Blow The Man DownOh, blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down
Way aye blow the man down
Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow him away
Give me some time to blow the man down!
As I was a walking down Paradise Street
Way aye blow the man down
A pretty young damsel I chanced for to meet.
Christmas in Killarney(Chorus)
The holly green, the ivy green,
The prettiest picture you?ve ever seen
is Christmas in Killarney,
With all of the folks at home.
It's nice you know, to kiss your beau
while cuddling under the mistletoe,
And Santa Claus, you know of course,
Don't Call Me Early In The Morning[Chorus]
[C]Don't call me[G] early in the[F] morn[C]ing
[F]Call me what you[C] want to but[G] leave me alone
[C]Don't call me[G] early in the[F] morn[C]ing
Just[G] leave me till the cows are coming[Am] home
A[G] man or a[C] woman they need the relaxation
From rising always at the[G] dawn
Drunken SailerWhat shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
Early in the morning?
Wey–hey and up she rises,
Wey–hey and up she rises,
Wey–hey and up she rises,
Fuck The British ArmyWhen i was young i used to be as fine a man as ever you'd see
the prince of wales he said to me: "come and join the british army"
toora loora loora loo, they're looking for monkeys up at the zoo
"if i had a face like you, i'd join the british army"
Sarah comden baked a cake, it was all for poor oul slattery's sake
i threw herself into the lake, pretending i was barmy
toora loora loora loo, it was the only thing i could do
God Rest Ye Merry GentlemenGod rest ye merry gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas day
To save us all from Satan's power
When we were gone astray
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Comfort and joy
Grandma Got Run Over By A ReindeerGrandma got run over by a reindeer
Walking home from our house Christmas eve
You can say there's no such thing as Santa
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe
She'd been drinkin' too much egg nog
And we'd begged her not to go
But she'd left her medication
King of the FairiesUp the airy mountain, through the rushy glen
We daren't go a-hunting for fear of little men.
Wee folk, good folk, trooping all together
Green jacket, red cap and white owl's feather.
By the craggy hillside, through the mosses bare
They've planted thorn trees for pleasure here and there.
Is any man so daring as to dig them up in spite
Puff The Magic DragonPuff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Honali,
Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,
and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
And froliced in the autumn mist in a land called Honali,
Puff, the magic dragon lived by the sea
Snoopy vs The Red Baron
After the turn of the century
In the clear blue skies over Germany
Came a roar and a thunder men have never heard
Like the scream and the sound of a big war bird
Eins, zwei, drei, vier ....
St. Brendan's Fair IsleWhen I was a lad on the Emerald Isle
I heard many stories both lovely and wild
About the great dragons and monsters that be
That swallow the ships when they sail on the sea.
Though I was an artist with canvas and paint
I sailed with St. Brendan and his jolly saints
We told the good people goodbye for a while
Star Of The County DownIn banbridge town in the county down
One morning last july,
From a boreen green came a sweet colleen
And she smiled as she passed me by.
She looked so sweet fronn her two bare feet
To the sheen of her nut brown hair.
Such a coaxing elf, sure I shook myself
For to see I was really there.
Staten IslandWe sailed our ship down the Hudson River
To the wild Atlantic we said farewell
On Staten Island when we landed
There we had our tale to tell
We're the poor, the huddled masses
We have crossed the lonely sea
Left the Old World for the New World
The Drunk Scotsman SongWell a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked the he'd drunk more than his share
He fumbled 'round until he could no longer keep his feet
And he stumbled off in to the grass to sleep beside the street
Ring-ding didle idle i de-o
Ring dye didley i oh
The Gallant Forty-TwaYou may talk about your lancers, or your Irish Fusiliers,
The Aberdeen Militia or the Queen's Own Volunteers;
Or any other regiment that's lyin' far awa'
Come give to me the tartan of the gallant Forty Twa.
And strolling through the green fields
on a summer day
The RakeПовеса1
Я — молодой парнишка из графства Тайрон2,
Меня очень хорошо знают в городе Страбаншир,
И частенько я захожу в тамошнюю пивную
И с Китти, и с Джинни, и с Мери.
Отец упрекает меня за то, что я такой повеса,
Что трачу деньги на виски и сладости,
Turra MarketAs I went in by Turra market
Turra market for to fee
I fell in with a wealthy farmer
At the barnyards of Delgaty
Lint-a-naddy, tour-a-naddy, lint-a-naddy, tour-a-nee
Lint-in-lowrin, lowrin, lowrin, the barnyards of Delgaty
Up Among the HeatherI roved out on a bright May morn,
So calm and clear was the weather
I chanced to roam some miles from home,
Among the beautiful blooming heather,
And it's heather on the moor, over the heather,
Over the moor and among the heather
I chanced to roam some miles from home,
Whiskey On A SundayCome day go day,
Whishing in me heart it was Sunday,
Drinking buttermilk all the week,
Whiskey on a Sunday.
He sits on the corner of Beggars Bush,
Astride of an old packing case,
And the dolls on the end of the plank were dancing,
Whisky In The JarAs I was going over the far famed Kerry mountains
I met with Captain Farrell, and his money he was counting.
I first produced my pistol, and I then produced my rapier.
Sayin' stand and deliver, for I am a bold deceiver,
musha ring dumma do damma da
whack for the daddy 'ol