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  • Текст песни Jonas Blue - Fast car

    Исполнитель: Jonas Blue
    Название песни: Fast car
    Дата добавления: 04.09.2017 | 10:15:08
    Просмотров: 20
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Jonas Blue - Fast car, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    You got a fast car
    У тебя быстрая тачка,
    I want a ticket to anywhere
    А мне нужен билет хоть куда-нибудь.
    Maybe we make a deal
    Может, заключим сделку?
    Maybe together we can get somewhere
    Может, доберёмся куда-нибудь вместе?
    Any place is better
    Любое место лучше, чем здесь.
    Starting from zero got nothing to lose
    Когда начинаешь с нуля, терять нечего.
    Maybe we'll make something
    Может, мы чего-нибудь добьёмся.
    Me myself I got nothing to prove
    Мне? Лично мне нечего доказывать.

    You got a fast car
    У тебя быстрая тачка,
    I got a plan to get us out of here
    А у меня есть план, как нам отсюда выбраться.
    I been working at the convenience store
    Я работала в минимаркете
    Managed to save just a little bit of money
    И смогла скопить совсем немного денег.
    Won't have to drive too far
    Нам не придётся ехать к чёрту на кулички:
    Just 'cross the border and into the city
    Просто пересечём границу и заедем в город.
    You and I can both get jobs
    Ты и я - мы оба сможем найти работу
    And finally see what it means to be living
    И, наконец, понять, что значит - Жить.

    You got a fast car
    У тебя быстрая тачка.
    Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
    Она достаточно быстра, чтобы мы смогли умчаться отсюда?
    We gotta make a decision
    Нам нужно принять решение -
    Leave tonight or live and die this way
    Уехать сегодня ночью или остаться здесь жить и помирать.

    So remember when we were driving, driving in your car
    Вспомни, как мы ехали на твоей машине
    Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
    С такой скоростью, что мне мерещилось, будто я пьяна.
    City lights lay out before us
    Перед нами расстилались городские огни,
    And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
    Твоя рука приятно сжимала мои плечи,
    And I had a feeling that I belonged
    И у меня было ощущение, что я часть тебя,
    I had a feeling that I could be someone
    Мне казалось, что у меня получится стать кем-то важным,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    Мне казалось, что у меня получится стать кем-то важным.

    See my old man's got a problem
    Видите ли, у моего отца есть проблема -
    He live with the bottle that's the way it is
    Он неразлучен с бутылкой, вот так.
    He says his body's too old for working
    Он говорит, что его тело слишком дряблое, чтобы работать,
    His body's too young to look like his
    Его тело слишком молодое, чтобы так выглядеть.
    My mama went off and left him
    Моя мама разозлилась и бросила его,
    She wanted more from life than he could give
    Она хотела от жизни большего, чем он мог ей предложить.
    I said somebody's got to take care of him
    Я сказала, что кто-то должен о нём позаботиться,
    So I quit school and that's what I did
    Поэтому я бросила школу - вот что я сделала.

    You got a fast car
    У тебя быстрая тачка,
    We go cruising, entertain ourselves
    Мы едем покататься и развлечься.
    You still ain't got a job
    Ты всё ещё без работы,
    And I work in a market as a checkout girl
    А я работаю кассиршей в магазине продуктов.
    I know things will get better
    Я знаю, всё изменится к лучшему -
    You'll find work and I'll get promoted
    Ты найдёшь работу, а я получу повышение,
    We'll move out of the shelter
    Мы переедем из "шалаша",
    Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
    Купим дом побольше и будем жить в пригороде.

    You got a fast car
    У тебя быстрая тачка.
    Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
    Она достаточно быстра, чтобы мы смогли умчаться отсюда?
    You gotta make a decision
    Нам нужно принять решение -
    Leave tonight or live and die this way
    Уехать сегодня ночью или остаться здесь жить и помирать.

