
Great is the Lord on high
The train of His robe
Fills the temple
And we cry out
Highest praise
Good GracePeople
Come together
Strange as neighbors
Our blood is one
Of generations
Of every nation
Heart Like HeavenHoly
No measure knows your worth
Face down
Where mercy finds me first
If you sought perfection
I'd die tryin' to reach it
But this broken heart is all you want
Heartbeats[Verse 1]
Love strung out I am found in the price you paid
I know that your life is the blood running through my veins
My eyes fixed wide on the light of the cross again
I feel the weight drop in the wake of the empty grave
I want you, need you
Here NowSkies spin their dance
Within Your breath
Time runs its race
Within Your hand
And my mind runs wild
To comprehend
What no mind on earth
Here's To The OneHere's to the One who made the morning bright
Here's to the One who taught the stars to shine
Here's to the One who graced the dead of night
Pulled me from the dark set my heart alight
Here's to the One who made my heart to sing
Opened up my eyes washed away my sin
Here's to the One who gave His life for mine
HosannaI see the King of Glory
Coming on the clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes, the whole earth shakes, yeah
I see His love and mercy
Washing over all our sin
The people sing, the people sing
Hosanna, Hosanna
Hosanna in the highest
I Could Sing Of Your Love ForeverЧерез горы и моря
Твоей любви река течет,
Открою сердце для тебя-
И исцеление придет.
Я счастлив в истине твоей,
К тебе я руки вознесу
Я буду вечно петь о любви Твоей
I SurrenderHere I am
Down on my knees again
Surrendering all
Surrendering all
Find me here
Lord as You draw me near
Desperate for You
Love Is War In Your justice and Your mercy
Heaven walked the broken road
Here to fight this sinner's battle
Here to make my fall Your own
Turn my eyes to see Your face
As all my fears surrender
Hold my heart within this grace
Me viniste a rescatarVengo ante ti postrado,
con todo mi ser te quiero ver,
tuyo soy, Señor.
Mi vida pongo en tus manos,
Dios de gracia, vengo en humildad,
En tu presencia quiero estar.
Mercy MercyMercy mercy
Bring me to my knees
As the morning
Calls to light the dark in me
Heaven's story
Breathing life into my bones
Spirit lift me
more than lifeHillsong United (More Than Life 2004)
Stand by everything You said
Stand by the promises we made
Let go of everything I 've done
I'll run into Your open arms
And all I know
My Future Decided
You hold the future in your hands
You know my dreams and you have a plan
And as you light my way, I'll follow you
My eyes on all of the above
My soul secure in all you've done
My minds made up
No Reason To HideWe've got nothing to lose, we've got no reason to hide.
We've got the answer inside of us Its time we took the disguises off
We'll see Your glory revealed, and see Your Name lifted high
There's nobody else for us Jesus You are the only One!
You're alive and we are free
You are everything, everything we need!
