Christmas In RhodesiaIt’s Christmas in Rhodesia
And there’s no mistletoe
No holly and no reindeer
No Robin in the snow
But there's the red Poinsettia
And bright Flamboyant too
And gentle-eyed Impalas
Farewell BritaniaOh, I can see a jacket of red and white and blue,
Some lions and a unicorn, a harp, a bulldog too
I see some shiny jewels that sparkle in a crown
Some hearts of oak, some daffodils and hills of thistledown
Is this good-bye now, my Greaten Britannia
Farewell Britannia, adieu!
Must I leave you now, my Greaten Britannia
Green And WhiteHer Daddy went to fight for the Green and White
She won't forget that day ...
They were all at the Old Drill Hall
As the convoy pulled away.
Her Daddy went to fight for the Green and White
It was hard to say good-bye
Tall and lean in his jungle green
Pick yourself upOn a hot dusty playground in an old country school
Where nobody heard of the Queensbury rules
A skinny young boy cries the tears of defeat
And they made two rivers on the dust of his cheek
So he ran home to mother to tell her his woes
How the bully had licked him and bloodied his nose
She said to him: Son, you won't be quite small
Rhodies EverywhereThey're in the outback of Australia
They're in the African Karroo
They're in the tundra of Alaska
And there's one in Timbuktu
They're in Papua New Guinea
Singapore and in Rangoon
Neil Armstrong said he even
Salisbury TownSong - Rolling down to Salisbury town - Rhodesia 98 weeks ago
Rolling down, to Salisbury town, or is it my emagination.
I got a past, removing atlast, for rest and recooperation.
Two bright starlight eyes will be smiling at me;
Dark brown hair down dancing flying and free.
Two warm love torn arms will be holding me tight;
I just can't wait to be with my woman tonight.
The Battle Of BembeziWe fought them at the Bonko, 'twas just the other day
They laid an ambush in our path - we went another way
To capture Bulawayo and stop a fearful war
The Sal'sbry Horse, Victoria Rangers and the old Cape Corps.
On the first day of November of eighteen ninety-three
We fought the Matabele at the Battle of Bembezi.
The Candle That BurnsThe sands of the desert were cruel and stark
They burn in the day and they chill in the dark
On that vast battleground on the eve of the fight
The candle that burns inspired them that night
Thge brine of the ocean was freezing and cold
The boys became men, and the men became bold
But they died just the same in the damp and the wet
The Regiment Lives onBack in 1889 a regiment was born her mounted troopers rode in sunshine and in storm
From Baird to Ireland to the mighty Zambezi known by many names she was the BSAP
Come ye troopers of old wherever ye may be drink a century toast to the BSAP
And we'll sing a couple bars of the good ole Kum-a-Kye song
THE SAINTSO when the Saints go marching in
O when the Saints go marching in
I wanna be in that number,
When the Saints go marching in
O when the Saints go marching in
O when the Saints go marching in
I wanna be in that number,
The Whenve SongWhenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, whenwe, when when we...
When we cross the mighty Pungwe
The gooks were righty angry
When we caught them with their pants down on parade...
When we visited Chimoio
They weren't full of joy-o
'Cause we messed up all the killing plans they made...
UDI SongJohn Edmond - UDI Song
G C F A#
Zimbabwe RuinsOh! The Green and White don't fly no more in Salisbury
And the PM doesn't drive a modest car
And they've changed the name and now it's called Harare
And there's strangers drinking in the Flagstaff bar
And the trash is piling up on all the pavements
And you can't get milk and sugar tea or bread
The country's broke and hospitals are crowded
So if you get sick you have to share a bed