- Believers
I am your God
I am your cult
I am your belief
I hold in my hand the answer
If you can tell me what it is,
I will give it to you
- Electric Womb
And man-kind will prevail
A kind of man
Bloated flesh sweating
Beneath the thin membranous skin
Stunted shrivelled limbs draped in clammy folds
Twitching hands emerging
- I, Rodent
Listen to me!
I am another spitting mouth
Screaming fickle wisdom
Drowning in ego
And monstrous contradiction
I am the centre of the universe
Narcissist in a cloak of vagueness
- Morality Slug
It waits in the arcade,
With the games and toys
Morality Slug, Righteousness Machine
Insert your coin, to receive enlightenment
It shifts its bulk and grins,
Plays at innocence at awe
Morality Slug, Devious Contraption
- Speak
Fools ever clambering for the pulpit
A moment's thought is a lifetime wisdom
Dress fickle desire in a cloak of philosophy
Paint your brown fur with peacock colours
Seek meaning or seek notoriety
The search for purpose is an endless plummet
So build a bridge of borrowed words
- The Mighty Spires
Remark the witch!
The woman who dared defy
Bound to the mighty spear
That pierces the gentle sky
Hear her scream
As a woman should
Arms twisted, shackled around
- The Predatory Herd
Crawling, writhing collective beast
Collective consciousness of pest
Stinking in the pits - Rats
Crawling, fighting to become man
From filth
Become filth maker