Peter Tevis все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
A gringo like meРуку – на револьвер.
Ты на слово не верь.
Доверять только лишь мертвецу можно или
Гринго, вроде меня.
С ходу первым стреляй.
В каждом – лжи через край.
Правду скажет тебе лишь покойник, а, впрочем,
Pastures Of PlentyIt's a mighty hard row my poor hands have hoed
My poor feet have travelled this hot dusty road
Out of your dustbowl and westward we roam
Through deserts so hot and through mountains so cold
I've wandered all over your green, growing land
Wherever your crops are, I'll lend you my hand
On the edge of your cities, you'll see me and then
Per Un Pugno Di DollariThe hate among men
That comes from the wanting of gold
Destroys everyone - young and old
When men reach the end of the chase
And find that their life is a waste
They find their gold was in their chances
Now there's no new chance