хос ырыа special order: Hallaan sulustardaah, kien uulussalar Learn to tread on the pillars Slaves drink a lot of silver Kunnee5i kunneri snake songs
Sabys sa5a kunu kundutuk körsöbün Bilbeppin tuoh bug inniber kuuterin Khas biirdii kunnerbit barita ....... Tugen umnulluma, learning umulluma There will be a lot of questions, and there will be a lot of pressure Arahsy, korsuhuu taptalyn oonnotor
double song
This is a day to see some slaves Umnubat tugeni to be prepared Eder drinks in the west, holding dry Utskuuluur silver kun, yllya5a silver flag We built the Hara5a flagpole Kistelets will get rid of the ideas