Not TodayTrouble won’t throw me
Won’t break me
Won’t scare me
No more
Fear must have thought I was faithless
When it came for my heart
‘Cause I got a song that will never die
I know Your love is the reason why
Now That You're NearHold me in Your arms
Never let me go
I wanna spend the eternity with You
I stand before You, Lord
And give You all my praise
Your love is all I need
Jesus, You're all I need
Oceans1 куп
Меня зовешь ты над водою,
И дверь уходит из под ног
Тебя неведанно найду я
в пучинах вера не умрет
Твое я имя прошепчу
и взглядом по волнам скользну
моя душа найдет покой в твоих руках
Ready Or NotCome now
As you are
Or as you want to be
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Come now
Tired, broken, scared
Or just in need
Salvation Is HereGod above all the world in motion
God above all my hopes and fears
And I don't care what the world throws at me now
I'm gonna be alright
Hear the sounds of the generations
Making loud our freedom song
All in all that the world would know Your name
Solo CristoEn reposo, en silencio
Sé que tú eres señor
Al estar en tu presencia
Sé que hay restauración
Al oír tu dulce voz
Te seguiré mi rey, mi Dios
No hay nadie como tú
Sólo Cristo
StrongerThere is love that came for us
Humbled to a sinner's cross
You broke my shame and sinfuless
You rose again victorious
Faithfulness none can deny
Through the storm and through the fire
There is truth that sets me free
Sunburst You draw our hearts from the shadows
Towards Your horizon
Leaving the shade of the half light
To follow the Son
The city stirs in the twilight
In search of the morning
Street s finding life in the Sunburst
Of Your bright shining love
Tear down the wallsTear down the walls, see the world
Is there something we have missed
Turn from ourselves, look beyond
There is so much more than this
The StandYou stood before creation
Eternity in your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand
You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon your shoulders
The Wonder Of Your LoveVERSE 1
You inhabit the Praises of Your people
You delight in the Glory of Your Son
In the love of the Father We will worship
In the kingdom of God We find our home
Touch the skyWhat fortune lies beyond the stars
Those dazzling heights too vast to climb
I got so high to fall so far
But I found heaven as love swept low
My heart beating, my soul breathing
I found my life when I laid it down
Upward falling, spirit soaring
Touch the Sky - Коснусь небесКУПЛЕТ 1:
Что скрыто за сияньем звёзд?
Как мне достичь таких высот?
На полпути свернуть нельзя
С небес Любовь вдруг спустилась к нам.
Сердце бъется
Up In ArmsA reckless love too wild to understand
Breathing the world to life in Your romance
So here I am
Your love has got me up in arms again
And this hope won't let me go
My joy is boundless
My soul knows its worth
Venga Tu ReinoTu amor me alcanzó, Señor, Por tu
gracia puedo entrar, contigo puedo estar. En mi
vida tu verdad, Vida tu palabra es, vida eterna
es. Vivo por ti, (por) tu verdad.
Que tu reino, oh Dios, venga con poder, Que se
haga tu voluntad. Donde tú estás
fluye salvación, Quiero más de ti,
What The Lord Has Done In MeLet the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich"
Let the blind say, "I can see"
It's what the Lord has done in me
Let the weak say, "I am strong"
Let the poor say, "I am rich"
Let the blind say, "I can see"
With All I Aminto your hand
i commit again
with all I am
for you Lord
you hold my world
in the palm of your hand
and I'm yours forever
With EverythingName above names
Lamb that was slain
Beautiful God
The king above kings
God of all things
Beautiful God
And there is no other Name
Like Jesus
With Everything - Всей силой мыкуп. С верой встань,
Пусть тьма трепещет в свете славы Твоей,
И пусть увидят все,
Иисус наш Бог,
И Он достоин Славы всей!
пр. Бог всех времен,
Все творенье славит Имя Твое,
WonderКУПЛЕТ 1:
Изумлялся ли ты чуду,
Когда свет коснулся глаз,
И теперь ты начал видеть
Этот мир как в первый раз,
Если да, скажи
Yours Forever - Твои навекикуп. Имя Его провозгласим во тьме,
И свет Его покажет блудным путь,
Узка дорога, но мы не свернем,
В нас любовь Христа, мы до конца
куп. Ходим в истине, и грех наш побежден,
Ведь прошлого нет, по новому живем,
Бог Ты дал1.Бог Ты дал падшим надежду,
Явил свет тем, кто во тьме был.
Ты смерть забрал и жизнь мне дал.
Бог Ты дал мир беспокойным,
Вернул смех в разбитые семьи,
Найду себя в Тебе всегда.
Врага победил Ты.D2
Врага навеки победил Ты,
Тебя смерть не смогла сдержать,
Возносим голос свой в победе мы
И будем громко хвалу кричать!
Я вижу, как Царь Славы
В облаках грядет с огнем
Трепещет все, трепещет все.
Я вижу, как любовью
Все грехи омоет Он
Ты так благ ко мне[VERSE]
From the rising of the sun to where it sets
I will give you praise
And in every circumstance
You are good
I will give you praise