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  • Текст песни Lusky - Другие

    Исполнитель: Lusky
    Название песни: Другие
    Дата добавления: 27.08.2024 | 07:30:32
    Просмотров: 1
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Lusky - Другие, перевод и видео.
    No one ever saw me cry
    Until I left the party the other night
    Do you remember all the things that you said to me?
    That came out of his mouth automatically
    But I'm so used to saying
    No one ever saw me cry
    Until I left the party the other night
    Do you remember all the things that you said to me?
    That came out of his mouth automatically
    But I'm so used to saying

    Мой взгляд на тебе - твоя вина
    Охлаждая меня, тебя греет ice моя рука
    Я другую даму примерил, но она мала
    Оставляешь шрамы на теле на теле - слабые места
    Где ты была? Где? Где ты была? Где?
    Где ты была? Где?
    Ответь на вопрос Была ли одна? а?
    Была одна
    С кем ты была? С кем ты была? С кем?
    С кем-то была
    Я тебя ждал, ты не пришла
    Ты обиделась на всех этих дам
    Думаешь о том, почему тебе врал
    И из всех тех уст, я выбрал только твое жало жало
    Я снова выброшу слова на ветра
    Все, что говорю я - огонь, но вода вода
    Я захватил твой разум, в тебе навсегда
    Этого мало
    О-оу о-оу прости меня
    О-оу о-оу схватил твой взгляд
    О-оу о-оу смогу ли стать?
    Рокстар да-да
    О-оу о-оу прости меня
    О-оу о-оу поздно менять
    О-оу о-оу они горят
    Они горят

    No one ever saw me cry
    Until I left the party the other night
    Do you remember all the things that you said to me?
    That came out of his mouth automatically
    But I'm so used to saying
    No one ever saw me cry
    Until I left the party the other night
    Do you remember all the things that you said to me?
    That came out of his mouth automatically
    But I'm so used to saying

    But I'm so used to saying
    But I'm so used to saying
    But I'm so used to saying
    No one Ever Saw Me Cry
    Until I Left the Party the Other Night
    Do you Remember All the Things that You Said to Me?
    That Came Out of His Mouth Automatically
    But i'm soed to saying
    No one Ever Saw Me Cry
    Until I Left the Party the Other Night
    Do you Remember All the Things that You Said to Me?
    That Came Out of His Mouth Automatically
    But i'm soed to saying

    My view on you is your fault
    Cooling me, Ice warms you my hand
    I tried another lady, but she is small
    You leave scars on the body on the body - weaknesses
    Where were you? Where? Where were you? Where?
    Where were you? Where?
    Answer the question is there one? A?
    There was one
    Who were you with? Who were you with? With whom?
    I was with someone
    I was waiting for you, you didn't come
    You were offended by all these ladies
    Think about why you lied to you
    And of all those lips, I only chose your sting
    I will throw the words on the wind again
    Everything that I say is fire, but water water
    I captured your mind, in you forever
    This is not enough
    Oh oh ooo forgive me
    Oh oh oh grabbed your gaze
    O-oh o-oh can I become?
    Rockstar yes
    Oh oh ooo forgive me
    Oh oh oh to change late
    Oh oh oh they burn
    They burn

    No one Ever Saw Me Cry
    Until I Left the Party the Other Night
    Do you Remember All the Things that You Said to Me?
    That Came Out of His Mouth Automatically
    But i'm soed to saying
    No one Ever Saw Me Cry
    Until I Left the Party the Other Night
    Do you Remember All the Things that You Said to Me?
    That Came Out of His Mouth Automatically
    But i'm soed to saying

    But i'm soed to saying
    But i'm soed to saying
    But i'm soed to saying


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