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  • Текст песни Lake of Tears - Black Brick Road - 2004 - 3.Black Brick Road

    Исполнитель: Lake of Tears - Black Brick Road - 2004
    Название песни: 3.Black Brick Road
    Дата добавления: 14.01.2018 | 10:16:11
    Просмотров: 10
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Lake of Tears - Black Brick Road - 2004 - 3.Black Brick Road, перевод и видео.
    I met a blackbird flying south tonight, I looked into her eyes tonight
    I saw her wings were getting tired, still looking for the light
    There is evil on the way, it will come with break of day
    I heard her say before she turned and flew away
    But for a moment there alone I could find my way back home

    How it hurts still there when she comes to show
    She's always near down the black brick road

    I watched her heading for the southern skies when she lost her wings and died
    But then I saw her flying higher when I looked into her eyes
    There is evil on the way, I heard the blackbird say
    It will reach us by the coming of the day
    But for a moment there alone I was heading back for home

    How it hurts still there when she comes to show
    She's always near down the black brick road


    "Дорога Из Черного Кирпича"

    Я встретил сегодня черную птицу, летящую на юг, я посмотрел ей в глаза.
    Я видел – ее крылья устали, в ожиданье тепла.
    Зло на пути ждет, и выйдет на закате:
    Я услышал, сказала она, пока не развернулась вновь назад,
    Но в тот момент, тогда, один, я мог свой путь домой найти.

    Но как мне больно все еще, когда она напоминает мне.
    Она все время рядом, чуть дальше по дороге из черного кирпича.

    Я смотрел, как она стремилась к южному небу, когда сломала крылья и умерла,
    Но вновь была она еще выше, когда взглянул ей в глаза.
    Зло ждет на пути, сказала мне черная птица,
    Оно найдет нас по истечении дня,
    Но именно тогда, один, я все ближе к дому подходил.

    Но как мне больно все еще, когда она напоминает мне.
    Она все время рядом, чуть дальше по дороге из черного кирпича.
    I met a blackbird flying south tonight, I looked into her eyes tonight
    Looking for the light
    There is an evil on the way
    I heard her say before she turned and flew away
    I could find my way back home

    How it hurts still there
    She's always near the black brick road

    I lost her wings and died
    But then I saw her flying higher.
    There is evil on the way, I heard the blackbird say
    It will reach us
    But for a moment there alone I was heading back for home

    How it hurts still there
    She's always near the black brick road


    "Road From Black Brick"

    Today I met a black bird flying to the south, I looked into her eyes.
    I saw her wings are tired, waiting for the heat.
    Evil on the way awaits, and will come out at sunset:
    I heard, she said, until she turned around again,
    But at that moment, then, alone, I could find my way home.

    But how much I still hurt when she reminds me.
    She is always nearby, a little further along the black brick road.

    I watched as she strove towards the southern sky, when she broke her wings and died,
    But again she was even higher when she looked into her eyes.
    Evil is waiting on the way, a black bird told me
    It will find us at the end of the day,
    But just then, alone, I was getting closer to home.

    But how much I still hurt when she reminds me.
    She is always nearby, a little further along the black brick road.


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