A Tale Of HonestyLyrics:
Spoken: and they say, beware the mare with the stetson hat
for all that follows her is darkness and decay
and the smell of apples
where trouble and despair stop to rest
you can bet that you'll be looking at this mare
she's trots across the nation, the element of honesty
Dinkies mumDinky, can I come over after school? (after school)
I can smell the muffins left to cool. (left to cool)
But you know the mare that I really prize...(really prize)
Brings me mail, the pegasus who has silly eyes (silly eyes)
You know, I'm not the little colt that I used to be
Got my cutie mark now, baby can't you see
Elementsif i told you that there were six little mares
who save the world everyday with no cares
you would probably say, that i'm going insane
well let me tell you now my friend thats where you are wrong
nightmare moon and discord too and a swarm of parasprites
means nothing to these six brave mares, who just stand up and find
for everything you are, and everything you do.
Get Down Wit The Poniescan you feel that?
aah horse apples
twilight sparkle x2
applejack x 3
drowning deep in my sea of ponies
love and tolerance is all i hear (watch some ponies with me)
scoots parentspull that blanket tighter dear
she seems to be a little cold
here's your pacifier, and your teddy bear
its not much but its all we could afford
little scootaloo, know that we always loved you
though we couldnt be there
to watch you grow