Alan[Verse 1]
Did you notice
We sleep through the night
Did you notice, babe
Everything is alright
You need me
braidmmph remix 2018
[verse 1]
i won't give
settle in
sure as a shadow
never quit
Dark PartsThe hands of God were bigger than Grandpa's eyes
But still he broke the elastic on your waist
But he'll never break you, baby
But he'll never break you, baby
The hands of God were bigger than Grandpa's eyes
But he's long gone
Die 4 YouLimit every second left
Until I'm off balance
Oh love
I'm there in spirit
Each and every breath I spend
You are collecting
DirgeBoys that held him dear,
Do your weeping now,
All you loved of him lies here,
Do your weeping now.
Brought to earth the arrogant brow,
And the withering tongue,
Do your weeping now.
Gay AngelsСамая тихая музыка в мире
Майк Адреас, он же Perfume Genius — это одна из наиболее загадочных фигур, появившихся в музыке за последнее время.. Кроме имени о музыканте ничего не известно — Майк предпочитает молчание, не идет на контакт с прессой и дает на откуп только свое творчество. Его тексты шокируют журналистов BBC и Guardian — наиболее известная работа с альбома «Mr. Peterson» повествует о любви подростка и взрослого мужчины, которая заканчивается суицидом последнего. Песня «Gay Angels» заканчивается задыхающимся от плача голосом и шепчущим «It's okay, it's okay...». Все это с минимумом аранжировок под один лишь перебор клавиш фортепиано или церковного органа. Да и весь альбом «Learning» записан в подобном стиле — это скорее не музыка, а интимное послание всему миру.
Go AheadWhat you think?
I don't remember asking
What you mean?
Baby take a seat
Now watch me
Watch me walk on by
Look Out, Look OutMary, Mary-belle within a bird-cage cell,
All your neighbors know what your mother sells
But you carved out a name; you carved out a name for yourself
Look out, look out
Look out, look out
Look out, look out
Look out, look out
Mr. PetersonMy work came back from class
With notes attached
Of a place and time
Or how my body kept him up at night
He let me smoke weed in his truck
If I could convince him I loved him enough
Enough, enough, enough, 'nough
My BodyI go hungry
Pick at the shell
Paw the bottom
Of the well
I wear my body
I go bottom
Normal SongHold my hand
I am afraid
Please pray for me
When I am away
Comfort the girl
Help her understand
No memory
Twenty days spent together
Marks healing on your hands
Remember, remember that
Twenty days add together
He took advantage
QueenDon't you know your queen
Flower bloom at my feet
Don't you know your queen
Queen - Live KEXP[Verse 1]
Don't you know your queen?
Ripped, heaving
Flower bloom at my feet
Don't you know your queen?
Cracked, peeling
Riddled with disease
Don’t you know me?
Sister SongDrive on, drive on
My special one
Don't you stop 'til you know you're gone
Your sister and me have a set of keys
Don't you worry your head 'bout a thing
Drive on, drive on
My special one
Slip Away[Verse 1]
Don't hold back, I want to break free
Cause it's singing through your body
And I'm carried by the sound
Every jump, every single beat
They were born from your body
And I'm carried by the sound
Take Me HomeTake me home, tend me
Baby, lay me down easy
For I have grown weary on my own
Ohhhh, all alone
I wither and I bruise
I run my mouth like a fool
I'll be so quiet for you
you won't b hereThat was all a lie
Pretended for you.
It doesnt matter
Who you answer to.
Your heart will break
Whatever you do.
But you wont b here