    So remember when we were driving, driving in your car
    Вспомни, как мы ехали на твоей машине
    Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
    С такой скоростью, что мне мерещилось, будто я пьяна.
    City lights lay out before us
    Перед нами расстилались городские огни,
    And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder
    Твоя рука приятно сжимала мои плечи,
    And I had a feeling that I belonged
    И у меня было ощущение, что я часть тебя,
    I had a feeling that I could be someone
    Мне казалось, что у меня получится стать кем-то важным,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    Мне казалось, что у меня получится стать кем-то важным.
    Be someone
    Стать кем-то важным,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    Мне казалось, что у меня получится стать кем-то важным.
    You got a fast car
    You have a fast car,
    I want a ticket to anywhere
    And I need a ticket somewhere.
    Maybe we make a deal
    Maybe we'll make a deal?
    Maybe together we can get somewhere
    Maybe we'll get somewhere together?
    Any place is better
    Any place is better than here.
    Starting from zero to nothing
    When you start from scratch, there's nothing to lose.
    Maybe we'll make something
    Maybe we can do something.
    Me myself I got nothing to prove
    To me? Personally, I have nothing to prove.

    You got a fast car
    You have a fast car,
    I got a plan to get us out of here
    And I have a plan on how to get out of here.
    I was working at the convenience store
    I worked in the minimarket
    Managed to save just a little bit of money
    I was able to save a little money.
    Will not have to drive too far
    We do not have to go to hell to the cake:
    Just 'cross the border and into the city
    Just cross the border and drive into the city.
    You and I can get jobs
    You and I - we both can find a job
    And finally see what it means to be living
    And, finally, to understand what it means to live.

    You got a fast car
    You have a fast car.
    Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
    Is it fast enough for us to get out of here?
    We gotta make a decision
    We need to make a decision -
    Leave tonight or live and die this way
    Leave tonight or stay here to live and die.

    So remember when we were driving, driving in your car
    Remember how we went by your car
    Speed ​​so fast I felt like I was drunk
    With such speed that I imagined that I was drunk.
    City lights lay out before us
    In front of us were the city lights,
    Round your shoulder
    Your hand grasped my shoulders,
    And I had a feeling that I belonged to
    And I had a feeling that I was a part of you,
    I had a feeling that I could be someone
    It seemed to me that I would be able to become someone important,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    It seemed to me that I would be able to become someone important.

    See my old man's got a problem
    You see, my father has a problem -
    He live with the bottle that's the way it is
    He is inseparable from the bottle, like this.
    He says his body is too old for working
    He says that his body is too flabby to work,
    His body is too young to look like his
    His body is too young to look like that.
    My mama went off and left him
    My mom got angry and left him,
    She wanted more from life than he could give
    She wanted more from life than he could offer her.
    I said somebody's got to take care of him
    I said that someone should take care of him,
    So I quit school and that's what I did
    So I dropped out of school - that's what I did.

    You got a fast car
    You have a fast car,
    We go cruising, entertain ourselves
    We go for a ride and have fun.
    You still is not got a job
    You're still out of work,
    And I work in a market as a checkout girl
    And I work as a cashier in a grocery store.
    I know things will get better
    I know everything will change for the better -
    You'll find work and I'll get promoted
    You'll find a job, and I'll get a promotion,
    We'll move out of the shelter
    We will move from the "hut",
    Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
    We'll buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs.

    You got a fast car
    You have a fast car.
    Is it fast enough so we can fly away?
    Is it fast enough for us to get out of here?
    You gotta make a decision
    We need to make a decision -
    Leave tonight or live and die this way
    Leave tonight or stay here to live and die.

    So remember when we were driving, driving in your car
    Remember how we went by your car
    Speed ​​so fast I felt like I was drunk
    With such speed that I imagined that I was drunk.
    City lights lay out before us
    City lights were spread before us,
    Round your shoulder
    Your hand grasped my shoulders,
    And I had a feeling that I belonged to
    And I had a feeling that I was a part of you,
    I had a feeling that I could be someone
    It seemed to me that I would be able to become someone important,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    It seemed to me that I would be able to become someone important.
    Be someone
    Become someone important,
    Had a feeling that I could be someone
    It seemed to me that I would be able to become someone important.


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