Luba все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
- Let It Go
Let It Go
original version released on EP 'Luba' (1982)
updated version release on LP 'Secrets and Sins (1984)
and the 9 1/2 Weeks soundtrack (1986)
Too many doubts
too much fear
too much danger
- No More Words
You gave me your word
But now that your word
Doesn't mean that much to me
And in the silence I can hear
The truth ring loud and clear
I never meant that much to you
and it seems, a whisper to a scream
- The Best Is Yet To Come
When love's astray
there's nothing you can do about it
But who can say?
I won't be better off without it
I might be down
but don't count me out
There's a world
I want to know all about