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  • Текст песни Marduk - Nightwing

    Исполнитель: Marduk
    Название песни: Nightwing
    Дата добавления: 23.04.2020 | 00:52:06
    Просмотров: 30
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Marduk - Nightwing, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    "Ночные крылья"

    Крылья ночи – летят сквозь небо
    И бросают свою тень на тех, кто на рассвете умрёт.
    Вдали большой обширный лес, лежащий на заброшенной земле,
    Управляя людьми, находящихся под властью руки Сатаны.
    Жаждущий всей крови, капающей со священных камней
    И с тёмных обрядов в чернейшем ночном часу.
    Кошмары спорят из-за темнейшего благословения и высшей энергии.

    И мантия энергии грядущего первенца,
    Того, кто жаждет зла и всех видов человеческого чувственного презрения,
    Того, кто пил кровь своего отца и оставлял его врагам разодранным и распоротым,
    И, который король залов в выси, с тех пор как был покинут.

    Ты когда-нибудь хотел узнать, что вдали человеческой сферы,
    Созерцать жизнь через смертельные тёмные завесы из берлоги демонов,
    Стоять выше вечного покоя и каждую ночь вставать из своей могилы
    И наблюдать жизнь тех, кто с зубами родился из чрева своих матерей.

    Ибо я – смерть, и ты таким будешь,
    Когда на крыльях ночи ты поедешь со мной.

    Запоры войны открыты чародеем вампиров
    С опасными клыками, с которых течёт кровь.

    Ночные крылья – штурм через вечность.
    И разрывает на части тех, кто падает от человеческих насмешек.
    Внутри замковых стен притаилось зло,
    Которое с мудрецами сделало наставника, дающего кровь богов наилучшим людям.
    Он, кто владеет даром, от которого дрожь по спине,
    И пробуждает людей, кто идёт прочь от смертельного мирового упадка.
    Он свирепое творение, которое нагоняет на ангелов страх,
    Кто видит боль как страсть и жизнь – в войне со смертной расой.

    Его гроб на любой лошади подобен шагающей горе.
    Он идёт будить дьявола из его сна.

    Запоры войны открыты чародеем вампиров
    С опасными клыками, с которых течёт кровь.

    Тянущий из нашего хрупкого существования когтями смерти,
    Вызывает косящую и чувствует дыхание жнеца,
    Пройдет туннель обратно, когда ты, первый из живущих, будешь зарезан.
    И тогда все смертные чувствующие прекратили свои страдания,
    Ибо я – темнота и ты таким будешь.
    Как на крыльях ночи ты проедешь со мной.

    Nightwing - fly across the sky
    And cast your shadow over those who before dawn will die
    Beyond a great vast forest lies the desolate land
    Ruled by men controlled by Satans hand
    Craving for the ever blood dripping saints stone
    And with dark rites in the nights blackest hour
    Nightmares strife for the darksides blessing and the higher power

    And the mantel of power should be shouldered by the firstborn
    The one who crave evil and all kinds of human feelings scorn
    He who drank his fathers blood and leaves his foes ripped and torn
    And which the king halls up high since long forlorn

    Have you ever wondered what's beyond the human sphere
    To behold life through deaths dark veils from the demons lair
    To stand above the eternal rest and every night rise up from your tomb
    And behold life like the ones who with teeth was born from their mothers womb

    For I am death and so you shall be
    When on the nightwing you ride with me

    The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
    With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls

    Nightwing - storm through eternity
    And rip asunder those who fall for the human mockery
    Within the massive castlewalls lurks the evil now again
    Which with wise men made a truse by giving the blood of gods best men
    He who possessess the gift which sends shivers down the spine
    And awaken people who step away from the mortal worlds decline
    He is the fierce creature which the angels fear to chase
    Who see pain as passion and lives at war with the mortal race

    His tomb is for any horse to cross like a mountain step
    He has come to awake the devil from his sleep

    The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
    With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls

    Pulled from our frail existence by the claws of death
    To defy the scythe and feel the reapers breath
    To walk the tunnel backwards when you first life has bee
    "Night Wings"
    Wings of the night - fly through the sky
    And cast a shadow on those who die at dawn.
    In the distance a large vast forest lying on an abandoned land,
    By controlling people under the power of the hands of Satan.
    Thirsty for all the blood dripping from the sacred stones
    And from the dark rites in the blackest night time.
    Nightmares argue over dark blessings and higher energies.
    And the mantle of energy of the coming firstborn,
    One who craves evil and all kinds of human sensory contempt,
    The one who drank the blood of his father and left it to his enemies torn and ripped apart,
    And, which is the king of the halls in high, since he was abandoned.
    Have you ever wanted to know that far away from the human sphere,
    Contemplate life through the deadly dark veils of the den of demons,
    Stand above eternal rest and rise from your grave every night
    And to observe the life of those who were born with teeth from the womb of their mothers.
    For I am death, and you will be so
    When on the wings of night you ride with me
    Constipation of war discovered by vampire sorcerer
    With dangerous fangs from which blood flows.
    Night wings - storm through eternity.
    And tearing to pieces those who fall from human ridicule.
    Evil lurked inside the castle walls
    Which with the sages made a mentor who gives the blood of the gods to the best people.
    He who possesses a gift from which trembling on the back,
    And awakens people who walk away from the deadly global decline.
    He is a fierce creature that makes angels fear
    Who sees pain as passion and life is in a war against the mortal race.
    His coffin on any horse is like a walking mountain.
    He is going to wake the devil from his dream.
    Constipation of war discovered by vampire sorcerer
    With dangerous fangs from which blood flows.
    Drawing from our fragile existence by the claws of death,
    It causes a mowing and feels the breath of a reaper,
    The tunnel will pass back when you, the first of the living, are slaughtered.
    And then all mortal sentinels ceased their suffering,
    For I am darkness and you will be so.
    Like on the wings of the night you ride with me

    Nightwing - fly across the sky
    And cast your shadow over those who before dawn will die
    Beyond a great vast forest lies the desolate land
    Ruled by men controlled by Satans hand
    Craving for the ever blood dripping saints stone
    And with dark rites in the nights blackest hour
    Nightmares strife for the darksides blessing and the higher power
    And the mantel of power should be shouldered by the firstborn
    The one who crave evil and all kinds of human feelings scorn
    He who drank his fathers blood and leaves his foes ripped and torn
    And which the king halls up high since long forlorn
    Have you ever wondered what's beyond the human sphere
    To behold life through deaths dark veils from the demons lair
    To stand above the eternal rest and every night rise up from your tomb
    And behold life like the ones who with teeth was born from their mothers womb
    For I am death and so you shall be
    When on the nightwing you ride with me
    The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
    With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls
    Nightwing - storm through eternity
    And rip asunder those who fall for the human mockery
    Within the massive castlewalls lurks the evil now again
    Which with wise men made a truse by giving the blood of gods best men
    He who possessess the gift which sends shivers down the spine
    And awaken people who step away from the mortal worlds decline
    He is the fierce creature which the angels fear to chase
    Who see pain as passion and lives at war with the mortal race
    His tomb is for any horse to cross like a mountain step
    He has come to awake the devil from his sleep
    The warlocks deciple, enchanter of ghouls
    With exposed fangs from which the blood drouls
    Pulled from our frail existence by the claws of death
    To defy the scythe and feel the reapers breath
    To walk the tunnel backwards when you first life has bee


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