cloudsMy head in the clouds
Your feet on my lap
I'm running my mouth
And talking to fast
Slow it all down
I love you 'tll my last breath
Coming to terms
With coming of age
FantasyI'm washed up you're not fun
haggard, coward, lazy, too old
bored as hell ,freezing cold
violent temper tiny little man
tongue in cheek prink in hand
full of shit waste of man
i expect fantasy
Just hold meVzácný jako diamant je vidět lidi smát se,
Kamená tvář, po osmi hodinách práce,
tyhle lidi se pomalu ztrácej, vidím je v dálce,
Vím jaký to je, yeah taky byl sem za pásem
Na polaroid chytám vzácný momenty a ptám se,
Jestli si vzpomínáš kdy naposledy si smál se,
Skládám ty puzzle ale pořád mi některý scházej
Los AngelesThere's a place I go in my sleep. There's enough dreams out there to carve out a piece. You can leave yourself behind and not be what you seem. I can't go on if there's nowhere on earth where heaven is cheap. Los Angeles - Is it a city or a dream? Los Angeles - Paradise I can go to in my sleep. Where's a dream to be had as real as the heat. There's a price and it's dark, but you get what you can keep. You can live however you want, just not on the street. When the going gets tough you can always die in the sea.
Горели Конопляные ПоляСмиёццо суслег в ниуютной норке.
На спинко апракинулсо жучёг.
Хахочед йожег, носицца па горке,
саффсем с катушег съехал дурачог!
Литают птичко странными кругами,
и ржод кобыльчег с пенкой иза рта.
Сараканожег дрыгаед нагами.
Аццмеха слёзки льюццо у крота.