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  • Текст песни Lestat The Musical - To Kill Your Kind

    Исполнитель: Lestat The Musical
    Название песни: To Kill Your Kind
    Дата добавления: 30.05.2020 | 06:52:08
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Lestat The Musical - To Kill Your Kind, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Be still I say for you excel Попридержи язык, говорю тебе, ибо ты превзошла
    In virtues common in the infidel Все человеческие добродетели в своем отступничестве,
    A mongrel bitch who feels compelled Отродье улиц, жалующаяся, что ее принудили,
    To twist the rules to suit herself Чтобы попрать запреты в угоду себе.
    Do you look at me and see a fool? По-твоему, я похож на идиота?
    Do we look like we bend for the likes of you? По-твоему, мы похожи на тех, кто уступит таким, как ты?
    What possesses you to cross that line? Что такого у тебя есть, чтобы переступить эту черту,
    When you know what it means to kill your kind Когда тебе известно, что это значит: убить себе подобного?

    No greater crime than to kill your kind Нет большего преступления, чем убить себе подобного X3

    This demon rides a carousel Этот дьяволенок качается на качелях,
    She would swing high and low on the gates of hell Она взмывает ввысь и опускается вниз на вратах ада,
    Pet the rats in the gutter pick the tick from the floor Гладит крыс в сточной канаве, подбирает клещей с пола,
    Make a doll play the role of a common whore Строит из себя куколку, играет роль обыкновенной шл**и.
    So look at me and squirm inside Так посмотри на меня и сожмись внутри:
    Did you think in this world there's a place to hide? Ты думала, в этом мире для тебя найдется место, чтобы спрятаться?
    From the ancient ones to the next in line От праотцев и до тех, у кого ещё всё впереди,
    It's always been a sin to kill your kind Убийство себе подобных всегда было грехом.

    No greater crime than to kill your kind Нет большего преступления, чем убить себе подобного

    Excuse me if this is unexpected Прости, если это неожиданно,
    Present company accepted Присутствующие это признают.
    Ignorance of what we teach Пренебрежение к тому, чему мы учим,
    Leaves help somewhere out of your reach Оставляет надежду на помощь бессмысленной,
    No Judas kiss is needed here Не нужно никаких поцелуев Иуды,
    My friends the evidence is clear Друзья мои, доказательства налицо:
    There's no greater crime than to kill your kind Нет большего преступления, чем убить себе подобного.

    Look hard upon your dirty work Полюбуйся на результаты своих грязных дел,
    Strong blood brought him back from the ashes and the earth Сильная кровь возродила его из праха и из земли.
    Correct me, cherie but it seems your schemes Поправь меня, дорогуша, но кажется, всё это – твоя затея,
    Come back to haunt your virgin dreams Ты еще не раз вернёшься в свои девственные мечты.
    We account not here for sex and age Мы здесь не смотрим ни на пол, ни на возраст,
    Compassion is a weakness of the mortal race Милосердие – слабость, присущая людскому роду.
    Enough is enough, I'm done so take her Поиграли – и хватит, я всё сказал, взять её!
    There's no greater crime than to kill your maker Нет большего преступления, чем убить себе подобного.

    No greater crime than to kill your kind Нет большего преступления, чем убить себе подобного,
    Be still I say for you excel Hold your tongue, I tell you, for you have surpassed
    In virtues common in the infidel All human virtues in their apostasy,
    A mongrel bitch who feels compelled Street Offspring complaining about being forced
    To twist the rules to suit herself To trample the bans to please yourself.
    Do you look at me and see a fool? Do you think I look like an idiot?
    Do we look like we bend for the likes of you? Do you think we are like those who succumb to people like you?
    What possesses you to cross that line? What do you have to cross that line
    When you know what it means to kill your kind When you know what it means: kill yourself like that?

    No greater crime than to kill your kind There is no greater crime than killing your own kind X3

    This demon rides a carousel This devil is swinging on a swing,
    She would swing high and low on the gates of hell She soars up and goes down on the gates of hell,
    Pet the rats in the gutter pick the tick from the floor Stroking rats in the gutter, picking ticks from the floor,
    Make a doll play the role of a common whore Builds a chrysalis, plays the role of an ordinary sch **.
    So look at me and squirm inside So look at me and squeeze inside:
    Did you think in this world there's a place to hide? You thought in this world there is a place for you to hide?
    From the ancient ones to the next in line From the forefathers to those who still have everything ahead
    It's always been a sin to kill your kind Killing your own kind has always been a sin.

    No greater crime than to kill your kind

    Excuse me if this is unexpected Sorry if this is unexpected,
    Present company accepted Those present recognize it.
    Ignorance of what we teach Ignoring what we teach
    Leaves help somewhere out of your reach Leaves hope for help meaningless,
    No Judas kiss is needed here No Judas kisses are needed,
    My friends the evidence is clear My friends, evidence is there:
    There's no greater crime than to kill your kind There is no greater crime than killing your own kind.
    Look hard upon your dirty work Admire the results of your dirty deeds,
    Strong blood brought him back from the ashes and the earth Strong blood revived him from the dust and from the earth.
    Correct me, cherie but it seems your schemes Correct me, sweetheart, but it seems all this is your idea,
    Come back to haunt your virgin dreams More than once you will return to your virgin dreams.
    We account not here for sex and age Here we do not look at either gender or age,
    Compassion is a weakness of the mortal race Mercy is the weakness inherent in the human race.
    Enough is enough, I'm done so take her Played - and enough, I said everything, take her!
    There's no greater crime than to kill your maker There's no greater crime than killing your own kind.

    No greater crime than to kill your kind There is no greater crime than killing your own kind,


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